Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3143: Hands on

Yu Hao relied on his master, Sheng Xu, the Primordial King, without any fear. On the contrary, he looked at Ye Chen coldly and snorted coldly: "Zhuzi is arrogant, although you are indeed very strong, far better than me, but it is only a mere mere pass No matter the king, my teacher is the ancient king. How can you compare it to you?"

To cultivate to this state, I know how big the gap between the big realm is, and how much it is far beyond the small realm.

Master Shengxu is the Primordial King, and Master Chen is just a quasi-king. How can it be compared to Master Shengxu.

Immediately, he turned around to make a pilgrimage to Sheng Xu, "Disciple Yu Hao begged Master to take action and seek justice for the disciple!"

"Get justice? Just rely on him?"

Ye Chen sneered.

Yu Hao raised his eyes: "What do you mean?"

"It seems that you still don't know the real ability of the Lord, otherwise you will not worship him as a teacher, but worship the Lord as a teacher, but you have forever missed this great opportunity."

There are several powerful figures behind Ye Chen, all at the level of quasi-monarchs, such as the quasi-king of the starry sky and the quasi-king of Hengyu, who are also looking at Yu Hao sarcastically.

The Lord is indeed a quasi-king, but he is the strongest quasi-king in the ages, and being able to kill the primordial king as a quasi-king is truly terrifying.

How about Shengxu being the Primordial King, it's just the defeat of the Lord's men.

Yu Hao snorted coldly, not caring.

However, when he turned his head, he found that the Master, who was the Primordial King, had a solemn expression on his face at this moment, which made his heart jump inexplicably.

Sheng Xu ignored Yu Hao's expression, but stared at Ye Chen with his eyes slightly fixed, and said, "Battle Saint King, what do you want?"

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Sheng Xu, you have been hiding from me for thirty years, and finally found your trace with the help of him. What do you think I want?"

Sheng Xu's face was ugly.

Especially when I looked at Yu Hao, my heart jumped suddenly. I didn't expect this to be a game.

This was deliberately done by the Fighting Saint King, specially set up and let him jump in.

Yu Hao's expression changed drastically. Looking at Master, he looked at Shengxu again. Isn't Shengxu as the Primordial King actually the opponent of Master Chen?

Moreover, he has been hiding for 30 years. Who is this Lord Chen sacred?

Isn't he just a quasi-king?

Why is Master so jealous of him?

And he could hear that he was accepted as a disciple by Sheng Xu because the other party did it deliberately. Could it be that the other party didn't intend to accept him as a disciple from the beginning, but as an introduction, just to draw the master out?

Ye Chen didn't even look at Yu Hao, and fell on Sheng Xu, saying: "Sheng Xu, today you and I will settle all grievances."

He patted his palm forward.


A loud bang exploded suddenly, alarming Jiuzhongxiao!

I saw that palm was instantly divided into nine, turning into nine big hands covering the sky full of a million miles, with a billowing chaotic aura, falling from the sky, and patted the nine of the world. position.

Isn’t that the nine directions where there is a pillar of light to the sky!

"not good!"

Sheng Xu's expression suddenly changed, just about to move, but Ye Chen chuckled at this moment, pinching the seal in his hand, and turning into a 33-layered tower of Zhentian Seal, with absoluteness. The energy of the Zhenfeng fell from the sky and bombarded.

Just like the bombardment of the imperial tower, the vast void of that piece of heaven and earth was blasted into a thin piece of paper.

Immediately, the thin paper-like void disintegrated.

There was a sensation that alarmed the entire inner world.

Sheng Xu was killed by surprise, and his hair was a little messy, but after all he resisted it.

Only at this time, it was too late to stop the nine large Chaos Handprints, and they only saw a heavy bombardment.


In the nine directions of the inner world, the nine pillars of light that opened up to the sky suddenly exploded, and the nine great chaos hands each grabbed a person. No matter how powerful or struggling these people are, it won't help.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

The nine big chaotic hands shook sharply!

There were screams and screams, which stopped abruptly.

Obviously, the owners of these voices were all killed.

"Fighting Saint King, you are too mad!"

Sheng Xu roared, his eyes were slightly red.

With the shot of the Fighting Saint King just now, the nine Great Chaos Handprints fell, completely killing his nine quasi-kings.

You must know that the quasi-monarchs whom he can admire are not ordinary quasi-monarchs, but now they have all been directly obliterated. It is simply a great hatred!

Ye Chen smiled, with a hint of indifference and ruthlessness: "It's just that you killed the nine quasi-kings of your inner world. You were never so excited when you killed the ancient king of the ancient black dragon."

While talking and laughing, Yu Hao's mind was shaken.

Killed the nine quasi-kings instantly?

This Lord Chen actually has the power to kill the Primordial King?

Isn't he just a quasi-king?

He remembered that the Wild Ancient Demon Dragon had said not long ago that he would regret it.

Is it because of this reason?

Inexplicably, there was a trace of regret in my heart.

However, when he saw Master Shengxu, his fists clenched and he shouted in his heart: "I, Yuhao, will not regret it!"


At this time Sheng Xu's aura rose steadily, reaching an unparalleled level in an instant, becoming the supreme master of this world, condescending and overlooking everything.

He said indifferently: "Fighting Saint King, although I have to admit that you used all kinds of methods, the last time I did kill I had to leave, but don't think that you are really invincible in the world, my opponent, in my original world In, I am the strongest master."

When the words fell, the infinite king Tianwei swept away, and even merged with the might of the world, it turned into an unimaginable storm and swept past.

Wherever he went, hundreds of millions of miles of space shattered and turned into darkness like annihilation!

"Really, I want to learn something!"

Ye Chen smiled and said, always so calm and natural, taking one step, and in a blink of an eye, he spanned dozens of millions of miles.

Facing the rolling storm of the Boundless Avenue, with a chuckle, the index finger and the **** merged into a sword finger, which means to cut forward.


In the sky, an unimaginable giant sword emerged, and it was even more magnificent than the galaxy. It was thousands of miles long, spanning hundreds of millions of miles, with chaotic light, and ten thousand ways in unison, descending from the sky. , Cut to the majestic storm.


The sky and the earth exploded, and it spread to hundreds of millions of miles of vast land, terrifying.

Don't say it is the king of gods, even if the quasi-king is caught in it, it will be wiped out in a flash.

It was visible to the naked eye that the vast and boundless storm was directly cut open on both sides by the Chaos Heaven Sword, and an empty space appeared in the middle.

The Chaos Sword Light traversed hundreds of millions of miles in the sky and directly slashed towards the Holy Void sitting on the highest seat of the altar. ()

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