Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3002: You are not my opponent

The Flame God stepped into the magnificent Yan Emperor Hall, and every time he stepped into it, even he, a generation of quasi-kings, well-informed, originated from the ancient road in all directions, conquered the heavens, and experienced endless wars of innumerable large and small numbers. I have seen the endless wonders of the universe, but still sigh for it.

  Because in the Yandi Hall, I have a clearer understanding of the mystery of the wonders of the universe than anywhere else.

   Being in the Yan Emperor Hall for a long time is of great benefit to understanding the universe.

   Yan Shen directly knelt down toward the Wanyan Emperor's Seat: "Disciple Yan Gu, please see Master!"

  'S voice is particularly loud, with the meaning of flame.

   Yan Shen, whose real name is Yan Gu.

  Only on the seat of Emperor Wanyan, there is no echo, only the flames of all kinds are rising, surrounding, and enveloping a figure in it, faintly, like the emperor of fire.

   Yanshen did not dare to look up, so he knelt down and waited quietly.

   If the master does not speak, he must kneel on the ground respectfully and wait silently.

   This kneeling was three days and three nights, and Yan Shen finally noticed the difference.

  Because in the past, although the Master was serious, he wouldn't be able to hang himself underneath him for three days and three nights.

   Yan Shen spoke again, saying: "Master, are you there? Disciple Yan Gu, please see you!"

   It's just that the Wanyan Emperor Zodiac fan still doesn't respond at all.

   Isn’t the master away?

   Yanshen murmured in his heart, and slowly raised his head, and there was a faint figure on the seat of Emperor Wan Yan, drowning in flames.

   He is like the emperor of fire, surrounded by brilliant rules of the emperor of fire, which made him feel a resonance.

   But soon, Yan Shen noticed it, because from the figure drowning in the flames, he couldn't feel the familiar and suppressable breath of the ancient emperor.

   That breath is looming, although it is strong, but it doesn't seem to be much stronger than him.

   Suddenly, his figure stood still like a mountain, his eyes glared, staring at the figure, and an infinite rage appeared in his heart: "Dare to sneak into our teacher Yan Emperor's hall and find death!"


   Yan Shen suddenly ejected like a cannonball, pierced through the void with a scream, appeared on the Wanyan Emperor's seat, and without a word, shot towards Ye Chen who was enlightening.

   The thick fist was flying around the blazing fire, like a miniature sun melted into the fist, blasting Ye Chen's head fiercely.

   The horror of this punch is that the Dzogchen quasi-king will also be blown to the head.

   At the critical moment, Ye Chen woke up in shock, seeing the flaming fist close at hand, his eyes condensed slightly, with a terrible chill.

   Without even thinking about it, he slapped it directly, turning it into a round of small days and colliding with it.


   The terrifying collision was like the explosion of two big suns, overwhelming the sky, causing the entire Yan Emperor Hall to tremble.

The Yandi Hall is the Yandi's palace. It is naturally immortal and immortal, with the emperor pattern emerging, spreading rapidly, intertwining the whole, completely swallowing all attacks and restraining, causing the terrorist attacks of the two to fail to completely destroy the Yandi Temple .

   At this moment, Ye Chen stood up, and all the flames he encountered were all restrained and put away, immovably like a mountain.

   Yanshen's attack just now hasn't shaken him a bit.

It was just that Ye Chen was frightened, and finally fell into such a rare state of enlightenment. In just a few days, he realized 21 rules of the fire attribute king one after another, more than a few months ago. , But was broken by this person, I have to say very angry.

  Yan Shen glared directly at the past and shouted coldly: "This is the Yandi Hall, who are you, dare to blaspheme my teacher Yandi's Wanyandi Seat."

   "Your teacher?" Ye Chen was slightly startled.

   Yanshen proudly said: "Yes, my teacher is Emperor Yan."

   Ye Chen suddenly understood, I am afraid that the other party regards him as a person who blasphemed the Yan Emperor's throne, and only then took action.

   and also a disciple of Emperor Yan.

   In this way, he is really not easy to shoot.

However, Yan Shen didn't think so. He saw Ye Chen's hesitation and thought he was afraid of Emperor Yan's majesty. He immediately said coldly: "Dare to blaspheme against the person of Emperor Wan Yan, even if you are very strong, you can still die. ."


Yan Shen shot again, tearing the void apart, and many rules of the King of Fire emerged between his fingers. There were hundreds of ways, condensed into a round of little sun, which was even more terrifying than just now. With a wave of your hand, the absolute power contained in it can burn eternal years.

   "A good move to the sun punch!"

   Ye Chen’s eyes are brilliant, and the child in front of him is definitely a peerless arrogant no less than the sun’s supreme avenue of fire attributes.


   He also shot, the palm of his hand also turned into a round of sky, but he used the sun avenue, turning many of the rules of the fire attribute king into his fingers.

   In an instant, every inch of the body between the palms and fingers is shining with bright rays of light, endless, as if it could collapse forever.


   Under the terrible collision, the Yanshen figure retreated violently.

   Every step of retreat is enough to crush a star field, but because this place is the Yandi Palace, all the prestige is completely restrained, resulting in little impact.

   Ye Chen relied on the absolutely powerful Chaos to remove all attacks.

   You must know that Ye Chen's Chaos Eucharist is stronger than the strongest state of the quasi-king against the sky, and such an attack is impossible to cause him the slightest harm.

   Yanshen looked at Ye Chen in shock. He didn't expect that the other party was so powerful, and he didn't step back. It seemed that he was even stronger than him.

   Looking at Ye Chen, Yan Shen frowned and said, "Who are you?"

   "A friend of Emperor Yan." Ye Chen said.

   Yan Shen suddenly became coldly angry: "My teacher's friend? You are only a quasi-king at best. How could you be a friend of my teacher? Do you think you are the strongest emperor or the fairy king."

   Ye Chen was speechless.

   Indeed, under normal circumstances, no matter how you look at it, Ye Chen is not like a friend of Emperor Yan.

   Yandi is the strongest emperor. His friends are not the strongest emperor or immortal king, but at least they are of the supreme level. How could it be Ye Chen who was the Emperor of the Primordial Age.

   Ye Chen Tan Tanshou: "If you don't believe me, there is nothing you can do."


   Yan Shen coldly snorted, and continued to shoot, and a terrible giant hammer appeared in his hand, the whole body was burning like red flames, but the famous Yan Shen hammer, fiercely blasted towards Ye Chen.

The terrifying power of the quasi-king against the heavens is fully displayed, and the power of the original world in the body also emerges, and it directly reaches the category of the power of a thousand and one hundred rules of kings, as if it can burn the heavens, fiercely Bombard Ye Chen below.

   "You are not my opponent. I don't want you to take action or hurt you."

   Ye Chen's figure flashed lightly, and he easily avoided the terrifying attack from Yanshen.

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