Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3405: The sky palace strikes

The Primordial Realm is very special. It is not like the wasteland, where the endless space turbulence envelops the detailed plane world of Hengsha, but it is a giant world.

It is rumored that it was the supreme realm of the last era, broken by a foreign race, falling into the heavens and all realms, and later repaired and restored by the overlords of the Primordial Heaven Realm together, far surpassing the Little God Realm in all aspects.

Of course, there are other opinions, anyway, they all tell the difference of the Primordial Heaven Realm.

Moreover, the vastness of the Primordial Realm is unimaginable, and even more terrifying and powerful dormant.

Long before the endless years, in the era when the ten thousand realms and the eight realms were interconnected, there was a supreme existence beyond the **** king in the Primordial Heaven Realm.

At that time, there were thirteen eternal inheritances in the Primordial Heaven Realm, which squeezed the Heaven Realm.

Endless years have passed, thirteen eternal inheritances, some of them are annihilated in the years, and new eternal inheritances have risen and replaced them as the overlord of the Primordial Realm.

Up to now, there are only seven eternal heritages left, dominating the Primordial Realm, and even the Eight Realms of Ten Thousand Realms.

The sky palace behind Lingxu God King and Wu Zun is one of the seven eternal heritages.

You can imagine how powerful it is.

Ye Chen became more interested as he listened. He didn't expect that the water hidden in the heavens and ten thousand realms was so deep, so the Primordial Heaven Realm was worth his expectation.

"Ancestor Wuxiang once said that there may still be alien evildoers in the heavens and ten thousand realms. If there are, they should be in the other seven realms."

He said to himself, if necessary, he really has to go to the other seven realms to find out.


Primordial realm, the first of the eight realms!

Different from the other Seven Realms of Ten Thousand Realms, the Primordial Heaven Realm is a vast world, vast and unbelievably magnificent.

Although not comparable to the heavens and domains, it is also extremely mammoth.

The Primordial Celestial Realm is located in the central territory of the heavens and worlds. Whether it is the rules of ten thousand ways, or the cultivation resources, it can be compared with the heavens and ten thousand realms.

In a sense, the Primordial Sky Realm can be like another world.

Therefore, in the endless years, the Primordial Realm has been incomparably prosperous, extending for eternity, always dominating the eight realms of the ten thousand realms, unmatched.

Located in the center of the Primordial Heaven Realm, one of the heavenly palaces, which is located above the sky of the cloud top, stretches tens of thousands of miles, is extremely solemn, dotted with stars, and unparalleled in the world.

This is the location of the Cangqiong Palace, one of the seven eternal heritages of the heavens.

On this day, Cangqiang Palace received news that the disciples of the contemporary Cangqiang Palace Lord Wu Zun and Lingxu God King were killed in the wasteland, and their body and spirit were destroyed.

Before his death, the **** king Lingxu sent a divine soul message and transmitted the relevant picture to the sky palace.


The situation in the Primordial Realm changed, and the contemporary Cangqiang Palace took the initiative to anger, shaking the vast territory: "What a courage, someone dares to kill the disciple of the master of the palace, really deceive me that there is no one in the Cangqiang Palace?"

The Primordial Realm was shocked, and some people dared to kill one of the seven eternal heritages of the Celestial Palace, and it was the disciple of the Celestial Palace Master who was killed.

Who the **** is it?

All parties speculate, but no one knows.

"From now on, go to the desolate land and find the one who killed my disciple. The main reason for this palace is to let him endure all the pain and die!"

A piece of news spread in the sky palace.

On that day, three extremely powerful breaths traversed the sky and disappeared.

All parties in the Primordial Heaven Realm felt that a major event was about to happen.

But they didn't know that the person who killed the disciple of the Palace Master in the Sky was not a person from the Primordial Heaven Realm, but from the wasteland of another realm.

Once this incident spreads, it will inevitably cause a greater sensation.

Because all this foreshadows that the eight realm blockade that has been in the endless years will be unlocked and will return to the eight realm interoperability years before the endless years.

More importantly, compared to the death of the two disciples, the Palace Lord of the Sky really cared more about that little **** realm.

"Unexpectedly, that ignorant, backward, and reliant devil's barren land, there still exists such a huge and majestic world, which can be compared with the inner world of my Celestial Palace."

A hint of greed flashed across the deep eyes of the Palace Lord of the Sky.

According to the communications received, the Little God Realm is vast and vast enough to be comparable to the great world of kings.

The Lord of the Sky Palace has now deepened his skills and has entered the realm of quasi-monarchs for many thousands of years, and has never been able to take a crucial step.

If he had obtained that Little God Realm, he firmly believed that he would be successfully promoted to the ancestor level of the Primordial King within ten thousand years.

Once the Primordial King is achieved, he will be able to take the entire Celestial Palace one step further and become a truly worthy overlord power in the Primordial Realm, overwhelming the other six eternal heritages!

Of course, in fact, he really wants to voluntarily, but he is the Lord of the Celestial Sky Palace, representing the entire Celestial Sky Palace, and has a great relationship. It is followed by countless people in the Primordial Sky Realm. He can't easily leave or let outsiders know about it. There is such a great world.

Therefore, the three people were sent.

These three people are his true confidants, and they are far superior to Wu Zun in all aspects, entrusting a lot of confidence.

On the edge of the Primordial Heaven Realm, there stood a continuous and invisible sky pass. If Ye Chen were here, he would definitely be shocked. This was actually an immortal sky pass.

However, when I look at it clearly, I find that this immortal heavenly gate is not a real existence, but a condensed by the rules of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, which seals off the heaven and the eight realms of the ten thousand realms, making the eight realms unconnected in endless years. Isolated from each other.

This is the rule heaven, it is the barrier that isolates the eight realms of the ten thousand realms.

There was no sound and no sound, a void was distorted, and three people walked out. They were the three extremely powerful men dispatched by the Cangqiang Palace.

The three of them belonged to the best of the gods, with terrifying aura, but at this moment they also frowned slightly.

Because the closer you are to the rule of heaven, the more you feel the suppression of the rules of the world, as strong as the king of God, and you are not willing to approach easily.

This has also led to the fact that the territory of the Tianguan Pass for nearly tens of thousands of miles is barren, and there are not many races living here, otherwise it will be suppressed by the rules of the world to be unable to practice ~ ~ can only be like a mortal.

After all, he is the King of Gods, so naturally he can easily bear it. The three strong men of the Sky Palace came to the rule of the sky, and one of them whispered: "I remember the message from Ling Xu, right here, he accidentally discovered a loophole. , Can lead to the wasteland."

Immortal Tianguan is formed by the condensed rules of ten thousand realms. It is immortal and immortal. It is as strong as the seven eternal inheritances of the heavens and there is nothing to do. One can imagine how stable and immortal it is.

Today, the three strongest in the Cangqiang Palace have found that the Immortal Pass is a bit faint compared to the previous year. This means that the eight-world blockade of the ten thousand realms since the endless years is about to be broken, and it can return to the era of interpenetration before the endless years.

"Over the past thousand years, the world has changed drastically. Not only has the ten thousand Dao recovered and entered the golden age, even the eight realm rule Tianguan blockade will be weakened or even disappear, I am afraid it will shake the ages."

"Once the eight realms of the ten thousand realms are connected, the eight realms will no longer exist, and the Primordial Heaven realm will inevitably annex the other seven realms, and completely integrate the heavens and ten thousand realms!"

The strongest of the three big sky palaces searched for a while in the regular heaven of this territory, and soon they found a relatively weak spot.

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