Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3363: Qixia Domain, Immortal Pass

You know, just the powers that came from the ancient road of origin, from the overall power, are enough to counter the overall power under the alien emperor.

What's more important is that the two great emperors of the alien race are restrained by the Supreme Human Emperor and the Wuxiang Emperor, while the Pangu Universe has more supreme-level combat power-

Emperor Taichu, Emperor Xuanshen!

The emperor in the early days is the eternal emperor, the strongest emperor in the same realm, and can even challenge the supreme.

Even if the Emperor Profound God is not as good as the real Dzogchen Emperor Realm Supreme because of his injuries, he is still the real Supreme Supreme, surpassing the emperor.

The two are enough to contend against multiple emperors, and can even directly hold all the emperor-level combat power of the entire alien army.

It is precisely because of this that there have been many more emperor-level combat powers on the side of the Pangu universe, which have a key influence on the war.

In just nine years, the originally arrogant foreign army suffered a series of strong counterattacks, suffered heavy casualties, and retreated.

70% of the territory originally occupied by the heavens and ten thousand domains, now only less than 50%.

It is conceivable that with the passage of time, the Pangu universe will inevitably occupy more and more territories, killing the alien army even more.

Of course, there are still some territories that cannot be taken back in a short time. The alien army uses important combat power, and the alien emperor actually appears in person. The supreme taboos in the prison of heaven have also shaken again and again, making the Supreme Human Emperor There was no time for him to take care of him, and had to be suppressed in the Wanyu Center, unable to leave.

In the early days, Emperor Xuanshen had to confront a foreign emperor and could no longer contain many foreign emperors.

For a while, the two sides actually fell into a stalemate.

This makes the Pangu universe feel quite a pity, because it has not completely regained all the territories and killed all the powerful aliens.

Of course, as long as Human Sovereign suppressed Prisoner Heaven Prison again, he would be able to free up a supreme-level combat power.

Moreover, the foundation of the Tai Sage Emperor Realm has not really appeared. Nine years have passed, and it is still recovering, and it will take some time.

It is conceivable that it will not take many years, at the moment when the background of the Supreme Emperor Realm is completely restored, combined with the Pangu Cosmos Army, it will inevitably be able to sweep all foreign races.

Because the Pangu universe has maintained a relatively optimistic state.

Just when the two great ancient universes of the heavens and ten thousand domains were in a situation of checks and balances, the Qixia Region, far away from the center of the ten thousand domains, was undercurrents.

Qixia domain, looking at the heavens and ten thousand domains, is definitely one of the best super domains, and both its vastness and strength are better than the general domains.

Long ago in the endless years, this super domain has already been home to several immortal sacred sites, including Phoenix, the city of eternal gods.

What's more, in this life, I don't know how many powerful people were born, and there are no shortage of gods, which naturally led to the prosperity of Qixia Domain.

Qixia Region is prosperous and prosperous for no reason. Not only is the territory far beyond the vast territory of the ordinary, the most important point is that the origin of this territory is rumored to be shocking, and it is the vast territory transformed by the death of the immortal Phoenix in the legendary mythical era. In the heavens and domains.

Very special, most suitable for practicing the Avenue of Fire.

Anyone involved in cultivating the Dao of Fire will definitely get twice the result with half the effort!

What's more special is the existence of the Immortal Pass in Qixia Territory, located in a mysterious hidden world.

It must be known that the extraordinary of the Immortal Pass has always been a taboo, and it is rumored that among them is the supreme emperor sleeping.

There is also a saying that the Immortal Pass leads to the prehistoric world of immortals and is related to immortals.

Numerous rumors related to nature have caused the Immortal Pass to become mysterious.

But all this did not prevent the existence of the Immortal Tianguan from making Qixia Territory a sweet pastry, which indirectly caused Qixia Territory to become the main battleground between the two ancient universes, and even the appearance of emperors in the alien army, the number of ancient kings There are more than ten people.

And what is shocking is that during this period, the alien race sent troops into the ancient land of the Immortal Pass many times, and it was suspected that something huge was going on, which made the Pangu universe quite worried.

Therefore, Qixia Territory also assembled a massive army of the Pangu Universe, and even the emperor personally sat in this region, facing away with the alien emperor in a concealed manner, preventing the alien army from easily knocking on the immortal heavens and avoiding terrible consequences.

Phoenix has always been in the hands of Pangu Universe. There are real strong people inside and outside the city, and heavenly kings can be seen everywhere.

The domain gate opened, and two figures appeared in this city, it was Ye Chen and Emperor Hun Yue.

Both of them hid a breath, and they seemed to be no more than power level. Although they were very strong, they were not outstanding in this era.

Da Neng was not a giant-level existence that could suppress one party in the past. With the continuous recovery of the world and the world, and the successive unblocking, the heavens and the world have long been short of the powerhouses of this realm.

Walking in the Phoenix City, Ye Chen sighed. This was the first time he had set foot in this city in this life, and he had set foot in the previous life. At that time, he also knew the existence of the Immortal Pass in this city for the first time.

Since his cultivation, his cultivation base is comparable to that of a peerless emperor, so powerful, there are few in his current life, and Ye Chen's five senses and six senses are far beyond the past.

