Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3356: After the robbery, died?

Chaos in the ancient sky.

This immortal pass that lasts forever, survives for endless years, and has the blessing of ancient giants such as chaotic ancient emperors, immortal and immortal, and now the wall collapses more than hundreds of thousands of miles, the casualties are heavy, and it is completely exposed to the sea of ​​chaos. lost heavily.

The three great emperors of the alien race had returned long ago, and they were extremely furious as they saw the collapse of the Chaotian Pass.

Especially knowing that it was caused by the king's catastrophe of the fighting holy king, it was even more angry.

This boy was bold enough to not only destroy the border and desolate gates, but even dared to rush into the ancient alien universe alone, killing him anyway, otherwise it would be difficult to resolve the anger in his heart.


Suddenly, the void of Bianhuang Tianguan tore apart, and a figure walked out, who was not the fighting king.

But seeing that he was covered in blood and his miserable look of embarrassment made the three foreign emperors feel happy, let out a long sigh, and then killed him with endless thoughts: "Kill!"

The Fighting Saint King throws himself into the trap, don't kill at this time, but wait when.

However, Ye Chen didn't have any shock and fear, and cast a cold glance at the three foreign emperors.


Without warning, the boundless sea of ​​light and thunder suddenly appeared between the heavens and the earth, terrifying to the extreme, as if all the heavens are coming, the immortal king is coming for nine days, and the strongest emperor overlooks the heavens and drowns Ye Chen in the middle. Also cracked the attacks of the three alien emperors.

More importantly, sensing the supreme aura of the three alien great emperors, the supreme calamity of the supreme level appeared in the great calamity, directly rushing out of the terrifying supreme Emperor's calamity and sweeping towards the three alien great emperors.

The already collapsed Luangu Tianguan collapsed even more, and a huge gap of hundreds of millions of miles appeared in the entire alien ancient universe, running through the entire universe.

The expressions of the three alien great emperors changed drastically. The boundless calamity did not allow them to retreat at all, so they slapped their heads in the face. In the blink of an eye, the three were drowned, and only emperor blood was seen here.

After all, it was the Supreme Emperor. Although he suffered a little damage, it was nothing more than that. Afterwards, he left here for the first time and came to a safe place.


Ye Chen shook his head and sighed. He also wanted to take the opportunity to drag the three great emperors into the water. If he could kill them with the help of Heavenly Tribulation, it would be best.

But thinking about it now, it's impossible.

Anyone who can become the supreme is a wise person who penetrates the ages, and each has the corresponding taboo means, even if it is against the sky like the eternal king's catastrophe, it is difficult to really kill the supreme.

He had to turn around and leave, return to the outside of the Tenth Emperor's Pass, and begin to attack the final disaster.

In the Great Tribulation of the King, Ye Chen clearly saw the tenth day in addition to the tenth heaven, not only the incarnation of the tenth day consistent with him, but also the thunder light door opened and two figures came out.

When he saw these two figures, Ye Chen's heart trembled.


The first generation!

Both of the strongest in ancient times appeared, and the most special was that both were eternal quasi-kings.

With the addition of the incarnation of the tenth day, there are now three eternal quasi-kings promoted by Primordial Kings as enemies.

He smiled bitterly, this time the king's catastrophe was indeed unprecedented, far better than the past.


The Holy Body Regeneration technique operates to recover all injuries, and the tree of life continuously releases the light of life to bless the body.

The chaotic origin of the eternal king realm is released, perfect and flawless, and vitality increases sharply.

In addition, the entrance of multiple emperor pills has been adjusted to a whole new height.


At this moment, Ye Chen's spirit and energy reached the peak, her black hair was like a waterfall, the emperor's posture was astonishing, and flawless, like a chaotic fairy king Linchen, looking at the heavens.


He turned into a chaotic beam and actively killed the Ten Heavens to fight the final peak of the King’s Tribulation...

The calamity is immeasurable, and it is not enough to cover the sky and the sun, as if to deduct a whole new world.

At this time, the tribulation concealed everything, and everyone in the world could not see Ye Chen's crossing the tribulation scene, but knew that the horror was boundless, shaking the Chaos Sea.

I don't know how long it has passed, it seems that it has been ten days and ten nights.

Finally, with a loud roar that shook the Chaos Sea, the boundless king's catastrophe slowly dissipated.

The most terrible king's catastrophe in history is finally over!

"Where is the fighting king?"

Whether it is the powerful human beings on the tenth level of the emperor's gate, or the powerful ones on the other side, are they paying attention to the figure of the fighting king.


Suddenly, a figure fell from the top of the sky, covered in blood, who is not the Saint King of Fighting.

But seeing that there are countless scars on his body, there are also special fist marks and soldier marks appearing, running through the immortal Chaos Eucharist, even the eyebrows are also split, and a few strands of Chaos Holy Blood are dripping, showing the terrible injury of his.

"Battle Saint King!"

The Emperor Profound God took over the Fighting Saint King for the first time, and revived the Human Emperor Pagoda, suppressed the tenth emperor gate, and also had the blessing of the boundary tower, closed the tenth emperor gate, and there were three supreme emperors of the alien race. Watching the fighting holy king be taken back.

A great opportunity to kill the King of Fighting and Wars just disappeared.


Countless alien powerhouses are angry and helpless. Not long ago, the fighting sage king carried the king's catastrophe and caused the aliens to suffer heavy losses. The infinite army lost at least 70 to 80%, not to mention the broken infinite stars in the alien universe.

At that time, the foreign powers were also very puzzled. If the King of the Fighting Saint King's Great Tribulation made the supreme helpless, but the eternal giants were definitely not among the list, why did they not make any moves at the time.

Afterwards, they learned that when an eternal tycoon enlightened the heavenly realm to a critical because the fighting saint king suddenly crossed the calamity and disturbed the world, the eternal tycoon almost went into trouble. The heavens of the universe collapsed, so other giants of the ages could not perceive it.

In fact, it was not only the eternal giants who comprehended the way of heaven, but there was also another great Medog who was also comprehending the heavens, and went directly to the devil. Because of the influence of the eternal giants, the emperor’s fate was directly disintegrated, and thus fell. A huge sensation.

Therefore, the entire alien ancient universe is full of anger towards the instigator of the fighting king.

An alien emperor said indifferently: "It's okay. Although the battle of the holy king has succeeded in crossing the robbery, but the injuries are extremely serious, and the fire of life is beginning to dry up, I am afraid that it will be perished soon."

As the supreme emperor, they are far more aware than others that the scars on the whole body of the fighting saint falling from the sky are real Dao injuries, and they are not ordinary Dao injuries. They are extremely serious. They involve the origin and truth. The spirit, all the time, is not devouring the origin of the fighting holy king and obliterating the true spirit. To a certain extent, it is even comparable to the curse, not as serious.

Even if the Fighting Saint King is the eternal king, this time I am afraid that it will be difficult to overcome the difficulties and will undoubtedly die.

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