Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3132: The heart of accepting disciples

PS: I came back too late last night, forgot to update, now make up!

The breath of the **** king shocked the world and attracted much attention.

Congratulations from the world on Yuhao's achievement as the king of God.

Other gods and kings came to congratulate themselves.

The great world of Weiyang finally gave birth to a peerless arrogant god, and over the years he has become a **** king, and there is great hope for surpassing the **** king.

"Unexpectedly, in a small Weiyang world, there are people who can rely on themselves to achieve the **** king state within a thousand years."

"Although it is not the Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao, but it is also a high young Supreme level. Even according to its brilliant talents, perhaps without the help of the Divine King Jie, one's own body can complement the heavens. In this way, the aspiration of the heavenly quasi-king is also expected ."

"It's me, even the young supreme, even if they were born in the supreme powers such as the supreme emperor and the immortal clan, there are still a few people who can become the king of gods within a thousand years."

In the Great World of Weiyang, many people were amazed by the super powers in the Saint Emperor Realm camp or the Yan Emperor Realm camp.

This talent really moved them.

"For nearly a thousand years, he will eventually become the king of gods." Yu Hao sighed lightly, but his eyes were very bright. Even if he became the youngest **** king in the history of Weiyang, he was still dissatisfied because he hoped to climb more. High-level realm.

He has a longing for the strongest heart!

"I heard that the ancestors of the Dragon Clan of the Heavenly Dragon Continent are ancient existences that existed since the beginning of the world. They existed in the mysterious and unfathomable primordial age. In that era, it is very likely that there have been peerless powerful men who surpassed the gods. There, check it out and learn about the secrets of prehistory."

The people of the world thought that Yu Hao's achievement as the King of God was over, but unexpectedly, he didn't immediately retreat to consolidate his cultivation base, but directly rushed to the Tianlong Continent.

"Yuhao, no!"

The other ancient **** kings exclaimed, trying to stop Yu Hao and inform Lord Chen of the existence.

Yu Hao only left the customs when he crossed the catastrophe, so he didn't know what happened to the outside world, and he didn't know that the super power above the **** king appeared silently in the Weiyang big world.

If in the past, the **** king is indeed a world-class existence that crosses the Weiyang big world, omnipotent.

But since the arrival of the strong in the outer world, everything has been rewritten.

It's just that Yu Hao's speed was too fast, and in the blink of an eye he crossed the endless sky and landed on the Heavenly Dragon Continent.

The other ancient **** kings have not had time to tell Yu Hao.

Moreover, on the Heavenly Dragon Continent, other ancient **** kings did not dare to speak without permission, lest they would offend Lord Chen, they could only sigh and pray for Yu Hao to be safe.

"He is too young and too arrogant."

An ancient **** king lightly sighed.

Even if the sky is overflowing, what about the youngest ancient **** king in ancient and modern times, but in front of Lord Chen, it is still nothing more than that.

And even though super powers from the outside world can't easily attack the people in the Weiyang Great World, they are not disturbed by themselves.

If Yu Hao angered Master Chen and Master Chen shot, it would be the Emperor Tonggu who would not say much.

Seeing that Yu Hao had actually appeared on the Heavenly Dragon Continent, the corner of Ye Chen's mouth was also raised a bit, showing even more interest.

"Although you are indeed stunning, if you get the true supreme inheritance, it is not impossible to become the Dzogchen supreme arrogant, and it makes me rare to become a disciple, but after all, it is a bit of interest. If it were you The next performance pleased me. I don't mind accepting you as a disciple."

I don't know how many years Ye Chen has not given birth to the mind of being a disciple.

But Yu Hao's talent was indeed amazing and extremely high, and he gave birth to a kind of love for talent.

By relying on your own body, you can become a **** king within a thousand years, and you are still in a closed world like Weiyang Great World. There is no real supreme inheritance, and there is even no inheritance of the quasi-king. One step at a time, no one Under the guidance of Wang, the achievement of the **** king, so talented, how can it not be talented.

If conditions permit, he will be accepted as a disciple.

Yu Hao didn’t notice the light in Ye Chen’s eyes, and couldn’t detect it. He went straight to the vast inland sea of ​​100,000 miles on the Tianlong Continent. He was slightly startled with a touch of surprise: "Sure enough, there is a dragon clan hidden here. Not long after I arrived, I actually sensed such a terrifying demon, in the state of a half-step **** king, it is considered very powerful, enough to dominate a party, for fear of knowing some ancient secrets."

"And if it is tamed as a mount, it is worthy of my current identity."

