Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3407: Supreme Demon

The terrifying offensive of the King of God was disintegrated by Instant.

Chihiro stood there, motionless and unharmed, shocking everyone.


Anyone who saw this scene was shocked and unbelievable.

That was a blow from the super **** king, even if it was the overlord of the wasteland, the newly promoted **** king would undoubtedly die, but Qianxun was unscathed, how could it be possible?

It's incredible!

Chihiro contemptuously said: "This is what you mean to kill me? It's not much better than the ant bite, it's really weak."

The expression of the super king of the Cangqiang Palace changed and changed, and he wanted to refute, but he was powerless.

And feel a sense of fear.

Where is the other party sacred? In addition to the mysterious young man of Providence, this heaven also hides such an extremely strong man.

"who are you?"

Suppressing the panic thought in his heart, the strongest person in the sky palace spoke.

"I am the heir of the ruler of the kingdom of heaven. Of course, you can also call me a war saint!"


Chihiro moved!

Quiet like a virgin, moving like a thunder, the description is Chihiro.

When he moved, he seemed to be pulling the heavens and the world, and the entire wasteland would tremble.

The so-called one snap finger sixty birth and death.

However, Qianxun came before the three strongest people in the sky palace before birth and death, and his palms turned into immortal monuments, branding the most terrifying battle stigma, covering the sun, moon and stars, and even comparable to the small gods. , Bombarding the three strongest.

"Do not--"

This became their last last word in the world.

A loud noise shook the wasteland world.

The next moment, even with the soul, completely vanished!

It was as if the three powerful kings of the Cangqiang Palace had never appeared before.

"It's really weak. I thought there would be a battle that could be regarded as a warm-up. I didn't expect it to be so vulnerable. Compared with the heavens and ten thousand domains, it is really far behind."

Chihiro murmured, glanced at a few nihilities, and said, "Thank you for reminding me."

Silently, he returned to the Little God Realm.

The endless space turbulence in the wasteland returns to peace again.

However, the overlords of the great wasteland hidden in the endless space turbulence were shocked, set off stormy waves, and hit the calm state of mind out of thin air.

When did the kingdom of heaven still hide such a strongest person from Gedai, raising his hand to kill the three powerful **** kings in the sky, I am afraid that he is even stronger than the boy of the day.

Moreover, the strongest one known as the saint of war is actually the heir of the ruler of heaven?

For the first time, they felt that the ruler of heaven returning from the upper realm was far more unfathomable than imagined.

In the Little God Realm, the city of the sky, Ye Chen nodded slightly towards the returning Qianxun, and he naturally saw the scene just now.

He naturally did not pay attention to the so-called three strongest people in the sky palace. If his son insisted on appearing and wanted to warm up for a battle, Ye Chen would have noticed them long before they appeared in the wasteland. Can isolate the endless space turbulence with a direct blow, beheading the three of them.

But delaying the shot is not without benefits. After all, during this time, Ye Chen's spiritual thoughts have penetrated the depths of the three souls silently, and learned more relevant information about the Primordial Realm from the memories of the three.

This is Ye Chen, the eternal emperor in the legend, otherwise it would never be possible to change to another primordial emperor so calmly and easily.

The three of them have an understanding of the Primordial Heaven Realm, but they are far better than the countless overlords of wasteland such as Zichen Master.

"Hehe, I didn’t expect that my little **** realm would be missed by the Palace Master of the Sky. According to the three people’s understanding of the Palace Master of the Sky, it should be at the quasi-monarch level, but I don’t know what stage it is, but according to inference, The Palace Lord of the Sky has entered the quasi-monarch level for at least 300,000 years. It is very likely that he has already been a Dzogchen quasi-king, but he has not taken the final step."

"Maybe I am thinking of the Upper God Realm, I want to refine the Little God Realm, smelt the world world in the source, and make it more likely to be promoted to the Primordial King."

Ye Chen said to himself, a moment of exploration, let him know a lot.

As for the palace lord of the sky, he never thought that the heavenly quasi-sovereign could not enter without Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao.

Of course, even if the palace lord of the sky is really a quasi-monarch against the sky, he can slap himself to death, it will not take much time.

"But I didn't expect that Desolate Land actually suppressed the Supreme Demon, but unfortunately, the three of them were not very clear. They only understood the corresponding rumors, and even the location of the suppression of the Supreme Demon was not clear."

"Well, let alone I know, it is nothing more than the Qingtai Demon Lord and other three alien kings. Two of them were killed and one was sacrificed."

That was a matter of the previous life. Although the king was lost, his will is immortal, and there is a future immortal. The design leads to the alien primordial king in the lurking wasteland, and saves another respectful wound that was suppressed by the origin of the little god. The alien king.

Later, he also brought out his master Gu Yuntong, who taught him the unparalleled profound arts of fighting saints in his previous life.

Of course, the two great alien kings back then were at the end of the battle, otherwise it would be impossible to kill them.

There is also a third alien king who is dormant in the mysterious world and was also found out, forcibly suppressed, and finally the holy sacrifice penetrates the upper realm to ascend.

Past and present, all sorts of penetration.

"But I think that none of the three are the real supreme monsters. Although they are strong, they are difficult to suppress in the wasteland. There may be even more terrifying aliens in the wasteland."

Ye Chen guessed that at this moment, he was too lazy to think, and directly used the Supreme Chaos Dao to make deductions.


A magnificent atmosphere of chaos overwhelmed the sky, spreading six and eight wastes, turbulent ancient and modern.

That was Ye Chen's deduction, directly shaking Ten Thousand Dao, alarming the other seven overlords in the Wasteland.

"The strong fluctuations are the direction of the Little God Realm. Could it be his providence, the saint of war, and the doubts or the most unfathomable ruler of the heavens."

The seven desolate realm overlords are all paying close attention, but the heavens and thousands of ways are humming together, flooding the little **** realm, and they are stronger than their **** kings, and they cannot penetrate.

All this proves that in that little **** realm is hidden a world powerhouse far above them.


At this moment, a terrible Forbidden Sky Thunder appeared in the sky above the wasteland, but it was not very powerful.

Subsequently, he successfully promoted the so-called supreme demon suppressed in the wasteland.

Just in the mysterious big world near the Little God Realm.

"Sure enough, is it still in the mysterious world?"

Ye Chen was like pulling a curtain open, tearing open the void, leaving the little **** realm, entering the endless space turbulence, looking at the mysterious big world that was better than the little **** realm.

Speaking of it, the true origin of the mysterious world is the emperor world of the angelic emperor clan.

Going back to the root cause is that the myth has shattered, the angel emperor fell, and fell into the heavens and the world from the broken ancient gods.

His Monarch Great World also followed the wasteland that fell into the eight realms of ten thousand realms.

The suppressed supreme demon is in the great world of the emperor.

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