Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3360: Ye Chen's terrifying power

Ye Chen was a little shocked, but he also had some doubts. It was clearly the ancient chaotic universe, which was vast and boundless. Why did the Pangu universe, the alien ancient universe, and the prehistoric immortal realm give birth to many eternal giants and supreme ones, but eight There is only one eternal giant in the wild universe.

Although the number of Supremes is large, it is impossible to compare to the three ancient chaotic universes. Why are the three ancient chaotic universes not exhausted, but the Eight Desolate Ancient Universes do.

Express the doubts in your heart.

Emperor Hun Yue said solemnly: "The three strongest ancient universes are not comparable, they are all special."

"Like the Pangu universe, it is rumored that Pangu opened up the world and died after exhaustion. The combination of form and spirit and the half-completed chaotic ancient universe has resulted in the current chaotic ancient universe." Yunyue emperor explained, of course, is Pangu universe like this? It's just the world's guess and there is no conclusive evidence.

As for why the ancient alien universe and the prehistoric immortal world were special, Emperor Hun Yue didn't know why.

After a pause, Emperor Hun Yue continued: "It is precisely because of this that too many people are restricted from reaching higher levels. Therefore, sometimes, the Chaos Sea operating rules restrict low-level people from knowing some high-level information, and sometimes you have to know, Although the Chaos Sea’s operating rules are invisible, intangible, and without intelligence, in order to keep the resources of the Chaos Sea from depleting and declining, they will be pushed behind the scenes, leading to some terrifying events that affect the ages and involve the heavens.

"Great terrorist incident?" Ye Chen was surprised.

As for the terrifying events, Emperor Hun Yue didn't say it, but looked up at the sky, as if there were a pair of relentless eyes from the heavens, staring at him indifferently, making him extremely jealous and unable to speak.

Ye Chen also raised his head and looked into the sky, as if he could also feel that the chaotic avenue in his body was boiling, resonating with all directions.

For a long time, for a long time, it calmed down slowly.

Monarch Hun Yue solemnly said: "Sometimes, even if you have reached the Primordial Monarch, even if you become the emperor, or even achieve the supreme status, you still need to maintain a sense of awe for the rules of the Chaos Sea."

Ye Chen nodded, the deeper he understood, the more he felt awe of the Chaos Sea.

Without continuing on this topic, Emperor Hun Yue returned to the topic, saying: "Generally speaking, promotion to a small realm, double the strength, this is only useful for ordinary kings, that is, kings below the seventh heaven. The Seventh Heaven King, also known as the Super King, after this step, the advancement of each realm has not doubled, but doubled and doubled, reaching more than four times the previous realm."

"For example, the six heavenly kings generally have the strongest fighting power of more than 160,000 kings, but the seven heavenly kings are at least 640,000 kings or more."

"The fighting power of the Eight Heavenly Kings is above the rule of over two million kings."

"The Nine Heavens Kings are more than ten million!"

"Ten Heavenly Kings are more than 40 million!"

"You can imagine."

Ye Chen was shocked, shaking his heart.

The battle power mastered by King Peak is not only hundreds of times that of One Heaven, but a gap of nearly ten thousand times?

What a terrifying base that is.

In other words, as long as the pinnacle king is willing, one finger is enough to kill the elementary king.

However, he thought about it, even if he could raise his hand to kill the ordinary King of the Ancients, it was only natural that King of the Peak could do it.

Emperor Hun Yue looked at Ye Chen intently, and said, "Battle Saint King, the combat power you showed in your strongest blow just now far surpasses the peak of the super king, and is probably close to the three million Dao King rules. Said that your fighting power is comparable to the peerless king in the early eighth heaven."

The Eighth Heaven King, also known as a peerless king!

After the words, it was his emperor who was famous in the Chaos Sea who was also shocked.

He is not surprised that the Fighting Saint King can have the fighting power of a peerless king. According to the potential of the former, he will come to this point sooner or later, but the problem is that the Fighting Saint King has not been promoted to the king for long, but his strength has reached this level all at once. In terms of the situation, it can be said to be unprecedented, and there is no future.

Of course, Emperor Hunyue didn't know whether the Heavenly Emperor and the First Generation also reached this level when they were promoted to the Emperor Realm.

But think about it carefully, it is very possible, because today the emperor and the first generation are among the two most terrifying giants in the Chaos Sea. They were both eternal quasi-kings in their youth, and it is not impossible to achieve this step.

"Could it be that the fighting saint king will be the next emperor, the first generation?"

Emperor Hun Yue couldn't help his heart trembled just after thinking about it.

"Is the Eighth Heaven King's fighting power?"

Ye Chen felt the endless power in his body and was amazed. He didn't seem to expect that his combat effectiveness could reach this step after being promoted to the king.

After all, the Peerless King of the Eighth Heaven level is based on the rules of more than two million kings, but he never expected that he would directly reach this level after he was promoted to the Primordial King. The power of the peerless king.

Of course, besides the shock, there is also a strong excitement. The stronger you are, the higher your future achievements will be, right?

And he also understands that there are really too many factors for reaching this step. There are factors that he is a practitioner of Chaos Dao, because he controls the original universe, and also because of the eternal quasi-king promotion.

Of course, the more important point is that he didn't use absolute full force just now.

No matter when, Ye Chen knows that it is best to retain some of his strength, even if the person facing him is Emperor Hun Yue in this guardian Fighting Saint King, although your current situation in Pangu universe Relatively severe, the alien race invaded the two supreme princes, and there were many emperors, and there were a lot of primordial monarchs, but even so, your strength is enough. "Hunyue Emperor Jundao, after all, there are not many powerhouses above the eight or nine heavens in the two ancient universes in the heavens and ten thousand domains, and even to a certain extent, it can be regarded as one of the few.

What's more, the trump cards of the fighting sage king and the reincarnation body of the great emperor are also his protectors.

In many cases, he doesn't even need to take action, and it is enough to solve many problems by relying on the fighting saint king himself.

Ye Chen left the world tower and looked at the heavens behind the Tenth-Layered Imperial Pass. His eyes were shining billions of times. It seemed as if two rounds of the sky illuminate the entire Tenth-Layered Imperial Pass.

Take a long breath and whisper: "After years of absence, the heavens and domains, wait for me to come back!"


On this day, the strongest Tianjiao of the peerless king-level, left the tenth emperor gate, and truly returned to the heavens!

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