As one of the few **** kings in the world, and the youngest **** king in history, Yu Hao has unlimited potential. If he grabs a Tianlong as a mount, he will be even more powerful.

Quietly, Yu Hao landed from the sky and landed in the middle of a huge lake with a radius of 100,000 miles. He stamped his foot and exuded amazing power, causing the ice-cold water of the Wanli Lake below to vibrate and boil. The waves slammed into the sky, reaching a height of thousands of feet.





The huge lake exploded violently, and several huge and soft figures came out one after another. They were all flood dragons with tentacles. They were all over a thousand miles long, like huge mountains, all exuding power. The Qi machine, the avenue is sad, and thousands of miles are frozen.

In an instant, the temperature above the lake dropped to its lowest point, and there was a heavy snow falling down.

One can imagine the terrible aspects of the several flood dragons that appeared.

Around the lake, there is a vast ancient forest with a radius of nearly a million miles, inhabited by many terrifying monsters, it is the famous Xuanhan Demon Realm on the Tianlong Continent.

The huge lake is the most famous Xuanhan Lake in the Xuanhan Demon Realm. This vast land of the Demon Realm is named after the Xuanhan Lake.

Because there are countless monsters inhabited, it has also attracted countless cultivators in the Tianlong Continent to hunt and kill the monsters, obtain the monster pill, flesh, and fur on the monsters, or seize various elixir, or many easy Treasures and so on.

Therefore, in the Xuanhan Demon Realm, there are many cultivators from all over the world. However, even if they hunt any monsters, these cultivators are in awe of the deepest Xuanhan Lake, which is in the center of the Xuanhan Demon Realm. With the heart of fear, he has not even dared to step into the range of thousands of miles near Xuanhan Lake.

Because this is a taboo!

Everyone knew what terrible existence inhabited in Xuanhan Lake. It was the legendary dragon clan, and was also the supreme royal clan that the entire Xuanhan Demon Realm deserved!

Looking at the entire Tianlong Continent and even the Great World of Weiyang, Xuanhan Lake is considered a taboo!

You must know that in those days, the powerful people who had the power to reach the sky learned that the ancient demon dragon lived in Xuanhan Lake, and came forward to capture a demon dragon in Xuanhan Lake as a subordinate mount. The result was suddenly It angered the Dragon King who was sleeping in the deepest place, angered the world, and swallowed that mighty power in one bite, blood-staining the entire Xuanhan Demon Realm, making the world frightened.

From then on, no one dared to attack the Xuanhan Demon Domain again.

However, all the cultivators in the Xuanhan Demon Territory have changed their colors today, because they can see the deepest demon floods winding through the sky in the sky. They are thousands of miles long, even if they are separated by 100,000 miles. visible.

The demon dragon's long Yin heaven and earth are terrifying.

"Worse, the dragon clan of Xuanhan Lake was born, what is going on!?"

"The monster dragon that hasn't been seen once in a thousand years has three heads all at once. It is still so huge, at least it is a monster dragon of the Heavenly King realm."

"Without a thousand years, why did the royal demon dragon suddenly appear?"

The countless cultivators who hunted and killed monsters in the Xuanhan Demon Realm were shocked, and soon news came that it was a young Tianjiao who had come from across the sky, not the one who provoked Xuanhan Lake alive and well and brought out three monster dragons. .

"Mother, the junior, don't you know that in the legend of Xuanhan Lake, it is a forbidden place inhabiting the dragon clan. If you dare to provoke and kill people, you should leave quickly."

"The demon dragon was born, and the royal family was alarmed. It is very likely that they will slaughter the cultivators in the profound cold demon realm. Stop hunting the demon beasts. Leave quickly, your life is the best!"

Many cultivators of the older generation persuaded them, and countless cultivators did not hesitate at all. Some cultivators even gave up the dying monsters or corpses in front of them, turned around and ran out of the demon forest.

Because they understood the horror of Xuanhan Lake more clearly than anyone else, even if the ancient power that penetrated the sky came, wasn't it also swallowed in one bite?

However, the identity of Yu Hao is not known to many cultivators in the entire Tianlong Continent, so he thinks that Yu Hao's trip to Xuanhan Lake in this way will disturb the sleeping demon dragon, which is entirely an act of seeking death.

Moreover, such behavior will completely anger the dragon clan, and anger the cultivator who enters the profound cold demon territory to hunt and kill the beast. In a rage, it is very likely that the demon dragon will perform a bloodbath.

Many years ago, when the powerful shot, the Dragon Clan had once blood washed the cultivator who entered the Xuanhan Demon Realm.

