Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3066: Ye Chen's shot was unbearable

Ye Chen, who was observing secretly, showed a look of surprise, and immediately smiled helplessly: "I forgot that this kid is a disciple of the Great Time and Space."

This is what he learned later.

Under the time and space emperor technique, even the great hand of the alien primordial king became many times slower, unable to catch up with Qianxun.

Relying on time and space means, Qianxun can be said to be fearless, even the Emperor of the Ancients can hardly get him.


Chihiro's figure disappeared in an instant and went to another place.

"Time and space emperor technique?" The Primordial King of the alien race was surprised, "I didn't expect that you did have some methods, and you actually mastered such methods. It's really extraordinary, but it's not very good in front of the Lord."


King Tianwei suddenly became stronger and stronger many times, and Qianxun suddenly realized that the time fragments flying in front of him suddenly stopped.

The big hand manifested by the rule of the king was too terrifying, it directly shattered the barrier of the time and space emperor art, directly extended to it, suppressed the world, and was unstoppable.

After all, the gap between them is too big.

With a helpless sigh, he muttered to herself, "Yaya, I can only use the time-space scroll you gave me."


A scroll appeared in his hand with a time-space pattern inscribed in it. It was Yaya's life-saving scroll for Chihiro. As long as he mastered the time-space scroll, he could travel through time and space to any place at any time, and it was the ultimate magic weapon for life-saving.

Generally speaking, he is really unwilling to use this time-space scroll when he is not a last resort, but it is already at this time.


The time-space scroll was activated, and an extremely powerful space-time might appeared, and it was vaguely visible that there was a world tree swaying through the sky and through time and space.

"Time and Space Scroll?" The Primordial King of the alien race was taken aback, but the killing intent in his eyes was even more serious: "Huh, even if you have time and time scroll, but the old man has a terrible great power-time and space collapse!"

As soon as the magical powers of the Great Dao came out, the space-time passage formed by the space-time force diffused by the time-space scroll suddenly stopped and began to collapse.

Qianxun's expression changed drastically: "Impossible!"

This was made by Yaya herself. As the World Tree of the Innate in the Avenue of Time and Space, the time and space scroll produced is unbreakable, but now it is beginning to collapse in time and space.

Soon, he understood that Ya Ya’s time-space scroll is indeed unbreakable in a sense, but the other party is the real Primordial King, even if the perception of Time-Space Dao is impossible to compare, it is beyond Ya Ya in realm. One force breaks ten thousand laws, so the time and space magical powers displayed can use absolute power to suppress the time and space scrolls to form time and space channels.

Missing so far, he couldn't help but smile wryly.

"Hehe, it is indeed a bit difficult, and there is a price to pay, but it has to be so."

At the same time, Qianxun's eyes bloomed with cold light, and he was about to use the taboo method to escape the disaster.

How could he not have the corresponding means of life-saving, but some means need to pay the price of blood, and the situation of death and death like the one in front of him will not be displayed.

But now I have to use such taboo methods.

Just as he was about to perform it, Suu Yu's whole person was stiff——


A clear voice resounded between the heavens and the earth, so suddenly, yet so familiar and kind, making Qianxun's heart tremble, and she couldn't help being excited.


I saw everything in the world flow back, even the opened time-space scrolls were also like this, renewed, the great hand of the alien primordial king also turned back.

The broken world was restored to its original state.

Back in time!

Silently, a more perfect man who looked very similar to him appeared, as if from heaven, perfect and flawless, looking at Chihiro, with special gentleness, whispered: "Time and Space Scroll is not Used this way."


Qianxun excitedly looked at the perfect man in front of him, not who his father Ye Chen was.

Even if Ye Chen has changed a lot and is more perfect and supreme, far beyond the past, but the closeness of blood connection still let him know that he is his father.

"Battle Saint King?"

The ancient king of the alien race was stunned, but he didn't expect the Fighting Saint King to appear at this time, and he didn't expect the opponent to master such a method, but he was not afraid.

Even if he knows that the Saint King of Fighting Battle once entered the center of the ancient alien universe alone, and slaughtered many supernatural arrogances of the alien race in the funeral realm, including the emperor's son and daughter, and finally followed the Yan Emperor into the ancient road of origin, perhaps he also got the great opportunity , But would not believe how far he can rise from his original quasi-king level in just a hundred years.

Immediately sneered again and again: "I didn't expect you to come too, just so, let's send you father and son to death together."

King Tianwei is more powerful, and even the entire hidden world begins to fall apart. Such power is enough to kill the ordinary primordial kings.

But is Ye Chen an ordinary prince?

He glanced at the Primordial King of the alien race indifferently, his face expressionless: "The four heavenly kings dare to scream and kill my father and son? Who gives you the courage."


Ye Chen shot, and directly shattered the big hand that was condensed from the rules of the king with his hand, and then scratched the void with the palm of his, tearing open the void, grabbing a figure from the void come out.

There was a powerful king Tianwei on that figure, and it was indeed the second ancient king of the alien race who had shot earlier.

But this powerful emperor whose cultivation level reached the fourth heaven was arrested under Ye Chen's hands without any resistance.

The gap is clear at a glance!

The Alien Primordial King's face was full of shock: "How is it possible?"

He is the Four Heavenly Kings, far superior to the ordinary Primordial Kings countless times.

And isn't the fighting king a quasi-king against the heavens? Even if he had been promoted to the Primordial King over the years, he wouldn't be so powerful.

It’s a pity that they all invaded the Pangu universe during Ye Chen’s journey to the Ancient Origin Road. They didn’t know that Ye Chen was the eternal quasi-king, let alone that Ye Chen was successfully promoted to the eternal king five years ago. Unusual Swire King does not know how many times.

Therefore, in the limitation of consciousness, he still thinks that Ye Chen is just a quasi-prince, at most just the newly promoted Primordial King. How can you know Ye Chen's terrible thing against the sky?

"Four Heavenly Kings, like ants," Ye Chen said contemptuously.

Indeed, the general fighting power of the Four Heavenly Kings is about forty thousand rulers, but Ye Chen is comparable to the Eight Heavenly Peerless Kings, with a fighting power of at least three million times, a huge gap of nearly a hundred times, and it is indeed like an ant.

A slap shot, invisible and invisible, an unparalleled force passed through the void.

That quadruple heaven alien king suddenly changed color.

Before he had time to escape, the palm strength fell on his body with a thud, and his body was shattered. Both the king's body and the king's heavenly soul were crushed into fine grains.



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