Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2978: I will wait for you in the future

When the Immortal Sky closed, facing the gaze of the foreign emperors, Ye Chen calmly calmed down.

Such a posture, even those emperors and daughters are far inferior.

However, some foreign emperors showed terrible killing intent, causing extremely terrifying visions to appear in the stars of the universe, what Yin soldiers cross the sea, what corpses of gods and demons are falling like rain, what is the beginning of the world, what is the reversal of time and space , A giant from the past, what kind of universe collapses...

Obviously, there was a great alien who wanted to kill Ye Chen.

"It's okay, he can't be enlightened. Taking a shot at a junior will also prevent me from waiting for the supreme status, even if he is from the universe."

Some alien great emperors hold their own status, and the dignified great emperor actually shot a younger generation, which is simply a shame to the supreme status.

What's more, Ye Chen is cultivating the Great Chaos Dao, even if the Great Sage Emperor and other giants exist in this Dao Dao, even the existence of giants like Taishenghuang has not been able to cultivate to completion, let alone just a junior.

Even though Ye Chen has become a quasi-king and has walked a long way on the road of quasi-king, in the eyes of the supreme, it is still as small as dust as an ant.

Don't say it is a quasi-king against the sky, even if the king of the ancients is in front of them, he still kills.

There were also some ancient emperors who didn't care at all, thinking that Ye Chen was too much against the sky, making them all feel like the rise of the second unphased king.

But in the end, it still didn't make a shot.

Because Yandi’s identity is valued by Yandi, once they make a move, if Yandi does not return and madly enters the ancient alien universe, with the strongest emperor-level giant combat power, it can definitely drag more than five fingers of the alien race The fall of the emperor was not what they wanted to see.

It's a pity that they didn't know that Ye Chen was the eternal quasi-king status, otherwise they would do anything at all and just shoot directly, and then quickly.

Because the existence of embarking on the path of eternity, even if it is just a quasi-king, has infinite threats.


Suddenly, the center of the ancient alien universe exploded, and a majestic beam of light soared through the sky above and below the starry sky, as if connecting the highest and lowest points of the ancient alien universe.

The beam of light was huge, rough as the sky, and filled with an energy beyond the supreme, which made many ancient foreign emperors surrender, looking at the ancestral temple in the center of the universe with awe.

That is the truly highest ancestral temple in the ancient alien universe, even other ancestral temples cannot be compared.

"The first generation!"

For some reason, Ye Chen felt in his heart and looked at the Central Ancestral Temple.

In that ancestral temple, there was a figure looming, unable to see what shape it was, only a pair of gazes came out through perspective, straddling the land of the infinite starry sky, and finally landed on Ye Chen, who was on the immortal heaven.

A voice that didn't know whether it was a male or a female, without the slightest emotion, suddenly echoed in his mind at this moment: "I am waiting for you in the future."

Ye Chen's head was blank.

I am waiting for you in the future!

This is what Shidai said to him or to others.

It's just that when I came back to my senses, the beam of light that pierced the center of the universe had disappeared, and the central ancestral temple, the most central temple, was up and down quietly without any fluctuations.

All this seems to be just an illusion.

He suddenly remembered that the supreme self in the future seemed to be facing an unknown existence, alone, rushing over.

Is that person the Shidai?

Ye Chen was surprised...

Not a long time, the void tore apart one after another, and the strongest emperor and immortal king of both sides returned one after another.

Ye Chen was surprised: "So fast?"

He thought it would last a long time.

Emperor Yan said: "The time lapse in the Supreme Realm is different from that of the outside world, and the fight between the Supreme is different from the ordinary cultivator, and it is enough to decide the winner in a short time, not to mention this time is not a real battle of life and death."

Ye Chen knew it. Of course, seeing blood stains on the corner of Yan Emperor's mouth, he was immediately worried: "Old Yan, are you all right."

Emperor Yan shook his head: "I collided with the saint a few times. I just woke up and returned. I haven't been able to fully grasp this strongest emperor power, so I have suffered a lot."

Ye Chen breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at the strongest emperor of the foreign race. The saint who collided with the Emperor Yan also had bleeding from the corner of his mouth, and there were burn marks on his body, and he obviously suffered a loss in the hands of Emperor Yan.

The Emperor Yan said hehe: "The saint thought he would win me, but what I have is the source of chaos fire, even if I just become the strongest emperor, the fire source of chaos is still one of the eight chaotic origins of the sea of ​​chaos, I am the strongest emperor Mastered by his power, his might is far superior to the past, even if he has set foot on the strongest emperor for many years, he will suffer."

The four great immortal kings of the prehistoric immortal realm appeared, and their respective celestial splendours were added, their figures were still stalwart, and each had blood stains.

The most powerful is the Immortal King Pan Dao, holding a large axe, stained with blood, especially bright and eye-catching. Among the strongest emperors of the alien race, one of them was almost split in half by a stand, with a deep wound, and it was very likely that he was cut by the Immortal King Pandao.

The Immortal King Pan Dao, known for his power of attack, was really extraordinary.


The strongest emperor of the foreign race said The voice was gloomy, and all the strongest emperors and the ancient emperors retreated from the Immortal Pass.

Obviously, I just suffered a loss in the Supreme Realm, and it seems that a certain agreement has been reached.

The Emperor Futu’s corpse was taken back by the foreign race. Ye Chen looked at the Emperor Futu’s corpse fiercely. He wanted to get this corpse. Whether it was the corpse or the original emperor world in his body, it was of great use to him. .

Especially the origin of the emperor Dao, which can save the gods of the Tianhuang Euphorbia.

Emperor Yan glanced at him: "Do you want this corpse?"

Ye Chen laughed, did not answer directly, but said: "Old Yan, the foreign race took back the corpse of the emperor of the Buddha, is it not afraid that they will be resurrected?"

Emperor Yan said proudly: "It's okay, the Emperor Buddha's soul was completely wiped out by me, even if it is taken back, it cannot be resurrected."

"What if it is refined into a puppet?"

Hearing this, Emperor Yan frowned, but still shook his head: "The ancient emperor must not be insulted, not to mention that an ancient emperor who has passed away is not willing to blaspheme the corpse of his emperor easily."

"Can't we really take it away?" Ye Chen added.

To tell the truth, he really longed for the origin emperor realm in the Buddha Emperor's body. If he could be refined, how many times his origin universe would expand and how much his strength would increase.

More importantly, the resurrection of Tianhuang Shendi is expected.

"Can't take it away."

Emperor Yan sighed lightly, letting Ye Chen understand that it was mostly because of the agreement reached in the Supreme Realm.

Sheng Leng looked at Emperor Yan and the others, and cooperated with the strongest emperors of other foreign races to take action: "Let's go, the immortal burial world will never exist again."

The strongest emperors of several foreign races took action, rebelling against the chaos of the past and present, sending the Immortal Pass out of the ancient alien universe, and also completely shutting down the same passage to the prehistoric immortal realm, and returning to the prehistoric immortal realm.

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