Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3156: No old enemies

Emperor Shura looked at Ye Chen and suddenly sighed, his eyes became complicated, and he whispered: "Little friend, I feel a familiar wave in you. You should have cultivated the inheritance of the fighting saints. Right."

   Ye Chen's heart was shocked, and he nodded immediately: "The younger generation is the contemporary heir of the fighting saint, Ye Chen."

   "Sure enough."

   The Emperor Shura sighed slightly.

   Next to him, Emperor Tonggu also sighed: "You have remembered something back then."

"Yeah, how can I forget it, that is an unforgettable time, even if the arrogant is like me, invincible forever, wasn't it also the fellow who was suppressed by the fighting saints who was helpless?" Emperor Shura said with sorrow. Also with remembrance, it seems to recall some of the things that year.

   In his young age, he was a generation of fierce men, the strongest and supreme figure in the young generation, who swept the invincible hand of his generation.

   Even killing the entire Chaos Ancient Universe, no younger generation can compete with it.

   In the end, he entered the ancient road and encountered a peerless fierce man who was even more enchanting and perverted than him. He was also a cultivator in the line of fighting saints, but he was suppressed!

"Hahaha, you were indeed invincible back then, the same generation of Chaos Ancient Universe, and even the emperor and emperor were defeated. You think you are truly invincible to the entire Chaos Sea, but you didn’t encounter several enemies on the ultimate ancient road. I met the guy without phase and fought a battle, and was finally defeated. I was decadent for a long time."

Emperor Tonggu laughed, but at the end, he also sighed: "It's a pity, I searched from that Yuntian monarch's divine sense and learned some truths. The Wuxiang guy had been in the last epoch because he was too bad for the sky. , Being shot by a foreign race, using two emperors, seven peerless kings, and even the most terrifying emperor-level killing array, finally made Wuxiang seriously injured and dying."

   "In the end, the Alien Supreme was shocked, and he didn't hesitate to do anything to really kill Wuxiang."

   "It's just a pity, the most amazing person back then, suppressed you, Cang Yan and other major overlords that no one dared to admire Wuxiang, after all, was lost."

   Looking back on all the things back then, the two emperors both expressed regret.

   Ye Chen's heart trembled.

   Hearing what he said, the Emperor Shura and Emperor Tonggu in front of him were all competitors that the Emperor Wuxiang encountered on the ultimate ancient road.

More importantly, he had heard that the Emperor Wushi mentioned some things about the Wuxiang Kings of the mythical era trespassing the ultimate ancient road. Although he beat the ancient road invincible by one person, he also encountered a few extraordinarily terrible. The enemy can fight him.

   One of them is the Emperor Xiu, who fought against the unphased king of the year, killing a section of the ancient road to pieces, terrifying.

Ye Chen was very impressed at the beginning. After all, King Wuxiang was the first person under the supremacy of the mythical era, and even the supreme being able to fight against the world, but there were people who could fight against him in his youth. Great terror.

   I didn't expect to encounter the enemy of the unphased king's youth in his youth, and now he has become an emperor.

He also remembered the old antique named Cang Yan on the Ultimate Ancient Road. It seemed that he was also one of the great enemies of the Wuxiang King. He also promised him that as long as he is on the Ultimate Ancient Road, he will appear three times in his name. , Protect him once.

   It was just that Ye Chen pushed all the way, even into the Supreme Ancient Road, pushed the Ten Heaven Realm Ancient Domain, the Invincible Supreme Ancient Domain, and killed two ancient roads, no one dared to claim it. In the end, he never used this opportunity.

   At this time, Ye Chen couldn't help but smile, and said with a fist toward the existence of the two emperors: "Don't hide the two emperors, the ancestor without phase is actually alive."


   The expressions of the two great emperors changed, and immediately surprises emerged, and their emotions changed: "You are true, and Wuxiang is still alive."

   "Yes, this is true."

   Ye Chen informed the two emperors of the cause and effect of the incident.

   For a long time, the two emperors were pleasantly surprised and complicated.

  What is pleasantly surprised is that Wuxiang is still alive, and it is broken and then standing, and further, in the realm of the emperor, with the power of the world that rivals the supreme, it is already known as the world without the supreme.

  The same is true of complex.

At that time, they were overwhelmed by the unphased king on the ultimate ancient road, and even in the later stage, the unphased king was against the sky to the point where even the supreme dared to fight. The world is known as the first person under the chaos sea supreme, and it is universally recognized. It is believed to have the terrifying potential to become the strongest emperor.

   Under the action of the Fighting Saint Ancestor, he was resurrected with a complete imperial way. They are both emperors, and they are even stronger than them. In the ten-day realm, even the three emperors are cut down, how terrible, how terrifying.

   They sighed slightly, fearing that they would not have the chance to surpass the unphased king in this life.

   But for the unphased kings, they also have a kind of admiration from the bottom of their hearts. They are resurrected from the dead, and then stand up after breaking. It is only natural to achieve this step.

"Hahahaha, yes, although I was the same as you back then as the ultimate ancient heaven arrogant, I am far inferior to you, and I am not even qualified to participate in the battle during the battle. I finally emerged in the later stage, and now I become the emperor. If there is a chance, I also want to see if Wuxiang has really reached that stage."

Emperor Tonggu laughed. He belonged to the typical late-brows. He was not as good as Wuxiang, Shura, and Cang Yan in his young age. However, because of his great perseverance and great will, his birthplace rose up later, surpassing many of his peers. The generation, eventually became the Primordial King, and even followed Jiuyin Supreme to fight, and now he has become the emperor.

   Speaking of it, the achievements are amazing.

   Because of the unphased king, the two emperors even blessed Ye Chen and promised that they would follow Ye Chen to the sealed universe and visit the unphased king.

   Ye Chen was surprised by this, but he didn't expect that all this would be effortless.

   did not lead the two emperors to leave Weiyang Great World immediately. Before leaving, he prepared to let the two emperors handle some of the things at hand.

   At the same time, he put away the deserted ancient emperor's palace and led the powers back to Chaos Tianfu.

Half an hour later, Ye Chen took action. With the help of the Weiyang Great World, he found out all the powerhouses in the Saint Emperor's Domain, including thirty-four people, including the emperor Yingu, who later fled. All of them were shot by Thunder. The town was wiped out.

   So far, Weiyang Great World has completely become Ye Chen's world.

   Two days later, Ye Chen put away the Chaos Tianfu, and let all the enslaved masters return to the original universe, and everything is ready.

   In the death penalty area, Emperor Shura and Emperor Tonggu appeared, and nodded towards Ye Chen, indicating that they can leave after handling everything.

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