Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2980: The Sublimation of Chaos Dading

The prehistoric world, Beihe Mountains.

Suddenly, a figure fell from the sky, crashed a thousand-mile-high mountain, and landed heavily, causing a huge shock.

From the huge pit that was smashed out of the fairy world, Ye Chen slowly stood up, a little embarrassed, and had to smile bitterly: "This old Yan is still as violent as ever."

The figure trembled, and the dust on his body trembled down, restoring the handsome appearance of abundance and jade, unscathed.

He looked at the northern land and whispered softly: "Is the Origin Ancient Road? I'm Ye Chen here!"

Ye Chen released a strange bird from the Realm of Nirvana. It was of great energy level. It was one of the suppressed in the ancient realm of the ten-day realm. It had the blood of Tianpeng, and it was not too eye-catching. It was still huge. .

He sat cross-legged on it and let it follow the designated direction to the ancient road of origin.

The Dapeng spread its wings and soared for 33 days, rushing to the ancient road of origin at the northern end at an astonishing speed.

The wind is endless, but Tianpeng blocks it with mana, and Ye Chen above can only feel the breeze blowing on his face.

Ye Chen began to let the small universe within his body devour the original world of the three kings and the original world of alien kings obtained from the wasteland, and began to further expand and become stronger.

Originally, his highest strength was only comparable to the rule of 1,500 kings, but the Chaos Eucharist continued to tear and reorganize seven days and nights before facing the Yan Emperor's coercion, and it was further strengthened and doubled. The strength of the rules of the three hundred kings has been improved, which is currently comparable to the power of the rules of the one thousand eight hundred kings.

At present, if facing the King of the First Heaven, as long as the opponent does not use the Origin World and the Emperor's Immortal Soldiers, he is not even far behind the King of the First Heaven.

The horror of the eternal quasi-king is fully demonstrated.

If the four kings' origin world were refined, Ye Chen promised that his strength would be further improved.

While devouring the source world of the refining emperor, Ye Chen was also distracted within the Realm of Nirvana, and released several foreign quasi-monarch-level emperors and emperors, including the Six Dao emperors, without saying anything, the Great Emperor. The reincarnated body held the Emperor Xing and shot, rudely and directly broke through the defense of the Emperor Bao, killing the Divine Soul True Spirit.

In this way, the once suppressed Demon Chuantian and other foreign emperors and daughters were killed one by one, and they were permanently obliterated from the world.

Their physical bodies were refined, and a stream of pure emperor bloodline power was extracted, and there were many fragments of the emperor's rules that faintly emerged.

Perhaps more accurately, it should be called the Supreme Emperor's Fragment.

These supreme emperor fragments, under the continuous tempering of the Primal Fire of Primal Chaos, finally condensed into many fragments, the mysterious anomaly, with the mystery of the emperor's way, unable to penetrate.

Ye Chen initially had the intention to refine these pieces of supreme emperor into his own, but found it difficult. These pieces of supreme emperor had the mark of alien emperor, and he needed his time to suppress, otherwise the supreme emperor would The remaining will will turn him into demons and become alien creatures.

In desperation, Ye Chen engraved it on the Great Chaos Cauldron.

The Great Cauldron of Chaos, accompanied by Ye Chen's growth along the way, has swallowed and refined the essence of many extraordinary Taoists, and even nurtured his own spirit of gods, which has long been channeled and far surpasses other quasi-king soldiers. on.

It can even contend against the Emperor's Immortal Soldier to a certain extent.

The chaos cauldron is psychic, even if it is inscribed in fragments of the Supreme Emperor, the remaining will of the alien emperor within it will be suppressed at all times and cannot be worshipped. It can also be used to sublimate and go further.

The great chaos cauldron bloomed with infinite light, like a chaotic little sun, with radiant rays of light, and a wave of terrifying power filled it down, almost exploding the large-powered Tianpeng sitting down.

Fortunately, Ye Chen made a timely move to suppress the power of Chaos Dading within a certain range, otherwise Tianpeng would definitely not be able to persist.

The flight was also trembling at this moment.

Ye Chen could clearly feel that the Great Chaos Cauldron had undergone a transformation, and the whole had become even more extraordinary, illusory and ethereal, but like an ancient emperor sleeping, with a touch of imperial authority.

The Chaos Great Cauldron at this moment may be no less than an ordinary emperor immortal soldier.

Ye Chen thought to himself, sending the Great Chaos Cauldron into the Realm of Ji Mie Emperor, trying to urge, the Great Chaos Cauldron commanded like an arm as always, and the fragments of the supreme emperor intertwined on it suddenly shone, and its power increased many times. Boom to the reincarnation of the great emperor.

At the same time, the emperor's reincarnated body lightly slapped it, with a force comparable to the rules of two thousand kings, and printed it on the Great Chaos Cauldron.


The collision between the two will destroy the heavens and the earth. If it weren't for this place to be the Realm of Nirvana, it would be really unthinkable.

In the end, the verification was successful, and the Great Chaos Cauldron possessed a terrifying power comparable to that of the Emperor's Immortal Soldier. This surprised Ye Chen. With all the combined strengths, Ye Chen really possessed the terrifying strength of the King of Heaven.

The mind was immersed in the time of devouring the original world of the emperor and refining the fragments of the supreme emperor ~ Under the wings of the great power level Tianpeng, after three days and three nights, this flew away from the supreme one The land of the fairyland ruled by the immortals has entered the second, third, fourth...

Pieces of fairyland were crossed by Tianpeng.

The primordial immortal realm is very magnificent and vast, even far better than the land of the heavens and tens of thousands of domains, and it has a complete heavenly path, and also has the imprint of many supreme immortals and even the immortal kings. It is no less than the suppression of the ten-day realm ancient realm. The great power level Tianpeng, who is known for his speed, flew for a full month and a half, and has not yet reached the ancient road of origin.

In this month and a half, Ye Chen has successfully swallowed a great world of King’s Origin, and his strength has been greatly increased again, and he has become much stronger. With the strongest state of the Chaos Cauldron, he has the rule of surpassing the four thousand kings. Terrifying power.

"There are three more, maybe by then there will be no less than the King of the First Heaven, even now, they will be able to fight at the top."

Ye Chen whispered to himself, for the moment, the gap in the rule of a thousand kings is almost negligible.

As for the quasi-monarch?

Ye Chen, who had the power to surpass the rules of four thousand kings, could already be crushed absolutely.

"The prehistoric immortal realm is too big. At the current speed, the journey has not yet advanced halfway. I have overestimated Tianpeng and underestimated the vastness of the prehistoric immortal realm."

Ye Chen shook his head lightly. The Primordial Immortal Realm, as the most powerful ancient Chaos Universe in the Chaos Sea, is full of immortals, and the number of immortal kings is the number of hands with hands, which is absolutely no less than the ancient universe of foreign races, creating the entire Primordial Immortal Realm in endless years. In, it is also constantly expanding, far larger than the ordinary chaotic ancient universe.

Ye Chen didn't care too much. This period of time just left enough time to devour the other three original worlds and the source of the Emperor Yan left behind.

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