Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2991: Emperor Zhan

"Want to go?"

  The gaze of the Great Emperor Tiangu also cooled slightly, and the infinite supreme emperor's might spread and opened, sealing the sky and the earth.

   Whether it is Ye Chen or the reincarnation of the emperor, there are things that make him curious about it. He needs to grab it and investigate it.

  Especially Ye Chen, he had a suspicion that this mysterious young Tianjiao might be a true eternal quasi-king.

  Because he broke the limit of the five hundred rulers of the quasi-king of heaven.

   Although there are only more than five hundred.

   But it is also enough to study, maybe catch it and study the mystery of becoming an eternal quasi-king.


   The emperor star suddenly magnified, not just a million li, but hundreds of millions of li, the five elements supreme imperial power is emerging, directly tore through the blockade of the heavenly emperor's imperial mind.

   The distance of a million miles is so close to the reincarnation of the great emperor that in one step, he directly took Ye Chen's deity to leap over.

   It's just that the ancient emperor could easily let Ye Chen go, the body of Di Nian stepped out of the ancient emperor territory in one step, and descended into the neighboring supreme territory.

   Ye Chen's expression changed drastically. He didn't expect Emperor Tiangu to be so direct, he couldn't help shouting: "His Majesty Tiangu, this is the imperial domain of God of Chaos. If you step into this way, it is easy to have a supreme-level battle."

   It is true, the supreme will not violate each other's water, even if it is a supreme-level domain battle, the supreme is allowed to fight by the strong under his command, but it is the strong who honed each other.

   Supreme is generally not really shot.

   However, if there is a Supreme arbitrarily setting foot on other Supreme Territories, it is very likely to trigger a Supreme-Class battle, and the consequences are unimaginable.

   Tiangu Great Emperor said indifferently: "You don't need to care about this."

   "Be obedient, give in, as long as the emperor investigates, he will let you leave."

Naturally, Ye Chen would not be so stupid. Let him investigate. The emperor’s reincarnation immediately moved, with the left hand Buddha Emperor Ge, the right hand Emperor Star, and the two emperor Dao warriors emerged, all being carried out by the mighty force of the Emperor Realm. Resuscitating, there are strands of supreme emperor's prestige, hard to shake the ancient emperor.


   Heavenly Ancient Great Emperor’s Di Nian body was killed by surprise, and the entire Pang Ran Di Nian body appeared many times weaker.

   He looked at the reincarnation of the emperor coldly, and said, "Do you dare to attack the emperor?"

   The reincarnation body of the great emperor sneered and said, "It's nothing more than the body of the emperor. I was even the Taishi Emperor God of Chaos Burial Ground back then. I dared to make a move. What can you do?"

   Boom boom boom boom boom--

   The reincarnation body of the great emperor mastered the treasures of the two great emperors, and took the initiative to attack the heavenly emperor's divine body again and again, killing the boundless earth to collapse, and it was shocking not to know how many large areas.

  The mind and body of Emperor Tiangu, Emperor Nian, was shocked. This person actually dared to fight even the God of Emperor Taishi?

As the ancient emperor, the Tiangu emperor lived for more than one epoch era. How could he not know the prestige of Emperor Taishi, who once led the Chaos Burial Ground to bury a chaotic ancient universe at the level of Chaos Sea Giants .

   It's just that the more this is the case, the more and more the Emperor Tiangu became interested in the reincarnation of the emperor.

At the supreme level, there are already many things that can make his eyes hot, but the reincarnation of the great emperor in front of him, holds such a terrible emperor star, and also holds the supreme emperor soldier, and he has several supreme powers in the soul orb. How could he not be enthusiastic about it.

   He could feel that the emperor's reincarnation must have a huge secret.

   These thoughts only flashed in an instant. Even if the Emperor Tiangu was only the body of Emperor Nian, it was not bad, especially this place was not far from the imperial realm under his rule.

   Every supreme has refined the supreme territory under his own rule into a true supreme field, and in this supreme field, he can exert the most powerful force.

  Even if this is not his supreme territory, but it is not far away, the body of Emperor Nian can also mobilize the power of the infinite Emperor domain of the ancient heaven, so that the reincarnation body of the great emperor is difficult to destroy for a time, but it is evenly matched.

   "It's not good, go on, the real body of Emperor Tiangu appears, and you can't leave if you want to go."

   Ye Chen naturally knew the mind of Emperor Tiangu, and he was nothing more than delaying him as much as possible to prevent him from leaving in time.

   "Get out of here!"

   The reincarnated body roared, and the imperial powers on the emperor star burned to the extreme, directly smashing the emperor mind body of the ancient Tiangu.

   Moreover, Emperor Futu is ready to fully recover, and there is an emperor-level origin power of Emperor Yan left in it. Once fully recovered, it will be no less than the ancient emperor.

   This is Ye Chen's hole card.


   At the same time, the Di Nian body of another ancient emperor descended.

  The God of Chaos!

   He looked at the faint Tiangu Emperor Nian Body, and said in surprise: "Tiangu, why did you enter the Emperor's Domain?"

   arbitrarily enter another supreme supreme territory, it is easy to cause a supreme level war.

   Although the Great Emperor Tiangu had friendship with him, he entered directly without warning, which really made him quite unhappy.

   Then he saw the Emperor Star in the hands of the emperor's reincarnation, and was shocked: "The Five Elements Emperor Star, how can you have it."

At that time, the Emperor Chaoshen participated in the fairy fate left by the Ten Heaven Realm The Five Elements Emperor Star naturally knew that it was the Emperor Star left by the five elements and the five Supremes. Although he did not know the Supreme Emperor’s soldiers, But its power is no less than, and even to some extent, it is more valuable than the Supreme Imperial Soldier, and can be mastered by low-level powerhouses and mobilize a certain degree of Supreme Emperor Prestige.

   Ye Chen glanced at Emperor Chaoshen, frowning, the addition of the other Ancient Emperor obviously made the situation even more chaotic.

   He sighed helplessly, but his eyes became firmer.


   At this time, the infinite supreme emperor is overwhelming, covering the territory of hundreds of thousands of miles.

  The power of that kind of power even made the border of the emperor's imperial territory tremble for hundreds of millions of miles.

  The Great Emperor Chaoshen looked at the stalwart figure coming from a distance, and showed a touch of shock: "Tiangu, you did not hesitate to come here."

   That is the real body of Tiangu Great Emperor, crossing the infinite sky, directly descending on the edge of the Chaos God Emperor's Domain.

The real body of the Supreme Emperor is too powerful, and the Chaos God Emperor’s Domain belongs to the Supreme Realm of the Chaos God Emperor. The arrival of the Tiangu Emperor’s true body directly caused the entire Chaos God Emperor’s Realm to tremble and suffer. In response to the impact, a wave of supreme emperor's prestige was independently derived, intertwined with the infinite supreme emperor, and transformed into billions of visions.

   Tiangu Great Emperor's real body is hazy, while the Supreme Emperor is flying around, not as huge and boundless as the body of Emperor Nian, as normal as normal.

But because of this, the emperor’s reincarnation was like a great enemy. The emperor star and the Buddha Ge in the left and right hands were affected by the supreme emperor’s prestige, and they recovered independently, and the majestic emperor’s prestige also appeared. Out, protected the safety of the emperor's reincarnation and Ye Chen.

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