When he was not a saint in the previous life, he could only perceive that this was a very extraordinary God City, and could not feel the deep layers of Phoenix City at all.

Now that the Chaos Dao Fa has reached the realm, the deepening of the work, and how it exists, you can feel more clearly about the various things in Phoenix, and feel the speciality of this eternal **** city, as if it is a **** city-like placenta, and a rebellion is gestating inside. The creatures of heaven.

This anti-natural being is in deep sleep and is also in Nirvana, and can feel the constant flow of vitality, as well as the increasingly powerful fluctuations of the Dao of Fire, which is the origin of the Dao of Innate Fire, extremely powerful, just like the sun.

But compared to the Golden Crow Great Emperor back then, it was quite different.

Of course, it is not as good as Emperor Jinwu, but it can still give him a sense of pressure.

"Is it the immortal Phoenix?"

Ye Chen muttered to himself, a little surprised.

Many years ago, it was rumored that Phoenix was the place of the Immortal Phoenix's Nirvana, and it seems to be the case now.

By his side, Emperor Hun Yue was also surprised, and he naturally felt the fluctuations of creatures in Phoenix.

And it is rare to give birth to a little awe.

The more powerful he is, the more clearly he can feel the extraordinary and special nature of the creature that is dormant in Nirvana in Phoenix, and it contains the supreme supreme fluctuation.

Is there a supreme being in Nirvana?

It seems that the two people's exploration can be felt, and there is a vague wave of fluctuations in Phoenix, with the supreme stalwart will, which makes the two slightly change color, but there is no hostility and hatred, more of a warning.

Emperor Hun Yue coldly snorted. Although there is a supreme-level existence in Phoenix City who is in Nirvana, he is also a generation of emperors, and he will be qualified to be the supreme in the future, and he does not need to be awed too much. Now he is warned and naturally agitated.

But Ye Chen stopped him, the supreme existence of Nirvana in Phoenix was from the Pangu Universe, and naturally no accident was allowed.

"Let's go, let's go to the hidden world!"

Ye Chen spoke.

The reason why I came to Qixia Territory is because I learned some things in the Tenth Imperial Pass, knew the special nature of Qixia Territory, and also vaguely guessed the foreign race's plan for the hidden world.

On the other hand, I learned that his own heirs brought the Chaos Tianfu powerhouse to Qixia Territory and entered the secret storage world.

According to reports, the secret heaven and earth in the Qixia Territory were opened again, and the immortal heaven and earth within it seemed to be opened.

In the previous life, the immortal barrier in the hidden world was almost opened, causing a huge sensation. In the end, it was personally shot by an ancient power, which not only fully restored many powerful immortal soldiers, but also resonated with Phoenix. This Only suppress it, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

Of course, in the previous life, perhaps a mighty power could almost seal the Immortal Pass, but today the earth has already recovered, and cultivation is far better than the past countless. Tianjiao has emerged in large numbers, and the great power has become a general generation, and the Immortal Pass may also be born. Amazing changes, so Ye Chen was worried that it would have an impact on his children.

Stepped out in one step, left Phoenix City directly, and came to the passage where the Secret Storehouse was located.

However, a large number of two ancient cosmic armies had gathered long before the passage of the hidden world, and even the Primordial King was sitting here.

But there was no war, but they were on each side tacitly, as if they were waiting for something.

Ye Chen glanced at the alien army camp. There can be several Primordial Kings, and the strongest is only the Five Heavenly Kings. They can slap to death with one slap, but he didn't make a move. He just didn't want to stun the snakes too early. What is the intention of coming?

Is it to blast through the Immortal Pass?

Silently, enter the secret storage world with Emperor Hun Yue.

In the hidden world, there are many memories of the previous life, and now it is coming again, although there is a bit of sorrow, but it is only so, it has crossed many thousands of miles in one step, and came to the front of the immortal pass.

The Immortal Pass is still magnificent and boundless, standing between the heavens and the earth, unattainable, with the remains of stars embedded on the walls, densely covered with endless battle marks.

There is also a confrontation between the armies of the two ancient universes under the world, the atmosphere is very tense, and it will be triggered at any time.

Looking at the world, there are signs of great wars It is obvious that there have been real wars.

Looking at the Immortal Pass, Ye Chen and Emperor Hun Yue could feel that this Immortal Pass was very different from the past. If it was a "sleeping" back then, then it is now in a kind of "resurrection" with great evil. The majestic and immeasurable air machine is spreading wantonly.

Don't say it is great power, even if the **** king comes, you will feel the great oppression.

Ye Chen's eyes condensed slightly, looking at the Immortal Pass in the distance.

According to legend, there is an emperor sleeping in every Immortal Pass. Of course it is not accurate. For example, the Tenth Emperor Pass is one of the Immortal Passes. There is no such thing as a sleeping emperor.

It's just that this immortal pass, Ye Chen had seen the supreme being asleep inside, but he was not sure whether it was the real emperor.

It is now isolated by the Immortal Pass, and cannot be accurately sensed.

"Is the Immortal Pass? Do you want to violently knock it open?"

Ye Chen's eyes were deep and unfathomable!

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