Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3154: The true face of the best treasure

With the emperor seat in front of him, Ye Chen was still a little startled.

   Supreme Inheritance is so easy to get hands?

   After all, it was a little unexpectedly easy, and I still feel a little dreaming.

   but so real!

"Little friend, I know that you have a great lineage of fighting and fighting saints, and there are also multiple supreme inheritances. Maybe you don’t look down on my supreme inheritance, but I hope that one day, you can treat me like you can’t be the supreme. Pass the supreme inheritance to the right person."

   "At the very least, let my inheritance not be cut off from the world."

  The attitude of the ancient emperor suddenly became gentle, and he was reluctant to give up on the emperor seat.

   After all, his existence, his obsession, is also because of the supreme inheritance.

   Ye Chen earnestly pays respects: "Senior, but please rest assured, the younger generation will definitely live up to expectations!"

   "Well, since you speak, I am relieved, hahahaha—"

   The ancient emperor laughed, and the stalwart Supreme Emperor gradually became illusory and gradually disappeared.

   In the end, it was completely gone, only his voice still echoed in his ears: "Let me do my last bit."

   "Little friend, please remember, my name is Jiuyin Zhizun."

   "You can tell Shura and Tonggu that the matter is over, you can leave and break through their lives. Thank you for their continued follow."

   "As for the treasure of the world like that, if you refine the throne, little friend, you will know the true whereabouts."

   The lingering sound continues for a long time.

   Ye Chen still worshiped, but after a long time, he stood up again.

   Seeing the sun sinking in front of me, the nine large moons changing, the changing moon phases of the godless throne, the emperor’s rune is billions, there are traces of hundreds of millions of years of sinking, representing an ancient emperor’s supreme road heritage.

   opened his mouth and vomited, the chaotic fire enveloping the emperor seat.

   The process was very smooth, directly refining the emperor, and obtained the supreme inheritance of Jiuyin supreme, and all kinds of messages came to mind.

  The Desolate Ancient Temple is where the Jiuyin Supreme Palace is located, also known as the Jiuyin Emperor Hall.

In the great world of Weiyang, although the nine continents have the word "Yang", such as the Weiyang continent and the Tianyang continent, in fact, the ancient world supreme is the Jiuyin supreme. The purpose of its name is to find the supreme inheritance in chaos. The thinking.

   And he got a very important message.

   The true identity of the world's most precious treasure——

  The holy thing of origin!

   and it is also one of the eight sources of chaos.

   More importantly, there is no need for the guidance of the four supreme inheritance at all. The real depository is in the throne of Jiuyin Supreme.

   At the time, Jiuyin Zhizun used the chaotic water source to prove Dao becoming emperor, and even reached the highest level of the supreme, no less than the Yan Emperor and the inability to be supreme.

   It's a quasi-giant-level existence.

   It’s just that when Jiuyin Supreme was about to be promoted to the strongest emperor, he got into trouble and almost died. The Supreme World of Saint Prison was lucky to learn that he took the opportunity to take the source of chaos.

   Jiuyin Supreme was seriously injured and dying that year, and could not be recovered. After he finally recovered more than half of his injuries, he set off directly to the Great World of Saint Prison to get it back.

   At the same time, the Noble Supreme and Tianxu Supreme both went to fight at the same time, and the four Supremes fought.

   In the end, even though Jiuyin Supreme regained the source of chaos water, he was directly killed because of his injuries and the recurrence of old injuries.

   It's a sigh, a generation of quasi-giant-level supreme beings who were originally comparable to Yandi have fallen.

   Speaking of it, the inability to supreme back then was also a quasi-giant-level existence, but the moment he was about to succeed, he was attacked and killed by Shidai himself, and fell helplessly.

   "I thought I needed to continue searching, but I didn't expect that there would be another village in the dark, and it would take no effort."

   Ye Chen also smiled. After refining the emperor seat, he can naturally open up the space contained in the emperor seat.

A passage appeared in   , and the imperial road runes were constructed to lead to the mysterious and unknown place.

   He stepped into the passage and moved forward quickly.

   Among them, there is no hindrance, perhaps because he has refined the emperor seat, waiting if it is the supreme inheritor of Jiuyin supreme.

   In the end, he appeared in a mysterious place full of sunshine, feeling the majestic and boundless power of the world, overlapping and overlapping, and even more looming the supreme emperor's might.

  The origin of the world!

   Ye Chen knew right away where the end point was. He didn't expect the Emperor's seat passage to be the source of the world leading to the great world of Weiyang.

   Among them, there is a stalwart emperor statue, who is not the emperor of Jiuyin Supreme.

   The vast power of the world envelops the emperor's statue and is unusually close, but as Ye Chen approaches, these world powers have receded and formed a channel.

   I saw a bright blue pearl in the eyebrows of the emperor of Jiuyin Supreme, which seemed to be hidden in the boundless ocean. The waves hit the sky and swept the boundless chaotic sea.

  The incomparable power of the water avenue is deep in this pearl.

   Ye Chen knew that this was the legendary source of chaotic water.


   At this moment, the chaotic thunder source and the crown of eternity in his eyebrows resonated, and the chaotic water source in the emperor's eyebrows was also trembling, revealing a cheerful emotion, as if there was spirit.

   Ye Chen bowed to the emperor's statue. Then he stepped up into the air and came to the source of Chaos Water. He whispered: "Source of Chaos Water, come on, follow me, and you will shine with true glory."


   The power of Chaos Avenue and the eternal quasi-king is blooming ~ The potential is unimaginable, and it is surrounded by the chaotic thunder source and the eternal crown.

   The chaotic water source trembled slightly for a moment, then with a squeak, separated from the emperor statue, and fell into Ye Chen's brow.

   The chaotic holy soul villain wrapped the chaotic water source. At this moment, he felt that the road to water was extremely clear, and his understanding had increased.

   Boom boom boom boom boom--

   It can be seen to the naked eye, in front of him, there are a series of rules of the king of water evolved out of thin air, hundreds of thousands.

   In the end, it reached as many as 1,300.

   It is hard to imagine, it is just a moment of time, and the power of one thousand three hundred rulers is derived.

   But this is the source of chaos, and it does have such capabilities.

   Of course, after the 1300 rule of kings is derived, it will no longer increase.

   It might be said that this is a gift from Jiuyin Supreme to Ye Chen.

   In addition to the rule of the ruler obtained by refining the tenth-level Taoist star in the past 30 years, and the rule of the ruler he has previously mastered, the number of rule of the ruler he currently has reached 5,200, which is more than the general one-layer primordial king.

   left the origin of the world, turned back along the original road, and reappeared in the deserted ancient palace.

   Sitting on the throne of God, his brilliance is magnificent. After refining the throne, he also became the ruler of this deserted ancient palace.

   even became the ruler of the entire Weiyang world.


   Hundreds of millions of Rui Cai shining all over the world, and the entire Weiyang world trembled.

   Everyone knows who the Supreme Inheritance is.

   Fighting Saint King!

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