Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3382: Name can't be said

The ancestor of the alien giant Rift Sky has fallen!

More than thirty Supremes have died!

With just one blow, so many supreme, and even eternal giants!

The whole world is shocked, I can't believe it.

Not to mention the supreme, even the eternal giants deeply felt such a terrible life and death crisis for the first time.

Obviously, that taboo existence is really too strong. It can be called the supreme taboo giant. In the war, he reversed time and space, reversed the years, and attacked with mysterious and unpredictable taboo methods. In the end, he was a stranger. The eternal giants blasted and killed a lot of supreme, blood-stained boundless chaotic sea, very tragic, and shocked the eternal era.

The existence of a giant who can kill the eternal giants is enough to prove its terrible strength in a sense, and no one can ignore it.

"In the Chaos Sea, after endless years, will there be another strongest tycoon comparable to the Emperor of Heaven, the First Generation, and the Emperor of the Universe?"

In this world, many supreme beings are terrified, and even the eternal giants are trembling.

There are only a handful of existences that can kill giants of the ages.

After all, anyone who can reach the level of giants, either the strongest emperor or the immortal king, is a higher level beyond the supreme, and it is a truly stalwart existence like the ancients and the present, and reaches the highest stage of consummation in all aspects. There are a few people in the world who dared to kill them.

Even the fighting saint ancestor, who claimed to be the most powerful in the current Chaos Sea, couldn't say that he would definitely be killed.

In the past era after era, the most endless years, only the most terrifying people who have done this step.

Such as the emperor of heaven, such as the primordial emperor, such as the emperor of the universe, such as the oldest immortal ancestor in the prehistoric immortal world, they can be counted as a handful of real ones.

They all belong to this list and can be called the giants of the giants.

And the existence of this mysterious taboo seemed to be qualified to be among them, adding a place to this invincible list.

"No, you can't let him act, otherwise everyone will be in danger!"

Even the eternal giants have people whispering, and they are deeply afraid.

In the long run, without stopping, maybe even other giants of the ages are in crisis.

"It's okay, he shouldn't be able to threaten the eternal giants. Using this trick, he can deal with the existence of taboo at an unimaginable price, and his figure is illusory."

There is a fairy king in the prehistoric immortal realm, and the three thousand worlds revolve around him, as if three thousand worlds dominate.

Indeed, even if the ancestor of the sky splitting was killed, even if many supreme ancestors were annihilated, the existence of the taboo was paid an unimaginable price, and the whole person was countless times weaker, almost invisible, and the breath was also a lot weaker.

Obviously, that trick is not a casual display of the existence of taboos.

"Dare to kill the emperor ancestor of our ancient universe, today you must die!"

Alien Ancient Universe was completely angry.

The fall of an eternal giant, even if it was as powerful as an ancient alien universe, was definitely an incalculable loss. It was a real wound and it could not be ignored. It was definitely a deadly foe.

At this moment, other alien ancient universe giants who were originally just watching from the wall all emerged incomparable figures from the ancestral temple of the origin of the universe, left the ancestral temple, left the ancient universe, and came to the battlefield.

In a short while, a total of eight foreign giants appeared at the same time and descended on the battlefield.

From the perspective of Emperor Profound God, Ye Chen saw familiar figures, including the strongest emperor, the holy demon emperor, and the ancient emperor...

They did not conceal the power of the eternal giants, everyone was shocked by the past, and the years were constantly exploding, which seemed unbearable.

"Dare to kill the eternal giant of the ancient universe, even if you are eternal, you will die!"

An alien giant shouted coldly, shaking the ancient, modern and future.

Moreover, other giants of the ages are also afraid, and seem to have the urge to shoot.

Only Pangu Universe has never really taken a shot so far.

Ye Chen watched this scene nervously, he wanted to know how Taboo existed to deal with all this.

Although the existence of the taboo is unquestionable, after all, more than eight eternal giants are making the shots. I am afraid that the Emperor of Heaven, the First Generation, and the Emperor of the Universe may not be able to deal with it.

Especially this person is very likely to be the supreme self in the future, even more nervous.

Even many of the deepest eternal giants are watching closely.

At this moment, the giants of the eternal heavens are moving, the strongest emperor has crossed hundreds of millions of time and space, and the immortal king is coming across the world. The power of the giants shocks the ancient and the present, and even affects the ancient and the present.

The entire Chaos Sea is paying attention to all this.

If so many eternal giants were attacked, even the strongest giants such as the Emperor of Heaven, the First Generation, and the Great Universe would be wiped out.

Everyone firmly believes that unless it is truly eternal, no one can stop such a terrifying giants from fighting together, and there is no doubt that they will die.

But when the other eternal giants were preparing to take action, the taboo surrounding the ancient qi of chaos burst out laughing, and the already extremely illusory figure after the taboo method was displayed became even more faint, and the spirit is still unparalleled in the world: "All heavens are all What about the enemy, I am dead in the world. Only when I abandon that life and reverse time and space can I find the right challenge without regrets!"

"It's just a pity, I'm running out of time, and I couldn't wait for a real fight with you, otherwise I really want to know, I will never..."


Before the words fell, they were interrupted by the most terrible loud noise.

Forbidden thunders appeared, and even more mysterious causal power descended, isolating all sounds.

"Can't even say my name?"

Looking up at the dense forbidden sky thunder, it contains the absolute power that can hurt the eternal giants, and it will really fall at any time, as if this is warning the existence of the taboo.

This shocked the Sea of ​​Chaos, and who was the identity of the taboo, it was impossible to tell otherwise the eternal taboo thunder would fall, blocking his speaking.

"What can't be said, do you really think that you are'eternal'?"

An alien giant squinted his eyes, and shot out a ray of light that could cut thousands of ways. If the heavenly sword collapsed, it would be terrifying.

"No matter, it's enough to be able to do this."

There is a smile of taboo, the chaotic light on the body is completely burnt, and the years and rivers are boiling, burning, hundreds of millions of time fragments are surrounding, the phantom of the universe is ups and downs, the heavens and worlds are changing, and the eternal gods are knocking. .

He is like the sole ruler of the gods.

The giants of the heavens who are ready to take action are all cautious, and they are all on guard, lest the taboo will eventually fight to the death and kill any one of them.

After all, the ancestor of the Sky Splitting was killed in front of everyone not long ago. Even if the taboo exists, it should pay a huge price, otherwise the figure will not be illusory to this point, but no one can prove whether he still possesses it and threatens the eternal ages. The final blow to the life of the giant.

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