Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3367: Raise your hand to kill

Next to him, Chihiro watched this scene dumbfounded, and looked at his father, her mouth wide open.

With a light slap, a Quadruple Heavenly King was broken to pieces?

This is too bad.

Although it has long been known from several mothers that he has become stronger on the ancient road of origin in the past 100 years. What is the eternal quasi-monarch, who can go retrograde to kill the king of immortality, he never returned to the heavens and ten thousand realms a few years ago, alone One person went to the world tower of the Tenth-Layered Emperor Pass to be promoted to the Primordial King. He would be stronger, but he never expected to be so terrible.

It's simply against the world, against the era of the era!

Silently, Emperor Hunyue appeared and said with a smile: "You don't need to be surprised, the little guy, your father is the eternal king, the Primordial Chaos King who is on the path of eternity, so powerful is natural."

"you are--"

Although he couldn't perceive the realm of Emperor Hun Yue, Qianxun could vaguely feel how unfathomable the other party was.

Emperor Hun Yue smiled and said: "Introduce yourself, Ben - my name is Hun Yue, I am your father's protector."


Qianxun was surprised and suspicious. His father was able to slap his body to pieces, the Four Heavenly Kings, how powerful is his protector?

He clearly felt the feeling that Emperor Hun Yue brought him, and it seemed to be exactly the same as the Emperor Wu Shi who taught him, the same vastness as infinite as a starry sky.

Is he--


When thinking of this possibility, Qin Xun suddenly felt shocked.

Ye Chen smiled, and Emperor Hun Yue did the same, without explaining.

At the same time, the Four Heavenly Kings of the alien race who had been shattered to pieces were undergoing a difficult reorganization, but there was no doubt that they suffered an absolute heavy injury, involving an absolute heavy injury of origin.

It's just a slap, incredible!

The Primordial King of the Alien Race is really unbelievable. How could this fighting saint king be so powerful?

A hundred years ago, he was just a quasi-monarch. A fierce battle against the quasi-monarch Ye Bright was also required. But after a mere hundred years, he has risen to such a realm?

is it possible?

It's utterly against the world, unimaginable!

At this time, the alien quadruple heavenly king had not had time to escape, the Chaos big hand fell, wrapped it again, wrapped it in the palm of his hand, imprisoned here, Ye Chen looked down at him condescendingly, indifferently said: "I said, like an ant ."

Condescending, looking down, like a **** looking down on a mortal on the ground!

The four heavenly kings of foreign races cannot struggle, nor can they struggle, the gap is too big, feels the bone-thin crisis of death from all sides, and knows that there is no doubt that death, no longer intends to fight in vain, the king’s heavenly soul turned his head up Looking at Ye Chen, he was puzzled: "I know I will die, but before I die, I just want to ask, a hundred years ago, you were not at the level of a quasi-monarch, why are you so strong in such a situation a hundred years later, it is impossible."

Ye Chen looked down at him and said indifferently: "The dead are the greatest, I will answer your last question."


"Eternal King!"

The eternal king?

So it turned out that the four heavenly kings of the alien race suddenly realized, and also showed a bitter smile, and finally understood.


With the palm of the finger, the chaos is shining, and the four heavenly kings of the foreign race here are completely destroyed and turned into ashes.


A stream of light rushed into Ye Chen's body, that was the original world of the Primordial King of the alien race, and it was also shattered together, but it was refined into the most original existence, swallowed by the original universe.

Of course, in this situation, it is extremely difficult for Ye Chen's origin universe to improve. This world origin is nothing but a snack, and it can't bring much improvement to Ye Chen at all, it's just better than nothing.

"The eternal king?" Qianxun looked at his father suspiciously beside him. Although he was a quasi-king, he obviously didn't know what the eternal king represented, but one thing he knew was that adding the word "eternal" was enough. Stands for everything.

The Primordial King, who has given the name of eternity, may be the truly invincible capital!

By his side, Emperor Hunyue smiled lightly and said: "Little guy, the eternal king represents absolute invincibility of the same rank. Even if the quasi-prince against the sky is promoted to the primordial king, the eternal king of the same rank is definitely not an opponent of the eternal king. Like a king without phase, back then It is the eternal king, you should understand."

Qianxun seemed to understand a bit. At the beginning, the Wuxiang King was known as the King of Kings. In fact, he also said that the King of the Primordial Kings of the same order was absolutely invincible, but he did not expect to be the eternal King.

It’s just that he doesn’t know that even if the unphased king was only the ancient king, he set foot on the path of eternity, while Ye Chen was the eternal king during the quasi-king period. At the same time, the eternal king was compared with the unphased king at the same time. Only strong, not weak!

At this time, Ye Chen patted the eldest son on the shoulder, a chaotic origin submerged into his body, and instantly repaired all tangible and intangible injuries, allowing Qianxun to return to its peak in an instant, and then there was a feeling that was better than before.

Chihiro wanted to know how strong his father is now.

But what is more important right now is the alien army under the immortal world.

"Leave it to me now."

Ye Chen said, and when Void grabbed him, he grabbed the badly wounded Kaaba Jiuhuang and dealt with it in Qianxun, ignoring the horror and horror on Kaye Jiuhuang's face when he saw him. Taking a step, Shina came to the front of Tianguan, and even more manifested in front of the army of both sides, slowly said: "I am the Saint King of Fighting!"

"Battle Saint King?"

The armies on both sides were all shocked, especially the Primordial King, even more shocked.

However, the Primordial King of the alien race immediately killed the sky, and said coldly: "I didn't expect you to appear as the King of Fighting. It's good to kill you today and let you go on the road with your son, the Holy King of Fighting."

When Ye Chen made the move just now, Ye Chen blocked the world, so the two armies here didn't know that the more powerful Quadruple Heaven King of the alien race was easily killed by him.

Now, the mid-Triple Heavenly King of the alien race, while colliding with the Primordial King of Pangu Universe, blasted Ye Chen.

And shooting is the real method of the Primordial King, the combat power directly climbs to the extreme, and the full attack is to avoid being unable to kill the fighting king in the first place.

"Battle Saint King, be careful!"

The Primordial King of the Pangu Universe exclaimed that he was about to step forward to take Ye Chen away, but the latter stopped him and said, "It's okay, the mere King of the Three Heavens can't help me."

Before the two parties could speak, Ye Chencha shot, the sword pointed out, the spirit of the sword light turned into billions of weights, and instantly flooded nine days and ten places, and then rushed to the ancient king of the foreign race, and also wrapped the millions behind him. Army.


In the blink of an eye, there was no scream, and even the army of the foreign race with the Primordial King was obliterated from the world.

Only the Pangu universe army is left in the hidden world, as if a foreign army has never appeared before...

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