Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3194: Back in time and space

"Guardian against the sky? Who is he?"

   "Is there still this person in Chaos Hai?"

   "Is it the supreme of the line of warriors against the sky?"

   On the ancient road of origin, many people are relatively at a loss, including some Supreme.

   There is a supreme who has lived for an unknown era and said in a deep voice: "He doesn't belong to this era, but does anyone remember the peerless fierce who broke into the center of the ancient universe of alien races to kill?"

   Hearing this, many people's hearts were shocked, and they suddenly remembered the historical facts recorded on the ancient stone tablets, and remembered a peerless fierce man from endless years ago!

   That peerless fierce man made a world-defying move that is still passed down in the Chaos Sea, which is heard by countless people.

   Such feats can be said to be remembered through the ages and survive forever!

   That person, named the warlord against the sky, is known as the invincible warrior!

   When the name of the warlord against the sky gradually became familiar, passages of glorious past stories about him were brought up one after another.

   The successive mentions of every piece of the past have also made the world have a deep awe of the warlord against the sky.

   This era may not be known to many people, but in the last era and even earlier eras, the name of the warlord against the sky was known to everyone.

   He is a fighting madman who shook the Chaos Sea, and even fought all over the Chaos Sea, confronting the invincible existence of the most powerful people in the ancient Chaos Universe.

   In the past, the prestige of the warlord against the sky is no less than the ancestor of fighting.

   It was only afterwards that the peak of the battle fell, and then later, the fighting ancestors rose, the invincible Chaos Sea, surpassed the heavenly warlord, and truly became the first person to attack.

   I didn't expect that the warlord against the sky would come back against the world.

   However, his sudden appearance caused some people to change their colors, guessing a certain possibility that would break through the ages.

  The warlord against the sky, his figure is comparable to the fighting ancestors, generally surpassing the world, generally immortal, and generally unparalleled, stepping forward, encompassing infinite vitality, trembling in the future and present.

   Fighting Saint Ancestor looked at this figure with a slightly complicated expression: "You are here."

   Different appearances and temperaments, but the warlord who has the same fighting spirit nods: "I'm here."

   "Warlord against the sky, is this the ancestor of the line of warriors against the sky?"

   Ye Chen's eyes flickered. In the sealed universe, the line of fighting saints has a line of natural hostility, which is the line of warriors against the sky.

   Different from the line of fighting saints, the line of heaven-defying combatants is inherently an invincible battle body, which is innately possessed. Its blood is silver, just like the blood of a god, containing invincible fighting intent and overbearing.

   However, in the battlefield of the two worlds, Ye Chen had talked with the warriors against the sky and learned some mysteries that shocked the ages.

   Therefore, he is not much hostile to the warlord against the sky, and some are still a kind of reverence.

   Fighting saint ancestors and warlords against the sky represent the peak existence of the two refining bodies. Standing side by side at this moment, the light of gold and silver shines on the eternal sky and shakes the world!

   "Warlord against the sky, you can't be alive!"

   The three big aliens who were blocked in the Supreme Realm nearly roared.

   In that battle, the warlord against the heavens caused the entire alien ancient universe to pay an unprecedented huge price, but likewise, the warlord against the heavens eventually fell, and there is no possibility of resurrection, but how can it happen now.

   This is impossible.

   "No, you can't be a living warlord against the sky, at most it can only be a battle soul, the immortal battle soul of the warlord against the sky." The Holy Demon Emperor coldly snorted.

   How severe the injury of the warlord against the sky back then was. It was countless times more severe than that of the unphased king. How could he still be alive? If it was just an immortal battle spirit, it would make sense.

   The people of the world suddenly felt that the words of the Holy Devil Emperor were true. The battle against the sky was so terrible that the eternal giants could not survive.

"is it?"

The figure of the warlord against the sky became hazy again, surrounded by the power of infinite time and space, as if he was not in this life, and was going to come in the past, but the figure shook, but truly detached from time and space, his black hair danced wildly, and he was a heroic figure. The man, who seems to be in his early twenties, is immeasurable, straddling ancient and modern times.

   I saw his figure moving, reflecting the most powerful combat charm between heaven and earth, every move, it was like the personal evolution of the battle avenue, after a strange attack, it broke the barrier of time and space, and hit the ancient emperor.


   Only see that the ancient emperor of the chaos is surrounded by numerous supreme emperor shadows, one after another broken.

   Fighting against the sky seems to reappear in time and space, swinging his fists, and the unparalleled martial arts power is contained in it. It seems that a simple punch, but in fact, I don't know how many times the martial arts have evolved.

  The ancient emperor's figure in the chaos retreated, blood was splashed, and that punch caused the eternal giant to be directly injured.

  Eternal shock!

   In just one face-to-face meeting, it hurts the Emperor Luangu!

   Such a terrifying combat power, in the field, no one can have it except the fighting ancestor.

   And it is said that the Heaven-defying warlord is mostly an immortal war soul, but can the mere immortal war soul really have such a terrifying combat power?

   "Impossible, you can't be alive!"

The lord of the ancient chaos roared, he couldn’t believe all this. In the past, in order to kill the warlord against the sky, the price paid by the alien race was much higher than that of the unphased king. I don’t know how many times, even the giants perished for it, but today The warlord against the sky has truly resurrected, and such a powerful combat power cannot be possessed by the warlord who is not really alive.


   Suddenly, the figure of the warlord against the sky trembled, and the whole person was blurred many times, and time and space surrounded him and changed, as if he was about to leave this world.

At the same time, on the highest point of the unpredictable sky, there are taboo sky thunder pouring down, hundreds of thousands of times, overwhelming the sky, enough to blast a single supreme world into ashes in a seems like punishment Someone crossed time and space and made a shocking attack.

"Yes, the real warlord against the sky is likely to have been completely lost. It exists in the past time and space, but the time and space the great control of time and space surpasses anyone in the world, so that the warlord against the sky will come back for a short time, but Not long."

   There is a supreme sigh.

"Hahaha, yes, you can't really be alive, the warlord against the sky, it may be that you expected to die in the war, so you used the supreme secret method before the war to reverse the time and space to come here to fight." Laughter, apart from this possibility, it is impossible for the Lord against the sky to be alive.

"is it?"

  The Fighting Saint Ancestor smiled, running the fighting holy method, fists hit the top, and in an instant, hundreds of thousands of forbidden thunders disappeared.

   At the same time, the original vague warlord became clear again, and the aura on his body became stronger and stronger, even truly breaking through time and space and returning to this place.


   In the end, at a certain moment, the figure of the heaven-defying warlord completely reappeared, just like the invincible warlord of the past years, perfectly reappearing.

   Only see that cause and effect do not reappear, time and space no longer change, always the same, standing here, never leaving.

   The warlord against the sky, as if he really came alive, not simply from the past, but really reappearing in the world.

  PS: Everyone has added a group account or no official account, haha, there are in the previous chapter, you can add it, red envelopes will be issued tonight!

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