Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2962: The Secret of Qingtian Emperor

Di Wentian smiled bitterly: "It seems that you can solve all this without me."

Ye Chen shook his head and said, "Thank you very much, and ask Tian brother."

Emperor Wentian made a move, and the blue sky Dading communicated with the tenth heaven, and even more attracted the infinite power of the tenth heaven. The vast blue sky actually slowed the passage of time.

He said: "I used the secret method to reverse the passage of time to a certain extent, and it became a hundred times slower. Although it can't be maintained for too long, it is enough to maintain one hour, and if the outside world only passes for twenty breathing hours. "

"At this hour, I will tell you some truths about the myths shattered back then!"

One hour's time is enough.

Ye Chen thought.

It's just that he looked at the great blue sky cauldron and frowned slightly. This was the center of the ancient alien universe, could it block the perception of the alien emperor?

As if he knew how to read minds, Emperor Wentian smiled slightly: "Don't worry, this is my father's self-branding of the emperor forbidden technique on the blue sky cauldron. Not to mention it is an ordinary supreme, even the strongest emperor will be caught Block one or two."

Emperor Wentian said: "The Saint of Fighting--"

Ye Chen said: "You can call me Ye Chen, brother."

"Okay, Ye Chen." Di Wentian didn't refuse, and said: "Some doubts, you must really want to know why my father betrayed the sealed universe back then, joined the alien ancient universe, and even stabbed the sealed universe. It lacks the most important tenth heaven, and it has created an unsatisfactory way of heaven. For countless years, it will be difficult to give birth to the Supreme Heavenly Journey."

Ye Chen nodded, remembering the words of the Great Emperor Time and Space, thinking of the shots on the long river of time, and seeing Emperor Wentian's shots, he knew that Emperor Qingtian must have his own difficulties.

After all, not everyone is willing to bear the eternal infamy.

Emperor Wentian said with a stern expression: "You tell me, my father joined the alien ancient universe because of the joint decision of all the emperors of the world."

"All the emperors of the sealed world decide together?" Ye Chen was surprised.

"Yes, in the last era, the most glorious and prosperous era of the mythical era, when the Emperor of Heaven, Emperor Time and Space, Emperor Taisheng, and my father were the strongest emperors in the world, they actually sensed the conspiracy of the alien ancient universe, and they also knew about the alien race. The First Generation will provoke the supreme existence of each era to take action against the sealed universe, and the Emperor of Heaven has no choice but to block the supreme existence of each era alone."

"The sealed universe back then, the Alien Ancient Universe and the Primordial Immortal Realm, were the three most powerful Chaos Ancient Universes in the Chaos Sea. The enclosed universe was only slightly weaker than the Alien Ancient Universe."

"But Shidai is the most terrifying. He didn't take action, but he was able to tell the most terrifying existence to take action. Even back then, not only did the existence of the various eras that constrain the emperor take action, but also the supreme existence in the sea of ​​chaos. I can’t take it off either, if there is an immortal, I heard that the immortal king is more tempted, and secretly shot."

Ye Chen nodded, and he also knew that the situation of sealing the universe back then was unprecedentedly difficult.

He saw it at the fifth level of the ultimate ancient road. Back then, the ancestor of fighting war faced the shot of the ancient alien emperor, and there was the shadow of the supreme immortal.

In that situation, no matter how powerful the sealed universe is, it can't stand it.

Emperor Wentian sighed: "Although it was the Primordial Immortal Realm that eventually came forward to prevent the ancient alien universe from destroying the sealed universe, some supreme immortals, and even fairy kings, have a certain relationship with the ancient alien universe. The interior of the Primordial Immortal Realm cannot be completely Together, the horror of the alien race has long since permeated the primordial immortal realm silently."

The more you listen, the more you can understand the terrible alien race.

As the most powerful prehistoric immortal realm on the bright side, it is also conceivable that foreign powers are infiltrating.

"Back then, the emperors of the sealed universe knew that they could not compete with the ancient universe of foreign races. It was inevitable to be invaded. Moreover, the first generation personally recruited my father, and the emperors of the sealed world secretly discussed, letting my father betray the sealed universe and join the foreign race. The ancient universe is dormant in secret, undercover, and find an opportunity to capture the alien ancient universe from within."

Conquering the ancient alien universe from within, is this really possible?

Ye Chen didn't doubt the abilities of Emperor Qingtian, but was deeply jealous of the alien race.

We must know the power of the ancient alien universe, especially the First Generation. The Eight Desolate Ancient Universes were all shattered because of this. Isn't the strongest emperor like Emperor Hantian also dead at the immortal pass of the immortal world?

It would be extremely dangerous to go deep into the enemy camp like this, even as the strongest emperor.

Ye Chen frowned: "Why did the foreign race recruit the senior emperor Qingtian? In this way, is it possible that after recruiting the senior emperor Qingtian into the foreign ancient universe, he will suddenly make a move, which is absolutely irreversible for the entire alien ancient universe. Fallen to many ancient emperors."

"Furthermore, the Heavenly Dao in the ancient alien universe is consummated. It has existed for the tenth day. Wouldn't the participation of the senior emperor Qingtian cause conflict?

This is what he doesn't understand.

Emperor Wen Tiandao: "There are two reasons. One is that, as you can see, what the alien race wants to do is to weaken the heavenly way of the entire sealed universe and also weaken the development potential. The lack of heavenly way makes it impossible for the Supreme Tianjiao to be born, and it is also difficult to be born. The existence of the ancient emperor. Therefore, in this era, the overall strength of the sealed universe is greatly weakened, and the strong at all levels are reduced by many times compared with the era of mythology."

"Secondly, if you think, in the ancient alien universe where the heaven is my father’s participation will make heaven riots and conflicts, but in the same way, the existence of the two tenth days will also make The Dao of Heaven is more powerful, and the probability of the birth of the Supreme Tianjiao is far higher than that of other ancient chaos universes, and the same is true for the Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao, which is not weaker than the emperor's emperor, and the descendants of the fairy dao.

"As for the conflict between the tenth day of the ancient alien universe and my father, although this is true, it is impossible to reject my father, because generally ten days are the existence of the rules of the heavens, and the heavens are ruthless and rely on everything. This is the truth for dogs. My father is the heaven that gave birth to spiritual wisdom. Once Heaven awakens spiritual wisdom, it is far stronger than the existence of non-awakened spiritual wisdom. Moreover, my father is still the most powerful on the tenth day."

"Even since this era, with the power of the tenth day, my father has quietly swallowed and eroded the heavens of the alien ancient universe on the tenth day, and became a part of him."

Seeing the confident smile at the corner of Di Wentian’s mouth, Ye Chen felt shocked and inexplicable. He secretly sighed that the foreign race was really stealing chickens and not eclipsing the rice. He recruited Emperor Qingtian to join the ancient alien universe and strengthened the tenth day. On the tenth day of the ancient alien universe, Emperor Qingtian eroded silently and became a part. ()

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