Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3135: Strength of the Ancient Demon Dragon

This level of progress is so fast that even the most stunning peerless Tianjiao in the ages may not have survived three times in a row in just thirty years.

It's just that the ancient demon dragon was dormant in the Valley of the Gods for 30,000 years, so why not accumulate?

Nowadays, there are even king-level dragon skeletons that can continue to be refined, and it is only natural that they will become the three-kilosis **** king level in one fell swoop during thirty years.

In addition, the king-level dragon skeleton has been refined by less than one-tenth. According to the estimation of the ancient monster dragon, once it is fully refined, it will be easy to set foot on the quasi-monarch level in the future.

Not even an ordinary quasi-king.

Outside, the gods and kings saw them in their eyes, and they were all shocked and shocked: "The Desolate Ancient Dragon Venerable has also become the ancient **** king, and he is at the level of the Three Tribulations God King. It's incredible."

At the beginning, at the Pan Peach Feast, they knew that although the Ancient Demon Dragon was very powerful, it was only a half-step God King level. Although they possessed the strength of the God King of One Battle, they were only facing the God King of One Tribulation. It's just a fight.

Now, only thirty years have passed, and he has already reached the level of the Three Tribulations God King. Such an increase in speed made all the ancient God Kings be frightened and full of shock.

You must know that they are the old **** kings who have set foot in the **** king realm for many thousands of years, but deeply know how difficult it is for the **** king to promote the **** king calamity. It requires a lot of accumulation, which can easily be tens of thousands of years.

In just thirty years now, the ancient demon dragon has actually reached the level of the Three Tribulations God King. It has to be said that this is even more shocking than Yu Hao becoming the ancient God King in less than a thousand years of cultivation.

Yu Hao frowned at the ancient demon dragon and said, "You are the ancient demon dragon that was suppressed by the Doumen God King? But weren't you suppressed in the Valley of the Gods?"

The Wild Ancient Demon Dragon responded indifferently: "Boy, you haven't left the customs for too long, so you don't know what's happening outside. The **** king left the valley of the gods 30 years ago."

"Really?" Yu Hao frowned, his eyes gushing like a sword, and his fighting spirit was fierce, falling on the desolate ancient monster dragon: "Also, your appearance can make me very interested. A **** king. The Heavenly Dragon in the realm is far more rare than the Heavenly Dragon in the Half-Step Divine King Realm. If it can be subdued and become my mount, it will definitely be supreme glory."

Hearing that, the coldness in the eyes of the ancient demon dragon is much stronger, saying: "Boy, although you are a peerless arrogant, you will become the king of ancient gods within a thousand years of cultivation. I have to say, this talent for cultivation. It is indeed against the sky, but in this world, some people are not something you can afford to offend."

"Don't think that being the youngest **** king in history is great. Being the same **** king, but there is also a huge gap."

Yu Hao laughed, full of arrogance and arrogance: "You are right. Both are **** kings, and there is a huge gap. And I am the strongest **** king in the world who set foot on the mysterious tenth heaven, although I It’s just the God King of the Two Tribulations, but in the same situation as the God King of the Two Tribulations, I can suppress everything, even if you are the God King of the Three Tribulations, it’s equally reversible to suppress!"


His body exploded with infinite power that soared into the sky, vast and mighty, shaking the past and the present.


A war sword appeared in Yu Hao's hand. It was one foot long and was exceptionally sharp. It was engraved with dense runes and Dao marks. This was accompanied by his achievement in the Divine King Realm and became the Divine King War Sword. The sharp and sharp Divine King Qi machine can cut everything between heaven and earth.

His black hair danced wildly, the God King’s aura was shocking, and he strode forward, swinging his sword and slashing at the ancient monster dragon, laughing wildly: "Now let me see, you, the ancient monster dragon of the Three Tribulations God King level. Is it the opponent of the King of God."

The sword light was surging, and the sword river appeared, as if it could cut everything in the world, and make all the gods and kings in the distance change their colors.

"So strong!"

"It's clearly the God King of the Two Tribulations, but it makes me feel like a God King of the Three Tribulations can match!"

"It is worthy of being the strongest arrogant Yu Hao in the history of the Weiyang Great World. He broke the nine-fold heavens and stepped into the mysterious ten-fold heaven, resulting in him possessing an absolutely invincible combat power of the same rank. , Also has the ability to sweep the **** king of the same rank, and even fight against adversity."

A group of gods sighed for it.

Facing this stunning sword, the ancient demon dragon's expression remained indifferent, and he directly stretched out his palm, turned his palm into a dragon claw, and greeted him.


Crisp and quiet.

Yu Hao's terrifying sword was blocked, unable to go further.

This is true even if the God King's War Sword sprays the power of the world's destruction, because the dragon claws of the ancient monster dragon are more extraordinary, no less than the God King's war soldiers, and even worse.

The pupils of the kings of the gods shrank, so that terrible flesh was born.

Even the dragons should not be like this.

"Perhaps after refining that ancient king-level dragon skeletal, the desolate ancient demon dragon has only grown to this point." A veteran **** king slowly spoke, telling the truth.

Other gods nodded and only this can explain it.

It's just that the more so, the more I am in awe of that mysterious Chen-sama.

Even Heilong Gujun can kill a dragon at the level of Primordial Kings, how stalwart he should be.

Look at Yu Hao again. Although it is known as the most stunning peerless talent in the history of the Weiyang Great World, there is no doubt that it is far from Master Chen.

Secretly could not help but sigh for it.

At this time, the ancient demon dragon showed its might, and the dragon power bloomed, and the combat power rose steadily in an instant, reaching an astonishing level, and immediately a dragon claw directly slammed directly at Yuhao.


Yu Hao's figure retreated 100,000 miles before slowly stopping.

Shuangshuanghu's mouth still cracked, revealing traces of blood.

Yu Hao raised his head and looked at the ancient demon dragon, with surprise, but more with a strong intent to fight. He laughed: "What a desolate ancient demon dragon, it is even stronger than I thought. There is even more impulse to surrender to you. As long as I surrender to you, I will be the number one dragon knight in the world and the strongest person in the future."


The sword clank of the battle, blooming one after another soaring to the sky, each one is as thick as a hundred miles, as if one hanging after another star river is hanging down, traversing the nine heavens, and slammed to the wild ancient monster dragon.

Here, it contains the majestic God Wang Weili.

This blow was so powerful that even several Four Tribulations God Kings in the sky changed slightly, and they actually possessed an attack power comparable to the Four Tribulations God King.

Yu Hao could be so strong in adversity.

The burly figure of the ridiculous ancient demon dragon directly confronted and transformed into the body, but the dragon tens of thousands of miles was no longer, and replaced by a thousand-zhang body, which seems to have shrunk by several times, but in all aspects it has become more For the powerful.

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