Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3210: The initial strength of the first generation

This place is very special. The frontier Tianguan leads to a densely packed army of alien races, and even a supreme seat is vaguely located. It is surprisingly the place leading to the tenth imperial gate of the sealed universe.

The giant Taoist body came here with a cold and unforgiving look, ignoring the panic of the hundreds of millions of alien troops here, and shot away, just a simple slap and ran over, and the moment turned into a horror that enveloped an unknown number of stars. With big hands, even the Supreme Dhamma must appear small in front of him.

The big hand fell, and the endless alien army was wiped out, but the two alien supreme and a few alien emperors who were sitting in the town were abandoned, and all the others were killed.

The two great alien emperors and the seven alien emperors who witnessed the tragedy had no intention of resisting, knowing the terrible eternal giants, turned and left.

It's just that the giant Dao body will naturally not allow them to leave. As long as they can swallow them again, their survival time will inevitably be extended for a longer period of time, and more alien races can be slaughtered.

But at this time, three invincible auras that shook the ancients and the present appeared, and the three foreign giants with absolute strength tore open the real ten thousand realm seals. It seemed that it was not too slow for a moment, and the endless army guarding the frontier was wiped out. It was extremely angry, and shot in anger, continuously blasting the giant Dao body.


The figure of the giant Dao was dimmed, it was obviously severely injured, and the three alien great emperors in the body had not been completely perished, but only half of the origin of the emperor Dao was extracted, and it was still able to exert a terrifying combat power.

In order to survive, at this moment, it is natural to make crazy shots.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

In the end, the giant Taoist body also dimmed, and the figure dimmed a lot.

At this moment, he entered the center of the universe from the frontiers of the universe and was chased by three big alien giants.

During the period, he was bombed once and suffered a huge hit.

And it can be seen that it won't last long, and it's about to die.

Seeing this scene, the giants of all parties also sighed slightly. It is already very good to be able to sustain it.

The Dao body of the giant finally came to the origin of the universe and couldn't go further, because the auras of the big alien giants blocked him, and it was even harder to move forward than he was.

However, looking at the three giants of alien races who were chasing after them, the giant Dao body took a deep breath, and in a flash, the whole person became more and more brilliant, and it started to burn, and a more powerful force emerged. Out.

And the three great alien emperors in the body let out a scream: "No!"

This Chaos Emperor Fire was so terrible that the Supreme could hardly stop the slightest. It was submerged, and accompanied by burning, there was a stream of terrifying and majestic Supreme Power continuously rushing out, and finally submerged in the body of the giant road.

In an instant, the aura of the giant Dao body became stronger, reaching a more powerful height, even with the power that bloomed.

"Well, the last blow!"

The giant Dao Shen took a deep breath, scanned the three giants, and immediately displayed the most terrifying blow, shouting loudly, and lingering forever: "Chaos buried the heavens!"


The most terrifying blow came out, and immediately the most terrifying power emerged, that is, the origin of the universe must retreat, stay away, and be broken by life.

The incomparable blow, accompanied by the burning of the giant's Taoist body, could not rush into them backwards.

With a loud noise, the entire alien ancient universe shook up and collapsed, exploding the infinite star field, and the vast destruction of the flames flooded the center of the universe in a blink of an eye, incredibly terrifying, burning time and space.

The heavens will be terrified.

This blow, but almost waiting for the strongest blow of an eternal giant's self-immolation, even if it is not as good, it is not much worse.

The central territory of the ancient alien universe is likely to be wiped out, leaving only the origin of the universe.

Even the entire ancient chaotic universe would fall into a state of half destruction.

Even if other foreign giants wanted to stop it, it was too late, because it was too sudden, and it was the self-destruction of the giant's Dao body, how could it be stopped.

At this time, Si Dai who had been unmoved suddenly sighed, and this alien ancestor who could be called the greatest black hand in the ages, suddenly shot.


I saw the origin of the universe shook, a wave of unimaginable, and even reversible space-time infinite cosmic forces rippling away, directly suppressing all the forces of destruction.

The first generation is full of infinite brilliance, brilliance is very special, with special power, wherever it passes, all the flames of destruction are melted into nothingness.

It was just a short time, and a devastating cosmic disaster collapsed.

The supreme giant blood-stained the future, the pupils hidden under the chaotic air also shrank slightly, and there was an amazing change.

"Such a means!"

The heavens are all shocked. These methods are very special, but also extremely terrifying. A cosmic catastrophe that was difficult for the eternal giants to suppress has been resolved in this way, which is incredible.

Even the giants of all parties must be moved, all shocked.

The first generation!

The most terrifying black hand in the ages has long known that he possesses the means to conquer the world, but when he really sees it, he will still be moved.

In the end, the giant Dao body also disappeared, but the three alien emperors also disappeared, accompanied by ashes.

It can be said that this time the blood-stained future supreme giant did not hesitate to pay a huge price to enter the center of the ancient alien universe, and it did not return without success. At the very least, it took three alien emperors to funeral together, and there are many important star regions, and Prepare to attack the endless alien army in the Pangu universe.

The harvest is not shallow.

But those who really understand only really know that the supreme giants who are blood-stained in the future have also paid a huge price for this, because they have captured the great spirits of the major giants and the supreme of the heavens and assumed terrible cause and effect. When the time comes, The corresponding price must be repaid.

The supreme giant, blood-stained in the future, looked at Shidai indifferently and said: "Sidai, you have hidden deeply enough, it turns out that you are already in this life--"

Some words could not be said, because the eternal taboo sky thunder appeared, and it was covered up, and the power of infinite cause and effect emerged.

When it comes to the most taboo topics, it's impossible to talk about.

After a long silence, Shidai turned his eyes and said to the eternal giants of other alien ancient universes: "Retreat."


All alien ancient universes were astonished, including the other giants of the ages, they were astonished, not knowing why they suddenly retreated.

Obviously the alien side has an absolute advantage and can suppress the Pangu universe side.

And the Primordial Realm never came forward to block it.

Obviously it was a great opportunity, but after the appearance of the supreme giant from the blood-stained future, he suddenly changed his mind.

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