Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2939: Longhuangyuan

The remnant soul of the alien king couldn't believe it.

Back then, this kid still needed the powerful blood resonance of the fighting saints to be able to stand him in the first battle. Hundreds of years have passed. Without the help of others, he could easily hit himself hard?

Ye Chen didn't say a word, slapped it, and slapped it with a billowing chaos.

This time, the remnant soul of the alien king was almost wiped out, and he grabbed it in his palm.

If you didn't want to ask about the future whereabouts of the goddess, Ye Chen's slap was enough to kill these remnants.

The quasi-king against the sky is enough to retreat in the face of the ancient king, let alone him.

A halo of halo appeared in his hand, imprisoning the remnant soul of the alien king in it, condescendingly, and said: "Say, why is the woman here missing?"

The remnant soul of the alien king was terrified. He never expected that only a few hundred years had passed, when the little saint had grown to this point.

"I don't know, it disappeared suddenly one day." The alien king remnant soul said.

"Suddenly disappeared?" Ye Chen squinted his eyes instantly, flashing a dangerous light, and said, "Do you think I would believe it?"

"Really, it disappeared all of a sudden, and a long river of years suddenly appeared." Remnant Soul of the alien king hurriedly replied.


Ye Chen's expression changed slightly, imprisoning the remnant soul of the alien king, using time to go back to Dafa, covering this place, back to back.

At this point in the cultivation base, even if this place is the place where the king fell, he is not afraid, and he can go back.


Suddenly, the eternal taboo sky thunder exploded, causing Ye Chen's color to change, and he said in a deep voice, "It involves the Supreme?"

He clearly felt that an infernal force was influencing him, making it impossible for him to go back in time smoothly.

But also just now, vaguely saw a ray of past time fragments, and really saw the emergence of the long river of years, the future of the goddess submerged in it and disappeared.

"Little friend, I have already informed you of the message, can you let me go?" The Remnant Soul of the alien king almost begged.


With a sudden grasp of the palm of his hand, the remnant soul of the alien king was wiped out.

Those who are not of my race must have different hearts, let alone a foreign race, how can they let the tiger go back to the mountain.

Ye Chen tore open the nine magic mountains with his bare hands, and found the original world of the alien king, which never dies.

The reincarnation body of the great emperor in the body grabbed it and submerged in the realm of the emperor, ready to devour it.

In the Desolate Desolate Region, Ye Chen found the sacred skeleton of the fighting saint’s line of power, and placed it respectfully in the original universe inside the body, looking for a suitable opportunity to store it in the fighting temple in the future. In the Hall of Heroes.

As for the flesh of the alien king, it has been inseparable from this time for countless years, and it is still a treasure for the alien.

Ye Chen was worried that in the future the alien army would invade the center of the Dao Wanyu, this place would become their stronghold. Now, the chaos will cover the sky and the sun, collapse many demon mountains, and all the outside world will kill the formation.

With the sun's mark evolving into a round of heavens, along with the strong and supreme chaotic blood qi, it burns the entire perish and wasteland, and burns all the devil qi.

The chaotic fire is immortal and immortal. When one day in the future, the devil energy here will completely disappear, and it will dissipate spontaneously.

At this point, Ye Chen left.

When Ye Chen and others reappeared in the Dragon Phoenix Courtyard, they immediately shook the Dragon Phoenix Courtyard.

The most magnificent front door opened. In the Longhuang Courtyard, the Dean of Longhuang, as well as many famous elders and elders, and even the old antiques of the past generation that were suspected of sitting in the past appeared one after another, welcoming Ye Chen with the highest standards.

This kind of specification, even if the Emperor Taikoo came here, it was nothing.

However, Ye Chen has now achieved a reputation and has swept through two ancient roads and returned against the sky. It has also prevented the crisis of the tenth emperor pass. He has made remarkable achievements in the entire sealed universe. Such specifications are also normal.

"My little friend, I haven't seen you for many years. You have reached the level of transformation, and you are about to stabilize the king. It is really gratifying." Dean Longhuang smiled and folded his fists to congratulate. After years of absence, he has also become a generation of gods, and his majesty is more than ever.

It's just that there is a huge gap compared to Ye Chen.

"Senior praised." Ye Chen said with a smile.

This made many of the legends, elders, and antiques of the Dragon Phoenix Academy secretly nod their heads. If ordinary people reach a high position like Ye Chen, their tails would have been raised, but Ye Chen is still so humble and polite, which is really rare.

"Senior, this matter comes to the younger generation, there is one more thing." Ye Chen said.

The Dragon Phoenix Academy stroked his long beard and laughed: "You don’t need to say more, the old man understands. The sacred skeleton of the fighting saints is located in a small world in the back mountain, and no one dares to desecrate. Little friends just go, no People dare to stop."

"It's so good, I'm bothering senior." Ye Chen also breathed a sigh of relief, went to the back mountain, and respectfully retrieved all the saints of the fighting saints.

With the arrival of Ye Chen, the young generation who was famous at the time, the strongest Tianjiao Fighting Saint King, completely shocked the entire Dragon Phoenix Academy. Naturally, countless Tianjiao leaders vie to appear, and they came to see the invincible Fighting Saint King. What an invincible posture the king is.

In the courtyard, I don't know how many Tianjiao from the heavens and Wanyu, but it can be compared with another well-known training institution-Wanyu Mansion.

Especially with the advent of the golden age, many geniuses of all races have emerged. You can see the generations of tianjiao in the Holy Realm and the Heavenly King Realm everywhere, as well as the top tianjiao of the Great Power Realm.

Many people have the qualifications of kings, and there are many qualifications of true kings, and there are even the existence of the Supreme Tianjiao, and naturally they are not the Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao.

Boom boom boom boom--

Suddenly, five streams of light came across in the distance, and finally landed in front of Ye Chen and the others, knelt down on the ground, with a fiery and respectful expression: "Tui'er has seen the teacher!"

Those who came were surprisingly the five named disciples who had been recruited and recruited through the Dragon Phoenix Academy back then, such as Lun Tianzi, Hidden King, Kylin King, Yue Goddess, Tongxuan King, and others. Now they have become a generation of great powers, which is very good. .

"Get up."

Ye Chen's attitude is very gentle. Although he is a named disciple, he hasn't carried it since he received it. After restocking and staying in the Dragon Phoenix Courtyard, he went to the ultimate ancient road and left for hundreds of years.

I also apologized for the five registered disciples, but when I saw it today, I gave them some guidance and asked them to prepare, officially follow them, and start fighting the heavens!

The five famous disciples were all very pleasantly but they knew that following Ye Chen was far better than Longhuangyuan.

It's not that the Dragon Phoenix Academy is not good enough. On the contrary, the two most prestigious training schools in the heavens and domains are enough to prove everything, and even the emperors of the past dynasties have stepped out of it.

It's just that in the later stage, it is naturally not better to be beside Ye Chen.

Ye Chen and the others didn't leave immediately, but stayed for a while, talking and laughing with Dean Longhuang and others, as if they were the same generation.

There were densely packed Longhuang Academy students all around, but they deliberately left a fairly open space in the middle, not daring to disturb Ye Chen, Dean Longhuang and others.

"Ye Chen?"

Among the crowd, a young and handsome young man stared at Ye Chen in the middle of the crowd. He was stunned when he left Tiandu Continent, but see you today.

(End of this chapter)

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