Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2912: Guards 1 family!

Ye Chen was talking about Yiyi. Even in the past few years, even the ultimate ancient road, the supreme ancient realm, and even the ten-day realm, the supreme ancient realm, the ultimate ancient realm and other places, it is a pity that Yiyi’s identity has never been real. Understanding.

   Over time, I can't get the corresponding answer, and sometimes I forget it.

   Seeing the city lord of the first Emperor Guan again today, I also remembered the first encounter that year, what he said, I couldn't help asking for advice.

   Yiyi’s identity has a lot of origins. It is rumored to be a race against the sky in the Chaos Sea, but what kind of race it is, I hope to know, and I want to help Yiyi find his family.

   After hearing this, the first Diguan City Lord naturally also remembered, and said sternly: "Little friends, please follow me."


One quasi-king and one divine king, even if the world in the tenth emperor pass is an emperor realm, it is extremely fast, crossing many tens of thousands of miles in a short time, and once again came to the tenth emperor pass and below the emperor pass. .

   The city lord of the First Diguan pointed to one side of the Immortal Pass, and said: "Little friend, here may be the answer you want to know."

   Ye Chen is approaching, this is a stone mural, but it is a bit surprisingly large, spanning tens of thousands of miles.

   Take a closer look, this is a vast picture scroll with some important secrets recorded on it.

   Sweeping the divine consciousness, I discovered that this was a battle about the destruction of myths, a battle about the peak of the two universes.

   Among them, there are the Taishenghuang, the fighting ancestor, the time-space great, the heavenly emperor, and other ancient great emperors of the sealed universe, fighting the heavens, confronting foreign races, and killing the heavens and the earth.

   At this moment, Ye Chen's pupils shrank slightly, and a special figure appeared near the center of the scroll.

   That is a little beast, white and petite.

"Yiyi?" Ye Chen was surprised, but when he took a closer look, it was not, because different from Yiyi's innocence and cuteness, this little white beast was full of a special kind of majesty and strength, looming, like a world-famous one. The great emperor, in all ages, has an invincible spirit that rivals that of Taisheng Emperor!

This mysterious little white beast appeared after stepping on the river over time. Aoling Chaos Sea shot out a few mysterious and special apertures, directly trapping several ancient emperors of foreign races, demonstrating the supremacy of the world. Repair for.

   In the other places on the stone mural, there are several similar figures.

   The basic stone mural painting is not as good as the little white beast in the middle, but each one is equally powerful and terrifying, and it is suspected to be comparable to the supreme, fighting an emperor battle with the ancient emperor of the alien ancient universe.

  The mysterious white little beasts are united with the sealed universe to deal with alien races.

   Ye Chen was shocked to see, because the four small white beasts that appeared were at least at the supreme level.

   Supreme, that is, the level of the emperor and the supreme immortal.

   But how difficult it is for the Supreme to be born, such as the Sun Emperor, the Chi Xue Supreme, and the Myth Supreme. No one can truly break through after being sleepy for half an era or even an era.

   The birth of a supreme person is enough to directly promote the clan he belongs to to become an emperor or a fairy clan, so as to overlook the vast universe and become the supreme overlord force.

   Often only one supreme of an emperor or immortal family appears, and it is difficult to give birth to a second supreme.

   I have never heard of any emperor, emperor and daughter, or heir of the fairy dao, who became the supreme.

   is as strong as a real dragon, and it is almost the most powerful family in the Chaos Sea.

   Pure-blood real dragon, in terms of talent, potential, and in all aspects, are no less than Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao, and even the first true dragon in the legend-the ancestor dragon is the strongest emperor-level existence.

   However, the number of pure-blooded dragons has been very small throughout the ages, and often there are not a few of them in an era, which is very few.

   There are only a handful of those who can truly become the supreme level, and they are often separated in various time periods and locations, and it is difficult to see them together.

   But the white little beast clan is the supreme clan, appearing at the same time, and the leader is suspected to be the strongest emperor.

   This kind of race is enough to call it a sky-defying race.

   Ye Chen recalled Yiyi, thinking, what kind of race is this little white beast?

   Ye Chen humbly asked the lord of the first Emperor Guan.

   The first Diguan City Lord shook his head slightly: "Actually, I am not very clear about this clan, but I did not seal the universe, but came from the depths of the Chaos Sea. Rumor has it that this clan is related to the place of origin."

  The place of origin! ?

   Ye Chen's pupils shrank slightly, does this clan come from the place of origin?

   After talking for a while, Ye Chen said goodbye to the city lord of the first emperor's gate, because at this time, the Supreme Passage was ready to go to the Wanyu Center.

"Boundary Tower, goodbye for the time being. The next time I see you again, it will be when I retreat and attack the Primordial King." Ye Chen glanced at the standing Boundary Tower and sighed in his heart. This time I came back too hurriedly to go right away. World Tower, head to the legendary Primordial God Realm.

  Because he knew that once the Taikoo King was hit, he didn't know how long it would take to succeed.

   The situation in the closed universe is extremely critical, especially in Tianmen, and there is also the great world of and he needs to rush over immediately.

   As soon as he stepped into the Supreme Passage, Ye Chen's eyes suddenly condensed, because he saw a familiar bright shadow among the strong gathered outside the pass.

   This woman, Chen'er was born the same, with the same original energy, and the same appearance. Ye Chen accidentally broke into it and was considered a voyeur.

   I saw it now, but it appeared here.

   But the beautiful woman is no longer the coquettish she used to be, looking at herself in the crowd, there is an inexplicable sadness in her eyes, which makes his heart tremble slightly.

   haven't paid much attention yet, the Supreme Passage will send Ye Chen and others directly into the space-time passageway, and leave.

"I haven't seen the past life, don't meet the next life, only this life..." The beautiful woman who looks like Chen'er sighed quietly, her beautiful shadow is looming, as if it should not exist in the world, and the surrounding powers also seem to have never been obtained. Seeing her as if it never existed.


   "Chen'er, do you have any other sisters?" In the Supreme Passage, everyone was traveling at great speed, traveling through endless time and space, during which Ye Chen asked Chen'er.

   Chener shook his head with a naive look of confusion: "I don't remember it."

   "Really?" Ye Chen sighed softly. If not, who is this beautiful woman who looks like Chen'er?

   He always feels that he has a cause and effect with her.

   and it's like a big cause and effect.


   With the help of the Supreme Passage of the Emperor Pass, Ye Chen immediately rushed to the center of Wanyu without stopping.

   The Supreme Passage is indeed very fast, containing a supreme mighty force established by the Emperor, and it only took half a day to reach the center of Wanyu from the imperial gate on the edge of the universe.

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