Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3087: What is truly powerful

This breath of dragon contains absolute zero!

It is the absolute zero-degree power that contains the essence of the **** king-level ice cold road.

Naturally, it is countless times more terrifying than the absolute zero in the eyes of ordinary people.

Where the black cloud-like dragon's breath passes, not to mention that all the surrounding mountains are frozen to ashes, but the void is directly frozen and unable to move.

The demon dragon breathes, and it is also the most terrifying power level demon dragon breath.

I'm afraid that the ordinary power will be hit by the dragon's breath, and it will also be frozen, or even wiped out.

The dark misty breath of the demon dragon obscures the sky, making it invisible to the deepest part of the Valley of the Gods.

But everyone is convinced that trespassers must die.

After all, the ancient demon dragon was the invincible power in the world, and now 30,000 years have passed, and it is even stronger.

However, the world couldn't see it. At this moment, the golden eyes of the ancient demon dragon were wide open, round and cracked, and to some extent, it was even filled with thick disbelief.

Because Ye Chen was unscathed, even undamaged, and still standing in the sky, that can be called the breath of the demon dragon that many might not dare to touch easily, but it could hardly hurt Ye Chen a bit.

Ye Chen lifted his head and looked at the dragon head that was as huge as a star. It looked as small as an ant, but the ridiculous ancient demon dragon was full of sarcasm in the former's eyes: "Is this your strength? "

"Impossible, this is impossible, even the Five Heavens might not dare to withstand this dragon's breath so easily without getting hurt." The wild ancient demon dragon roared, with deep disbelief and horror.

How can this be done.

"Isn't it possible?" Ye Chen snorted, and immediately a supreme majesty slowly overflowed, surpassing the entire world.

"A mere half-step God King dare to be invincible? Even the ancient God King who shot down you back then would never dare to be mad in front of me."

"Well, today I will let you see what is truly powerful."

He only patted out one palm.

Very simple, very natural, and very ordinary hand.

However, at the moment of the shot, there was a loud bang, as if the entire Weiyang world was wailing, a supreme and stalwart power was deriving, and the horror was boundless, and the world would be frightened and dispersed.

Silently, a giant hand with a radius of tens of thousands of miles appeared on the sky, covering the vast sky like the hand of God.

Facing this hand of God, the desolate ancient demon dragon trembled with fear, and was born with a fear that was magnified thousands of times compared to facing the ancient **** king.

It keenly felt the horror of this hand of God, under this hand of God, its heart was throbbing, and a sense of powerlessness that had not been experienced for tens of thousands of years was slowly overflowing from the deepest part of its heart!


The hand of God fell fiercely, smashing the heavy mist, and even smashing the huge ancient monster dragon that snaked across the sky from the sky to the ground.

With a loud noise, the entire Valley of the Gods was completely exploded.

The mountains and valleys all collapsed, billowing smoke and dust.

In the deepest part of the Valley of the Gods that was invisible to the outside world, the thousand-heavy peaks all collapsed and were completely razed to the ground.

A wave of terrifying to the extreme force is continuously deriving, and immediately spread to the entire territory of the Valley of the Gods, spreading to the borderless territory, causing the mountains and valleys to tremble violently, and even collapse a lot.

In the territory of the Valley of the Gods, countless cultivators or monsters were panicked.

Especially many cultivators have a heart trembling.

It was a battle of the great energy level, which was taking place in the core area of ​​the Valley of Gods.

The outside world is all watching and trembling.

The Valley of the Gods originally stood on the vast ground with lofty peaks. At this moment, everything was razed to the ground.

A huge palm print tens of thousands of miles deep into the earth for thousands of miles, clearly visible.

The desolate ancient monster dragon, which was originally high above and overlooking the world, fell into the earth as a whole, without knowing its life or death.

In the world, only Ye Chen carried his hands on his back, like the Lord of God, overlooking the world.

An indifferent voice echoed: "Now, you can believe it."

In the earth, the desolate ancient demon dragon has naturally not fallen, but the whole body has no idea how many broken bones and bones. The dragon scales that are difficult to damage by powerful Taoists are even more broken. I don’t know how much, blood flowed into a river, dyed red. Piece of land.

Even the hardest dragon horn on his head broke one.

The aura of the desolate ancient monster dragon was sluggish, and it was weak, even the dragon capital was difficult to lift, the golden dragon eyes looked at the still thin ant-like figure on the sky, full of endless panic.

It wasn't until this time that it truly understood that the seemingly young youth in front of them was not a human power at all, but an existence beyond power.

It is an existence above the ancient **** king.

At least the ancient **** king who suppressed it back then couldn't do this step back then, not to mention its surge in strength now.

This mysterious young man took it lightly.

Especially it feels that the opponent has left extra energy. All this is quite easy, knowing how terrifying the opponent's strength is.

"My lord, I believe it, and ask my lord to spare my life."

The Wild Ancient Demon Dragon took the initiative to admit defeat, and his voice was full of weakness and unconcealed panic.

Such an invincible existence, even if it dared to clamor for the ancient **** king, it dare not contend.

Ye Chen glanced at it indifferently, and said, "In that case, take me to the headquarters of Doumen."

"Small understand." The ancient demon dragon hurriedly replied, and then the huge figure changed, and finally turned into a two-foot-tall giant figure, extremely burly, even if transformed into a human form, it looks like a hill with arms more than A pair of other people's legs add up to be much stronger.

This is exactly the humanoid state of the ancient monster is still covered in blood, but it is much better than the dragon-shaped state.

Ye Chen glanced at him without saying a word. He flicked his hand and flashed a light of life, and in an instant he recovered all the injuries of the ancient demon dragon, including the Dao wounds in the body. The latter was shocked at the moment. Respect as a god.

Such a method, even the ancient **** king may not be able to do it.

The more so, the more awe for Ye Chen.

The wild ancient demon dragon asked Ye Chen to come to the bottom of the valley of the gods. It was originally covered by mountains and valleys. An ancient stone gate was here, which was hard to see from the outside world, but now everything has been razed to the ground and it is naturally clearly visible. .

"My lord, this is the ancient gate to the'Doumen' headquarters." The wild ancient demon dragon respectfully said, and at the same time, he shot out a brilliance and opened the ancient gate immediately.

The two entered the ancient gate one after the other.

The ancient door slowly closed.

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