Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3150: Into the death penalty zone

"Guess what."

Emperor Yongheng smiled lightly, but in his smile, there was the arrogant meaning of being high above and overlooking everything.

Ye Chen naturally didn't know, and he couldn't see through this emperor's eternity, the mysterious fairy light on his body, and the runes of the Three Thousand Great Dao, blocking all visits.

Is the emperor?

But whose son can become the eternal quasi-king.


Suddenly, in the forbidden area of ​​death, the desolate ancient temple trembles, and thousands of auspicious colors are gushing out, and the avenues of heaven and earth merge with it, giving birth to a supreme aura, arrogant to the heavens.

At this moment, attract everyone's attention.

The last surviving primordial emperor of the Saint Emperor's Realm camp-the emperor of Silver Valley, a triple heaven emperor, quite powerful.

Naturally, he knew that the frontal struggle was not Ye Chen or the eternal opponent of the emperor, so he preemptively stepped into the forbidden land of death and rushed to the deserted ancient temple first, wanting to compete for the supreme inheritance as soon as possible.

"Battle Saint King!"

In the Yandi Region camp, the powers headed by Han Zhen shouted.

"It's okay, let's take a look."

Ye Chen was calm and relaxed, not at all anxious that King Silver Valley rushed into the death penalty area first.

You must know that if the desolate ancient temple really has a supreme heritage, it must have a corresponding back hand, how can it be so easily obtained by outsiders, even if it is the ancient king.

On the other side, Emperor Yongheng held the same thought, not moved, watching all this quietly.


In the forbidden area of ​​death, there is a terrifying energy blooming, dormant with a real Primordial King-level existence. At this moment, he was awakened and suddenly shouted: "Who is it? Frightened to trespass into the land of the Lord!"

In the forbidden area of ​​death, an extremely terrifying vision appeared. The master of the forbidden area made a terrible move. The powers on the edge of the forbidden area changed their colors and retreated directly into the sky, not daring to approach. .

The aura is so powerful, with an absolute breath of death, visible to the naked eye, some of the powers that retreat a bit slower can't bear it, and it explodes.


Many of the strong people who came here were frightened.

"I, Lord Silver Valley!"

The King of Silver Valley drinks coldly, his body is full of radiance, accompanied by the flaming King's heavenly majesty, sensationalizes the entire death penalty area, and the king's hand is to grab the deserted ancient temple.


Almost at the same time, the king's killing array in the death penalty area was touched and completely emerged. The densely packed avenue runes and avenue rules were intertwined with each other, turning into a skynet, covering the entire death penalty area, and also shining extremely terrible murderous intent.

For a time, the King's Killing Array derives boundless killing power to counter the King of Silver Valley.


The blood bloomed, the king of the Silver Valley was hit by the king's killing array, and then the terrifying power of the king's killing appeared, densely packed, and the terrible big hand that could destroy a star field with a slap was torn apart, bones and blood. It can be seen that the blood is splashing into the sky and the blood is blurred.

King Silver Valley snorted and retracted his palm, but even so, he was overtaken by the King's Killing Formation, crushing all the flesh and blood on his hand, and finally remaining on the bones.

Of course, the vitality of the Primordial King is extremely astonishing, and the crushed hand flesh quickly grows out. He gloomily stares at the King Killing Array in the Death Forbidden Zone, coldly saying: "I really thought the King Killing Array in this district could stop me. ?"

He sacrificed his own Emperor's Immortal Soldier, which was a sacred tree, dripping with billions of brilliance, layered on top of each other, and suddenly grabbed and swept it, and suddenly the infinite brilliance was bombarded by the king's rules on the king's killing array.

There was a loud bang, shaking the heavens.

The entire king's killing array was trembling, but the light of killing bloomed, shattering all the brilliance of the road and resisting it.


King Silver Valley snorted coldly, slamming into him with the Wanhua Baoshu in his hand.

After a loud noise, the entire King Killing Array was killed so that a gap appeared.


In the forbidden area of ​​death, the boundless black light diffused, with death aura, overwhelming the sky, flooding the wasteland.

There, a sacred mountain that was as high as the sky flew out. It was said to be a mountain, but in fact it was more like an ancient pagoda.


The loud noise exploded, and the silver valley king's figure flew upside down, tattered, bloody, and even white bones, cut in half by his waist.

The lord of the death penalty zone shot, and in the blink of an eye, a triple heaven king was hit and defeated.

This scene completely demonstrated the power of the Lord of the Dead Forbidden Zone, who must be far superior to the existence of the Triple Heaven King.


At this moment, both Ye Chen and Emperor Eternal moved suddenly.



Both entered the death penalty zone at the same time.

"Does anyone still want to die?"

A cold voice came from the death penalty area, as if reading a death spell, pushing the king's killing array to blast past.

Moreover, the King Killing Array turned into two parts, and at the same time dealt with Ye Chen and Emperor Eternal.


The emperor yelled coldly, the cross sword light flashed in his eyes, and a cross sword fell in every eye, with the sharp aura of the sky, he slashed towards the king to kill the formation.

After the rumbling sound, the king's killing array that rushed over was opened in half and could not be stopped.

On the other side, Ye Chen showed the overbearing power of the eternal quasi-king at the same time, the fingers of the sky fell, and the king killed the



In a blink of an hour, the two eternal quasi-kings broke through the king killing array and descended into the depths of the death penalty zone.

The world is shocked!

This is the power of the eternal quasi-king.

Ye Chen and Di Yongheng looked at each other, and they didn't seem to expect that the other party was so strong.

"It's weird. I have swallowed so many big worlds with the help of the Origin Universe, before I have transformed to this point. How did this emperor eternal reach this point in the realm of eternal quasi-kings." Ye Chen wondered, not sure. What kind of road the emperor eternal practiced, did not know what opportunities the other party had.

Emperor Eternal said, "You are more powerful than I imagined. Before I met, my purpose was very simple. I wanted to see if you were eligible for the title of eternal quasi-king, but now it seems , You do have this qualification."

He recognized Ye Chen's qualifications.

Ye Chen said indifferently: "I don't need your approval."

While speaking, the two eternal quasi-kings were already close to the deserted ancient temple less than a thousand miles away.

For them, such a distance can be crossed in no time!


The twelve-story ancient pagoda flew out, and each layer was made of a kind of peerless fairy material, and it contained an imperial power.

The twelve-story ancient tower seems to be a superposition of twelve immortal kings, which can be called a peerless horror.

Under the control of the lord of the death penalty zone, he shattered the world and smashed the two.

"The owner of this death penalty zone is not easy!"

Such a thought emerged in Ye Chen's heart. He immediately shot his hand, clenched his fist, and the chaotic light bloomed, pushing the chaotic Taoism, showing the eternal quasi-king's mighty power, pressing the past, and shaking the twelve-story ancient tower.

(End of this chapter)

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