Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3139: The outside world

After all, he was an extraordinary person. After Yu Hao took a deep breath, his mood slowly calmed down, and he finally accepted it.

However, instead of dimming, the light in the eyes didn't dim, on the contrary, it appeared to be flaming instantly, like two magic lamps shining through the ages, saying: "Where are they?"

What a Yu Hao, really good.

The more Ye Chen looked, the more satisfied he was, and he pointed to the sky, "Outside the boundary."

"The outside world!"

Yu Hao's eyes became more and more glaring, and a yearning was born, and said: "What is it like outside the world?"

Although he is a **** king, his whole life is only a short thousand years, and he has never left the Weiyang world.

Therefore, there is endless yearning for the wider world.

Ye Chen replied tirelessly: "You have to know that the Weiyang Great World is not the only world between the heavens and the earth. Although it is vast and vast, there are even more expansive worlds outside the Weiyang Great World."

"Like the primitive world of chaos, the primitive world born in the chaos is vast and boundless, far superior to the great world of Weiyang. In fact, the great world of Weiyang is in the primitive world of chaos."

With a stroke of his palm, he easily opened the world barrier in the wasteland of the world, and it was clear that the endless turbulence of the outside world was filled with a terrible rage.

Yu Hao looked over and saw what a violent turbulence hidden in the endless darkness of the outside world, which can instantly annihilate the saints into ashes.

I also saw that in the endless space turbulence, there is a big illusory world ups and downs, vaguely presented, amazing.

This was the first time he saw the outside world.

In fact, Yuhao has not thought about what it looks like outside of the Weiyang Great World, and has also tried to make a shot. However, the Weiyang Great World and the Supreme World have the original rules of the world at work, and under the supreme will, the world is barriers. It is extremely stable, as powerful as a **** king, unable to break through the barriers and leave the Weiyang world.

So he never knew.

However, with Ye Chen's strength comparable to that of the powerful Primordial King, the world barrier could not be resisted, and it broke open directly, and under the suppression of King Tianwei, it could not be restored, and it was always unfolding.

Yu Hao watched for a moment, his eyes blazing, "Is this outside the Weiyang Great World? This is what the so-called Primitive Chaos World looks like?"

"No, the Primordial Chaos World is the world. It is no different from the Weiyang Great World, but it is vast and vast compared to the Weiyang Great World. Everything you see is the turbulent flow of endless space. Those are three thousand big worlds. The world is the place of the imperial relics left by several supreme Supremes. Beyond that is the Primordial Chaos World. Of course, it is a chaotic primitive world that is incomplete. It has become a battlefield in the area. Naturally, you will temporarily return No need to understand what it is."

Yu Hao nodded.

Ye Chen regained his power, and under the influence of the world's origin, the barriers of the world were quickly repaired and completed.

"Generally speaking, the Primordial Chaos World is several times or even ten times larger than the Weiyang Great World. In this way, you should be able to imagine the vastness of the Primordial Chaos World."

Yu Hao nodded, shocked.

The Weiyang Great World was already huge enough. I didn't expect that the Primal Chaos World could be several times or even ten times as huge as the former. It is conceivable how huge it is.

He sighed softly: "Is this the real greatest world."

"No—" Ye Chen shook his head, "In fact, the Primordial Chaos World is huge, but it is only the second-class world. On top of that, there is a world that is even greater and countless times greater, called the universe!"

"Universe!" Yu Hao was surprised. Although he didn't know the concept of the universe, he knew that as a monk, Yu represented space and Zhou represented space.

The world called the universe must be an immensely vast and vast super world.

"The ancient chaotic universe is countless times as vast as the Weiyang Great World. In this chaotic ancient universe, there are endless worlds like Hengsha, and there are countless times greater than the Primordial Chaos World. Super big world."

"In the ancient Chaos Universe, it is precisely because of the infinite world, the world, and the most vast and boundless super world. Naturally, it also represents the possession of infinite resources, which is far more numerous than the Weiyang universe. It is also because of this that it can Infinite genius, infinite powerhouse is born."

"Like a king of gods, only a handful of dozens of people have been born in the Weiyang Great World since ancient times, but in the ancient Chaos Universe, as long as it is not incomplete, the number is at least ten times more."

"Naturally, above the **** king, there is a stronger super power, who is the quasi-king, and above that is the ancient king."

"At the level of the Primordial King, you can be regarded as a half-epoch, and the life span is incalculable. For example, the Tonggu God King in your realm is actually the Primordial King, or even stronger. It can be seen that he will live for a million years and still live forever. ."

"That level can also be called the overlord of the universe, which can dominate the existence of the universe."

"Above the Primordial is the emperor, such as the quasi-prince, they are in the fuzzy state between the two realms, but the emperor is beyond the level of the Primordial King, and his life span can reach an epoch. It also possesses the supreme power of the true peak level."

"Above the emperor is the Supreme."

"Supreme?" Yu Hao muttered to himself, with a yearning for this realm, he said: "How powerful is Supremacy?"

Ye Chen didn't answer and asked, "What do you think of Weiyang Great World?"

Yu Hao said: "Although according to what you said, there is a chaotic primitive world and a chaotic ancient universe above the Weiyang Great World, but I still feel that the Weiyang Great World is very vast and vast, and I occasionally feel it faintly. The original force that came out of the Weiyang Great World can easily suppress me."

"I think that once the original power comes out, it is easy to kill the **** king."

"I think even if you are such a powerful existence, it is not easy to defeat the world origin of Weiyang Great World."

Ye Chen faintly smiled and said: "When you become the level of the Primordial King, the inner world of the source will become the real inner world, and the Weiyang Great World is a supreme source of the inner world, the source of power is at least comparable to the ancient king, or even stronger. ."

"This Chaos Tianfu, um, is my mansion. It is a supreme emperor's palace. Just now you took a shot against the Chaos Tianfu, and you were bombarded and even broken to pieces. It is because the Chaos Tianfu contains the supreme emperor's prestige. One of them is a wisp of imperial prestige bombarding you, leaving you to pieces. The power you are trying to resolve is exactly a wisp of imperial prestige."

Hearing that, Yu Hao is much clearer about the path of cultivation, and he is clearer about the power of the Supreme.

He suddenly said: "Compared with the Supreme, you are stronger and weaker."

(End of this chapter)

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