Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3182: Yan Di move

Boom boom boom -

   The three supreme lords of the Yan Emperor Domain appeared, naturally they had been prepared long ago, and they also blocked it, blocking the catastrophe for the Emperor of the Early Emperor.

  At this moment, the giant-level domain warfare has deteriorated. From the beginning of the emperor to the eternal emperor, the foreign races have begun to use the supreme.

   and there are many supreme sages, including the eternal emperor who is comparable to the supreme-level emperor in the early days, seven supreme sacreds are in the battlefield of the sanctuary.

   It can be predicted that the battlefield of the Holy Prison Realm was almost destroyed by the ten emperors' battles, not to mention the Seven Supremes, which will inevitably wipe out the entire battlefield of the Holy Prison Realm.


   Silently, Emperor Yan made a move, and directly transferred everyone in the Yan Emperor domain camp and entered his supreme world.

   At this point, the emperor couldn't see enough when the supreme made a move, not to mention the powerhouse under the supreme, there was only a dead end, and only transfer into his supreme world was the safest.

   But a few great emperor-level figures have been transferred out of the battlefield of the sanctuary, because the next battle may need to use them.


   Finally, not long after, under the hands of the Seven Supremes, the entire battlefield of the Holy Prison was completely disintegrated, collapsed into nothingness, and shook the entire ancient road of origin.

   Here, there is an alien supreme who took the opportunity to rush into the land of the four emperors, hoping to find the legendary treasure.

  The supreme on the side of the Yandi Region naturally hoped to find the treasure of the world, but the Yandi prevented it from entering.

  Because he knew, the real treasure of the world fell into Ye Chen's hands, and it was also a chaotic water source opposite to the chaotic fire source he had.

   And he knows what is hidden in the Four Great Relics. It is the immortal obsession of the Four Great Supremes. Even if the Supreme enters, it is a huge killing, and it is very likely to fall into it.

   Of course, he would not easily expose the secrets hidden in the four great emperor ruins, and he would use the Supreme Secret Technique to cover it up.

I have to say that Emperor Yan is also very dark-hearted. Unknowingly, the supreme enters the place of the four great emperors, even if it is only the supreme obsession, but you must know that whether it is Jiuyin supreme or not, it is a quasi-giant-level existence. , I am afraid it is really possible to drag a few supreme mourners.

   Naturally, if the supreme number of the alien side can be weakened, why the Emperor Yan is happy not to do it.


   He secretly shot, and intentionally suppressed the supreme aura that erupted in the four great emperor ruins, but failed to completely spread.

  Because he saw the four supreme immortal obsessions take action, they joined forces to kill the alien supreme who broke into it, and the battle was fierce.

During   , the alien supreme tried several times and asked for support, because he was really bleeding, suffered heavy injuries, and was difficult to break free in a short time.

   But all communication fluctuations were secretly suppressed by Emperor Yan, and could not spread.

On the contrary, with the help of a Yandi domain supreme, Yandi used the strongest emperor's power to penetrate into the four great emperor ruins, containing the terrifying power of the chaotic fire source, helping the four supreme immortal obsessions to hunt down the alien supreme. Even help refining, let the supreme sacrifice, feed back the four supreme immortal obsessions, and make obsessions stronger!

   All this is going on silently, and everyone outside does not know.

   Believe that it will not be long before that alien supreme is very likely to fall.

   The alien side doesn't know about all this, and it seems that the Yan Emperor domain doesn't know that a supreme from his camp has entered it. Instead, it is used to cover up, but the Yan Emperor secretly laughs, it is simply a pig teammate.

   boom boom boom boom——

However, it is clear that there are more than these for the supremacy of the Emperor of the Taichu. It is because of the Emperor of the Supreme. There are too many people on the ancient path of origin that are unwilling to watch the rise of the camp of the Emperor of the Supreme, worrying that his son will become the second Taisho. The holy emperor vowed to prevent its rise.

   In the dark, there is a supreme who constantly shots, attacking and killing the emperor from all aspects.

   Even if the emperor of the early emperor is the eternal emperor, strong enough to be the supreme, but can not withstand so many of the supreme's secret shots, the light of the supreme level killing takes shape, and then overwhelming, flooding the emperor of the early, making him covered in blood.

   is also fortunate that he is very strong. Fortunately, the Yan Emperor Domain Supreme came to help. Fortunately, the Universe and Gossip Mirror reached most of the attacks, otherwise it would be as strong as him.

   At this stage, the battlefield of the holy prison was directly in a state of half destruction, and many boundary walls were directly penetrated by the supreme, connecting the outside world.

The supreme battle in    is even more known by the ancient road of origin, and hundreds of millions of creatures are paying attention to it!


   The emperor of the early days opened his mouth and vomited blood, his breath fell. Because he could not maintain his permanent invincibility, he began to fall, and now he is facing the supreme, with a lot of pressure.

   At this time, Emperor Yan took a step, and finally couldn't help but make a move and wanted to block it.

   "Emperor Yan, your opponent is me."

   The strongest emperor, the emperor, appeared and stopped the Emperor Yan.

   Yandi frowned, and said indifferently: "Holy, are you really going to stop me?"

  The strongest Emperor Sheng sneered and said: "Emperor Yan, I just don't want you to break the rules. After all, as a giant, you can't easily make a move."

   "The Supreme can't shoot casually. You send so many Supremes to block, isn't it a broken rule?"

   Sheng shook his head and sneered: "Emperor Yan, do you have any evidence that I sent it."

   "Are you sure it was not sent by you?" Yandi looked at each other! "Holy nature will not admit it.

"it is good!"

The Emperor Yan nodded, and immediately violent, his voice shook the battlefield of the Saint Prison: "It is not the supreme of both the Yan Emperor Domain and the Saint Emperor Domain. If you dare to intervene in the battle of the giant-level domain, I really don't put my Yan Emperor in your eyes. Today No matter who it is, we must give this emperor an explanation."


   He was just a shot, and the ten supreme beings hiding in the dark were all blasted out, revealing their identities.

   At the same time, the Emperor Yan was killed by surprise at the speed of the strongest emperor, and he bypassed him, slapped him with two slaps, and slapped the two supreme princes in succession. The emperor's blood spattered.

   In the blink of an eye, the two supreme beings were severely injured by the Emperor Yan.

   Immediately, Yan Emperor's eyes swept towards the remaining Eight Supremes, making them all silent and trembling.

   After all, this Emperor Yan was really too violent, and he would shoot if he didn't agree with him. None of them was Yan Emperor's opponent.

   The strongest emperor, the Sage, did not expect that Emperor Yan was so powerful. With a thunder and thunder, he shot out ten secret supreme, and even severely injured two people. It can be said that he killed them by surprise.

At the same time, Emperor Yan was even more merciless. He locked on one of the Supremes. The speed was so fast that time could not catch up. It was like traveling through the ages, and he came to the Supreme in an instant and came straight down. . (https:)

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