Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3380: Chaos Ultimate Battle (2)

The ultimate chaos battle has achieved that mysterious supreme taboo existence.

He embraces the chaotic light, masters the heavens and the ways, explores the heavens and the world, evolves the heavens and the spirits, and fights against the supreme heavens alone!

Vaguely, what shocked the world was that behind the taboo, there seemed to be a chaotic ancient universe emerging, like a cosmic ruler like the Great Universe, controlling an intact chaotic ancient universe.

"Is it really the supreme me in the future?"

From the perspective of Emperor Profound God, Ye Chen saw that the looming shadow of the ancient chaotic universe that was forbidden in his body was beyond imagination and far beyond the primitive world of chaos.

It's simply the real chaotic ancient universe.

The incomparable chaos and ancient universe overwhelm the world, who can match?

The attacks of the supreme heavens were all blocked by birth, unable to break into the phantom of the ancient chaotic universe.

"It's the Chaos Ancient Universe, is he the emperor of the universe?"

There was a supreme roar on the battlefield, incredible and shocked.

That Taboo Existence was too much against the sky, belonging to the level of the eternal giant, and now he is more in control of the chaotic ancient universe. It is suspected that the universe is the emperor and other universe masters, manipulating the universe, how to resist?

"It's me!"

Outside the battlefield, the emperor of the universe appeared in an incarnation, which was very hazy, and there was also a cosmic phantom, which enveloped himself and suppressed the ages.

After the Chaos Sea quake, there is actually a second person in charge of a chaotic ancient universe like the Great Universe?

Who is he?

Even the other giants of the ages were shocked, staring at the taboo existence for an instant.


Infinite blood blooms from time to time.

One by one supreme falling from the sky, the blood raining, accompanied by billions of visions, unimaginable wonders bloom from time to time.

In just half a day, when the taboo existed, Thunder Town killed nearly twenty Supremes, opening up the biggest Supreme tragedy since the era of the mythical era.

We must know that in ancient times, there have been very few Supremes who died on the same day, and only a handful of events that shocked ancient history, such as the sealing of the chaotic burial ground.

Today, a forbidden existence with a mysterious and unfathomable origin has done it. Facing the siege of the supreme of the heavens, it is unmatched. One person resists and kills so many supreme. It is a big event that cannot be imagined. .

Later, even the strongest emperor, or the peerless fairy king, couldn't help but act.

It was not a frontal, but isolated the eternal sky to take a shot, and was also disintegrated. On the contrary, he also took a shot and gave some of the eternal giants some injuries.

The injury is not very serious, but it proves the horror of the taboo.

The terrifying chaos ultimate battle naturally alarmed one after another eternal giants.

They either awakened from the deepest deep sleep, or extended their deep gazes from the mysterious and unfathomable ancient land, looking at the battle in the distance.

Naturally, being an eternal tycoon is absolutely proud. I think I am invincible. It is impossible for so many to do everything together. I look at it all in the distance, and I am guessing the true identity of the existence of Taboo, whether it is older than the ancient era. The supreme giant.

Some people suspect that the taboo existence is very likely to be beyond the ordinary giants, I am afraid that it is not inferior to the emperor, the first generation, the emperor of the universe, etc., because it is really too strong, too strong, and facing the heavens alone. The supreme siege, can actually fight to that step.

Although some blood was spilled, it was not really hit hard, and one can imagine the place against the sky that taboo exists.


At the end of the war, Ye Chen could see from the memory of Emperor Profound God that the taboo existence suddenly passed through the sky and disappeared from the face of the heavenly supreme, as if it had crossed the eternal time and space, and suddenly came to an alien eternal giant. Before you.

Without a word, it shows the taboo methods belonging to the eternal giants, and even the chaotic light explodes hundreds of millions of times.

It was as strong as that alien eternal tycoon was also killed by surprise, blood-stained, and the river of years almost exploded.

If it weren't for the perspective of Emperor Profound God, Ye Chen couldn't have seen that in the instant thunder collision, the alien giant was torn apart a right arm.

Because it was too fast, the ancient emperor could not see it, otherwise the emperor would not be able to capture such fast movements.

That arm was not a human-shaped arm, but an ancient beast form. It was flying and falling down with the blood and light of the boundless giant. I don't know how many star fields have been shattered and how many worlds have been sunk.

After all, they are the same giants of the ages, and the alien giants immediately reacted, and shot quickly to compete with them.

The battle between giants is naturally fierce.

The tycoon of the alien race alone fights against the taboo alone, issuing a shocking roar, shaking the sea of ​​chaos, and even the supreme of the heavens in the ultimate chaos battle, and also showing the taboo methods belonging to the tycoon, colliding with it.

The battle between the two eternal giants, and by taboo means, completely bombarded the already broken and disintegrated Upper Realm world to pieces and ceased to exist.

Moreover, the supreme of the heavens all attacked together, assisting all the taboos of the foreign giants to attack.

Of course, the ancient emperors of the Pangu universe such as the Profound God the Great are not among this list. They haven't taken much action from the beginning, but just acted to prove that the existence of the taboo has nothing to do with them.


Divine power is like prison, unmatched in the world!

It describes the existence of such a supreme tycoon in Taboo. He is so terrible that he cannot describe it. Even if the foreign tycoon is fighting, even if there are more than 30 supreme supporters, so many supreme beings attack him together How could I not get him.

"The sky is decay and the earth is rotten, the sea is dry and the stone is rotten, and the years are also rotten, but I am eternal!"

Taboo exists for the first time, but the words spoken are very special. It is not the language of this and it is not even like the language of the past era. The voice is very peaceful, but true The moment it said it was so deafening that everyone could hear it, echoing in the entire chaotic sea.

Mysterious and terrifying giant-level taboo methods showed up, stronger and more terrifying than ever.

The chaotic light almost burned, enveloping the taboo existence, bombarding the foreign giants in an instant, and even bombarding the heavenly supreme.

Vaguely, it seems that the rivers of years are disintegrating and everything is annihilated.

In the shattered upper world, nothing can truly exist forever.

In the end, when everything was over, there was only one person left in the center of the war, the completely divided upper world, and there was a taboo, with blood stains on his body, but there was no doubt that he had won.

The alien giant disappeared!

The supreme heavens have also disappeared a lot!

The world is shaking!

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