Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3214: The supreme taboo descends on the ancient road of origin


Ye Chen was startled, and immediately shook his head: "Senior, I have the reincarnation of the great emperor, and I don't need other guardians."

The emperor's reincarnation body was originally the emperor-level combat power, and now he once again has the supreme world, his strength is a little stronger, and there are three supreme imperial soldiers, it can be said that even facing the real supreme, it can be a fight.

The emperor at the beginning waved his hand: "No, my little friend, your identity is too important. As an eternal quasi-king, and the most critical person in my Pangu universe, no accidents should happen. This is because the emperors specially asked me to send you a guardian. Taoist."

Ye Chen couldn't refuse, and he was also looking forward to what level of guardian the Emperor of the Beginning would send.

Super king?


I saw the emperor of the early days flicked his hand, and immediately there was a tall and burly figure, almost as tall as an iron tower.

After seeing the true colors, Ye Chen was shocked: "Emperor Hun Yue!"

That's right, it was Emperor Hun Yue.

The Primordial Mountain of Chaos has become a fine generation of emperors, but the shame on his face at this moment made him surprised to discover that Emperor Hunyue was not dead, and clearly still alive.

Wasn't he killed by Emperor Taichu breaking his head?

The emperor of the early days smiled lightly: "Little friend, although Emperor Hunyue is transformed into a human form, the real core spirit is not in the head, but in the pubic area of ​​the body. There is a chaotic stone essence, which contains the real spirit."

That's it.

Ye Chen had made it clear, even though he knew that the other party would send an emperor-level guardian to protect him in all likelihood, he couldn't help being surprised when he saw it.

The emperor protector, or the chaotic holy spirit like Hunyue emperor, is not comparable to ordinary emperors.

There is Emperor Hunyue as the protector of the Tao, and his ability is not inferior to the reincarnation of the emperor without holding the supreme emperor's army, and the reincarnation of the emperor with the two supreme worlds.

Just looking at the humiliation of Emperor Hun Yue's face, he clearly didn't want to be his protector.

Just listen to the emperor Hun Yue coldly snorting: "The emperor of the early days was defeated by you, and even killed by you. Although I Hun Yue has no regrets. But if you want me to be his guardian, don't even think about it. ."

Sure enough, Ye Chen smiled bitterly.

The emperor at the beginning said indifferently: "Emperor Hunyue, you misunderstood one thing. It is not that you want to become his protector, but if you agree, you must agree. If you don't, you have to agree. You don't have to refuse."


A slap slapped on Hunyue Emperor, the eternal emperor's power showed, almost penetrated Hunyue Emperor, and the immortal divine body formed from the chaotic innate sacred mountain could not bear it, and it would explode at any time.

Emperor Hunyue roared: "I, Emperor Hunyue, would rather die than become his protector."

"is it?"

In the early days, the emperor was still indifferent and ruthless, but this time he did not continue to make a move. Instead, a supreme secret treasure appeared in his hand, surrounded by brilliant rays of light, thousands of thousands, but with strands of thread that made the emperor want The heart is throbbing in the air.

"Supreme Qi machine, no, this is the Qi machine of the eternal giant, what is your secret treasure?"

Emperor Hun Yue was horrified.

"Fengshen Tower!" Emperor Taichu said, and then directly bombarded Emperor Hunyue.


Emperor Hun Yue let out a scream, and saw a strand of true spirit flying out of his body, wrapped in a powerful part of the soul, separated from the body, and slammed into the tower-shaped supreme treasure in the palm of the emperor of the early days. Inside.

Even after seeing Emperor Hun Yue's eyebrows, there was a special mark, like a reincarnation, and soon disappeared.

"this is--"

Ye Chen squinted his eyes and felt that this special Conferred God Pagoda was extraordinary. Monarchs like Emperor Hunyue were deprived of a ray of true spirit and soul, and received it.

And it could be seen that after being deprived of a ray of true spirit, Emperor Hunyue changed slightly.

In the early days, the emperor handed the Conferred God Pagoda to Ye Chen, saying: "My little friend, here is the seal of the true spirit of Emperor Hun Yue, which also means that Emperor Hun Yue is enslaved. As long as you refine the Conferred God Pagoda, Emperor Hun Yue will I will listen to your orders."

Ye Chen immediately spit out the Primal Fire of Chaos, refining the Conferred God Tower.

The process went smoothly, the Conferred God Pagoda did not reject it, and I could feel that the Conferred God Pagoda was barely an emperor.

After becoming the master of the Conferred God Pagoda, Ye Chen could already give orders to Emperor Hun Yue.

Although Emperor Hun Yue was extremely reluctant, because a wisp of true spirit was controlled, he had no choice but to listen to his orders and could not betray.

"Thank you senior."

Ye Chen accepted this kindness without saying any thanks.

Time is passing quietly.

In this way, only two days passed. On this day, the ancient road of origin suddenly shook.

All parties were alarmed.

I saw the immortal pass on the other side of the ancient road of origin opened, and thousands of peoples came to welcome them, and even more eternal giants appeared to welcome them in person.

It is shocking to the world that this time the ancient road of origin has ushered in a truly world-famous figure.


I saw Ruicai falling across nine heavens and ten places, and the ancient road of mighty origins was comparable to the universe of the universe, which shocked a lot.

A bright avenue runs across the entire ancient road of origin, reaching the deepest point.

It was that Ye Chen was shocked to leave, because he felt the trembling of the heavens on the ancient road of origin, and was under great pressure.

He learned the news that a supreme taboo from the depths of the Chaos Sea had personally come.

Its origin is so great that it can shake ancient and modern times.

"who is it?"

Ye Chen asked, but many people in Yandi City did not know that even Emperor Xuanxu who was sitting here did not know who came, but he understood that the identity of this person was no less than that of the great magnates on the ancient road of origin.

Ye Chen didn't doubt this, otherwise the Wangu giant would not come out in person.

But he feels that perhaps it is even bigger than many eternal giants ~ After all, it is an eternal giant descending on the ancient road of origin. Even if other giants will come out to welcome them, they will not actually come out to welcome them, at most they are just dispatching. Important people under his command, even the supreme, and even an important Dao body, this is already an extraordinary etiquette.

As for the true appearance-

This is the highest etiquette rare in ancient and modern times. Few giants have been able to enjoy the highest standard of treatment since the ages.

The Emperor Yan was naturally shocked. He opened his eyes and looked into the sky. He immediately understood everything and was amazed: "Why did this existence suddenly descend on the ancient road of origin?"

Ye Chen was surprised: "Old Yan, who is so sacred, is it also an eternal giant?"

"No, he is even more terrifying than many eternal giants." Yandi sighed lightly, making Ye Chen startled for a long time.

It is even more terrifying than many eternal giants, how does this exist?

Emperor Yan said with a stern expression: "The first person who truly possesses the ancient universe of chaos in the ages, and is known as the Great Emperor of the universe."

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