Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3378: Means of sealing

The terrifying coercion bloomed in an instant, and it could be called extremely terrifying, at least the average Primordial King could not get close.

Ye Chen remained motionless, easily withstanding the coercion of the ancient altar, his eyes gushing with chaotic light, and he understood everything.

It can be seen that the supreme emperor inscribed on the ancient altar seems to be coming to life, and the emperor's prestige is slowly spreading, quite terrible.

Take a closer look, the material of the ancient altar is very extraordinary. It is actually made of stars that have been refined and built. The big one is the size of a house, and the small one is just like a millstone. The birthplace piles up to build a huge ancient altar like a mountain. , One can imagine how many stars were used.

When Ye Chen tried to carry the ancient altar, he found that this ancient altar was indeed extremely heavy, even heavier than many star regions, which made him feel a little laborious.

Coupled with that terrifying Supreme Emperor Ze Dao pattern, the power is no less than the Emperor's Immortal Soldier, and even fully recovered, I am afraid that it will be able to survive and kill many ancient kings.


In the end, Ye Chen lifted the entire ancient altar from the ground and left the ancient king city.

Afterwards, he took away all the ancient altars one after another, not placing them in the Origin Universe, but suppressing them in the Emperor Star.

Because he feels that these ancient altars are not simple, and when it comes to the Supreme Emperor, he can't take it lightly.

For the five inner heavens and the ancient city of the king, Ye Chen did not destroy it, but refined it, rewarding the Chaos Tianfu powerhouse, and adding pressure to the southern heaven.

After the First World War in the Southern Heaven Region, Ye Chen asked the Legion to return directly to the Chaos Tianfu, while he was looking for the Emperor Profound God.

Because the Emperor Profound God is the closest to him, and the human emperor sits in the center of the ten thousand domains, and the king of no phase sits at the front of the battle line.

Wanyu starry sky, the deepest part of an ancient imperial palace, the stars of the sky revolve around the imperial palace, and hundreds of millions of stars are scattered and shining.

Ye Chen crossed hundreds of millions of stars and traversed countless star fields, and came to the front of the emperor hall. The strong man in the emperor hall recognized Ye Chen and saluted in awe: "I have seen Lord Fighting Saint King."

Nodding slightly, Ye Chen said: "I need to see the emperor, please tell me the trouble."

"My lord, please wait a moment." The emperor hall powerhouse was about to inform, but at this time a divine light avenue stretched out, and the voice of Emperor Profound God came: "Little friend is here, just come directly."

Ye Chen entered the imperial palace smoothly, and the Emperor Profound God couldn't help but admire him when he saw him: "Ye Xiaoyou's potential is far greater than the elders imagined. A ten-percent emperor can be compared to a peerless emperor. No one will come!"

"Didn't the Emperor and Shidai reach this step when they were promoted to the Primordial King?" He was surprised.

As the eternal quasi-king promoted, the emperor and the first generation are at least comparable to him.

The Great Emperor Profound God shook his head: "This is not clear to the old man. After all, the existence of the Tiandi and the first generation is too long. Even when the old man proclaimed that the Dao became the emperor, they were the supreme taboo to suppress the Chaos Sea."

The Emperor of Heaven is known as the first emperor in the Pangu universe, and the ancestor is also the ancestor-level existence of the alien ancient universe. The years of existence are indeed messed up for a long time, that is, many supreme beings in the Chaos Sea dare not say the real roots of the two strongest .

Without going into details on this topic, Ye Chen released the five ancient altars to ask the emperor for advice.

The dim and dull eyes of the Great Emperor Xuanshen blazed many times in an instant, flashing non-stop, and Emperor Daotian opened his eyes. After staring at the five ancient altars for a long time, his color changed slightly.

"Great Emperor, what's the matter?" Ye Chen had a bad feeling.

Emperor Profound God said: "It's hard to say that these five ancient altars have a mysterious origin, involving the supreme level, and the supreme emperors inscribed on them are very special. They are neither attack nor defense, but more like a seal. means."

"Seal method?" Ye Chen wondered why five ancient seal-type altars were needed to suppress the ancient kings of the five foreign kings. This shouldn't be.

The Great Emperor Profound God shook his head, and his old face showed a rare dignified look: "It is not necessarily the ancient city of kings that suppressed these foreign kings. Perhaps it is hidden under the ancient city of kings with other suppression. And the so-called sealing method is not It must refer to the absolute seal, and it is very likely to be reversed unblocking."


Hearing this, Ye Chen's expression changed, and he subconsciously looked at the center of the ten thousand domains and at the sky that was suppressed by the emperor's way.

Looking from the distance, the strongest can vaguely see a vast and mysterious place, the prison of heaven.

The Prisoner of Heaven suppressed the most terrifying and brutal existence in the entire Pangu universe.

Is it possible that the foreign race aims to imprison the heaven?

The Emperor Profound God also nodded slightly, very solemnly: "Yes, I also think that these five ancient altars may be used to unblock the prisoner's seal in some way."

Anything that involves the prisoner of heaven is a top-notch issue of the first class.

At the moment, Emperor Profound God decided to go to the five major alien bases with Ye Chen.

The emperor's travel is naturally fast to the extreme.

In the blink of an eye, they crossed many large domains and arrived at the southern sky domain, but soon the two of them changed color.

Because the inner world of the five alien kings disappeared, as if they had never appeared before.

The trace was completely erased from the world.

"Sure enough, there are different things, even the foreign emperor will not hesitate to use secret methods to erase all traces."

The emperor Profound God is dying and old, but at this moment, the decayed body is looming with the immeasurable emperor's might covering the heavens and ten thousand domains, looking at the place of the foreign emperor.

After all, he is the ancient emperor at the peak of Dzogchen, even if the Emperor Profound God is also the ancient emperor, he cannot reverse time and space when he is in a half-depleted state. It is naturally impossible to know the moment when he goes back and forth.

"Hmph, even if you have many conspiracies, under absolute strength, everything is nothing but futile."

The Profound God Great snorted, and the emperor erupted, and at infinite distance, the dry palm shot out, containing the majestic supreme emperor, and smashed the ancient kings of the alien race in a large area into ashes.

At the same time, he broke through the inner world of the alien emperor with his big hands, and entered the ancient city of the emperor, hoping to search for another ancient altar.


The Great Foreign Race also took action, blocking it, and causing the great old hands of the Profound God Great to tremble, almost exploding, spilling a few drops of precious emperor blood.

At this time, the unphased king sitting at the forefront sneered coldly: "Foreign race, you dare to do it too!"

The immeasurable golden light shines on the heavens, that is, the unphased king overwhelming the ten thousand domains, using the supreme means of the world, blasting and killing the alien emperor.

The alien emperor collided with it several had never been in love, and quickly retreated.

The Great Emperor Xuanshen snorted, and Ye Chen hurriedly stepped forward to support him: "Great Emperor, are you okay?"

The Emperor Profound God lightly shook his head and signaled that it was okay, but no longer did anything. He squinted his eyes and stared coldly at that piece of Inner World and the ancient city of the king being taken away by the foreign emperor, thinking.

After a long time, he said: "Let's go."

The two returned to the emperor's hall, and the Emperor Profound God took away five ancient altars, saying that they would study with the supreme humans.

He suspects that the current alien race is carrying out a huge conspiracy.

Before leaving, Ye Chen asked the doubts in his mind, and said: "Great Emperor, there is still another problem I hope to solve!"

"Oh, come and listen."

"It's about the ultimate chaos battle!" Ye Chen said, unexpectedly the Emperor Profound God changed his color directly

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