It is still eye-catching and shocking to this day, but anyone who enters the Xuanhan Demon Realm will never forget that year.

"Damn it, it's just a matter of looking for death by yourself, and it hurts us!"

I don't know how many cultivators have cursed bad luck, and they actually got involved in this matter.

Who can imagine that today, there is actually a young Tianjiao who is not afraid of death attacking Xuanhan Lake, and even provoked a few monsters, even if it is not comparable to the legendary dragon king, but it is extremely terrible, more than a thousand miles long. The dragon's body, comparable to a mountain range, suddenly appeared three heads.

But the only plan for now is the 36th plan!

At the same time, on Xuanhan Lake, the young **** king looked at the three monster dragons that were born out of nowhere. However, the so-called monster dragons in the eyes of the world are just mere flood dragons. They have not completely evolved into real dragons, let alone. The pure-blooded dragon is far from talking.

"It's just that a few little demon floods of the Heavenly King realm have come here, don't the real big guys want to be born?"

Yu Hao frowned slightly, his eyes lowered, and he looked at Xuanhan Lake, as if he could see the real big guy who was dormant and sleeping in the deepest place, many times the size, motionless, entrenched in the deepest place.

In the sky, one of the flood dragons was condescending, looking down at the young **** king, and did not feel the slightest pressure on the coming person, either it was so strong that it couldn't perceive it, or it was too small to be ignored.

But to be so powerful that it was impossible to perceive it, it was only comparable to the king of the dragon clan who was dormant in the deepest part of Xuanhan Lake.

Those who exist are often afraid of the dragon king, how can he come easily, and the heroic man in front of him looks too young, with majestic vigor, and wants to cultivate to this step at such a young age, look ahead There are a few more people in the vast Weiyang Great World, and even in the nine continents.

No one!

Because of this, the three-headed dragons believed that the person in front of them could not be the king of the shoulders or even the surpassing heavenly arrogant, but a junior who didn't know the height and thickness of the heavens, who thought that the arrogant was extraordinary and returned to provocatively.

"Although I don't know who gave you the courage to come and provoke my ancient dragon clan, I will die today!"

A flood dragon opened his mouth, bowed his head, and opened his mouth a mouthful of white cloud and mist covering a radius of thousands of miles. However, it is this kind of cloud and mist that contains the icy power that makes the heavenly kings discolored, as if it can make everything ice. Seal, even absolute zero is a powder.

At this time, the famous dragon's breath is a talented trick of the dragon, combined with the icy road of cultivation, it can directly freeze the land of thousands of miles and turn it into powder, that is, the ordinary heavenly kings are likely to be frozen into ice. , Just die.

"The demon dragon has taken action. That is the breath of the dragon. This junior who knows the heights of the sky is unlucky and will definitely die!"

Many people in the Xuanhan Demon Realm have seen that terrible scene from a distance. The demon dragon breathes, terrifyingly terrifying. Even if the absolute coldness is tens of thousands of miles apart, many cultivators still feel that the world suddenly It became many times Just facing the breath of the demon dragon, Yu Hao smiled, his face didn’t change, and said indifferently, "This so-called dragon’s breath will let the king of your clan come out. It's a lot worse, not to mention that it's just the breath of the monster in the Heavenly King realm."

"What do you mean?" The Flood Dragon that vomited the dragon's breath was suddenly startled, with a bad feeling.

"That's what I mean."

Yu Hao flicked his sleeves at will, just out of thin air gave birth to infinite gang wind, with great power.


The ice-cold cloud and mist that had enveloped thousands of miles disappeared in an instant, and even if only the few horrible Thousand Mile Demon Flood Dragons were seen in the eyes of the world, they disappeared out of thin air.

In the Xuanhan Demon Realm, the countless cultivators who were going to watch the young man be killed were stunned on the spot, their eyes widened, and they were there.


"how is this possible!?"

"The three-headed Qianli Demon Dragon was hit by casual sleeves!?"

An endless color of disbelief shrouded the faces of all the cultivators, and everyone looked at this scene stupidly.

Between the seemingly random brushing of the sleeves, the wind and clouds lightly flew three demon dragons. What a terrifying power that was, even the most outstanding powerful geniuses in the world would be nothing more than that.

"Who is he!?"

"He raised his hands and flew the three demon dragons of the Heavenly Kings realm. What kind of means was that, and who was that person?"

"Could it be that the outer world has descended on the young super-powerful again?"

Countless doubts surfaced in the hearts of these practitioners, but at this moment they couldn't understand it, and it was more of an uncontrollable shock. ()

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