Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3409: No phase, former enemy, eternal emperor for the 10th generation

Ye Chen gave a stunned sound, because seeing the chains of the avenues, there appeared a avenue rune that seemed to be made of sacred white finance.

Each one is magnificent and exudes the immortal atmosphere of majesty, stalwart, mighty and supreme.

Every Dao rune is as huge as a star, deeply imprinted on the chains of the Dao, exuding the most divine, holy, and eternal power, suppressing the monstrous power of the Supreme Demon, making it impossible to struggle , Can't escape.

"Angel chain, the Supreme Emperor!"

Ye Chen, who is also a person, recognized the terrifyingness of these Dao runes at the first time, and the emperor carved it down with the power of his own emperor Dao.

As powerful as the emperor's way, the supreme all used such a seal, it is conceivable to be terrible by this supreme demon.

The angel **** king looked solemnly and said: "It is the supreme demon suppressed in the wasteland. It is the tenth foreign emperor of my angel clan emperor Xiupoulos who gave up his life and suppressed it!"

"Tao X?"

Ye Chen recited his name, but it was the first time he heard about it.

However, Emperor Hun Yue, the protector of the Taoist who has been hiding his figure and following Ye Chen's side, has a slight change in his expression: "Dao X! I didn't expect this guy to be alive and suppressed here. I really don't know if it's you. Fortunately for Pangu Universe, it’s better to say that bad luck is more suitable, and it actually suppressed this big monster.

Ye Chen said: "Where does he come from?"

The emperor Hun Yue seemed a bit solemn, and it was obvious that the origin of this tenth generation was absolutely extraordinary.

Emperor Hun Yue: "You may not know, after all, it belongs to the mythical era. If you don't understand it, it can be said. If you want to say which emperors are the most famous in the mythical era, you will naturally be called the no. Second, no one dared to claim to be number one."

"But you have to know that the Mythical Era also has a list of Emperors of the Era, and there are only 21 people. Dao X is one of the people on the list of Emperors of the Mythic Era, ranking in the top ten, and even the top five!"

Five powerful emperors before the mythical era! ?

Rao Ye Chen had to change his expression slightly.

You know, the era of the mythical era, which is known as the most prosperous era, is just the Pangu universe. It was in this era that it developed to the point of being comparable to the prehistoric immortal world and alien ancient universe. Naturally, many emperors were born.

What's more, looking at the entire Chaos Sea, how long an era is, and more emperors have been born.

Dao Shi Shi, but he was ranked among the top five emperors, you can imagine his terrible.

Absolutely qualified to attack the ancient emperor, and the success rate is not 30% of the average emperor, I am afraid that no accidents, the emperor must be!

"Tao X, really the prestigious generation of emperors in the mythical era, their power, even if you look at them, they can definitely be called a powerful existence, and there are even horrible records of killing other emperors." Monarch Hun Yue mentioned Dao X, but he had to admire him a little. This was an extremely powerful terrifying monarch, extraordinary.

Moreover, he mentioned some secrets of the mythical era. In that mythical era, Dao X was the strong enemy of the unphased king, especially on the Ultimate Ancient Road, and even the few peerless enemies who had been killed to the end.

You know, just entering the ultimate ancient road that year, when the unphased king was young, he was only the king of heaven. He was already a generation of peerless fierce men, sweeping his peers, possessing an invincible posture, and killing the entire ultimate ancient road.

In that era, the Emperor Shura could contend with him. Dao X was also one of them, and he was more powerful than Emperor Shura in his youth.

According to Emperor Hun Yue, the two eventually reached the end of the ultimate ancient road.

At that time, the Dao X and Wuxiang Kings fought for hegemony. There were countless battles, large and small, and they were always the most powerful enemy in his life.

In the final battle, the Wuxiang King did indeed win, but it was only a half-stroke victory over the first Dao X, and naturally he never killed the Dao X.

After World War I at the pinnacle, Dao Shi left the ultimate ancient road and disappeared.

However, it was later heard that Dao X eventually achieved the emperor level and also killed the emperor. He was suspected of being an eternal emperor and unparalleled in the world. He was regarded as a treasure by the ancient universe of alien races, and believed that he was qualified to finally enter the eternal giant level.

Later, after the myth was greatly shattered, Dao Xianshi also disappeared, but he did not expect to be sealed in the wasteland of the eight realms of ten thousand realms, and be sealed by the emperor of the angel race.

Ye Chen solemnly looked at the Tenth Supreme Demon Dao, who was sealed in the middle of the realm. He did not expect that this was a peerless fierce who was contended for the incomparable emperor in the mythical era, and killed the emperor, most of it is not suspected. Must be the eternal emperor.

No one knows better than Ye Chen how terrible it is to walk on the path of eternity.

As an eternal quasi-king, he can kill the five heavenly kings by various means.

Just becoming the king of the ancient times, he has directly reached the level of a peerless king.

The unphased king, advanced to the emperor with the eternal king, is known as the first and strongest emperor in the mythical era, the first person under the supreme, and is now comparable to the supreme.

The emperor of the early days, the eternal emperor, one person can kill many emperors...

All this shows how terrible it is to embark on the path of eternity.

Now, an eternal emperor-level alien Dao X was suppressed in the realm of the angel clan emperor. Indeed, as Emperor Hunyue said, I don't know if it is the luck of Pangu universe or bad luck.

Once the tenth world of Dao is released, not to mention the eight realms of the ten thousand realms, even the Pangu universe, it is absolutely a nightmare existence.

The eternal emperor is qualified to enter the existence of the eternal giant.

In an instant, endless killing intent flashed in his eyes.

The tenth world of Taoism will undoubtedly die.

By his side, the angelic **** king could not sense the existence of Emperor Hun Yue. Naturally, he did not know that Ye Chen understood the identity of the Supreme Demon Nai Dao X. He said in a deep voice, "Little friend, this Supreme Demon is named Dao Ten. This world is a peerless and terrifying emperor of an alien race in the mythical era. He is unparalleled in the ages. He once killed the emperor of the ancient universe in our world in the battle of mythological destruction."

Ye Chen nodded, but he was also a little confused. As the eternal emperor of Dao X, how did the angelic emperor Xiupoulos suppress Dao X in those days.

After all, the gap between the emperor and the eternal emperor is so big, it can be seen from the fact that the emperor in the early days swept the ten emperors in the giant-level battlefield.

It's definitely a world of difference.

He asked the angel king.

Hearing that, whether it is the angel king or other top angels, there is also a touch of sorrow: "Back when my clan emperor broke through the Great Realm in the battle, it is a pity that he was caught in the battle, and there was no chance for him to make it through. Tribulation, and this tenth generation is even more extraordinary emperor, terrible to be able to kill other emperors, invincible of the same rank. In the event of a last resort, the emperor of our clan, while going through the catastrophe, at the same time hesitate to risk the crisis of fall, with the realm The strength of Dao hit the tenth world."

"It's a pity, Monarch, no, the emperor has no time to kill the Dao X. Dao X is too strong. The ancient emperors are hard to kill. Moreover, Master Xiupoulos was only in the early Jin Dynasty, the emperor and the foreign emperor. Killing, did not give the emperor enough opportunity."

"In order to suppress this tenth generation and prevent it from growing up, the great emperor did not hesitate to fight against the extermination of the foreign emperor, and turned the unformed supreme Tao fruit into a heavy imperial road seal, and suppressed the tenth generation. In the inner world of one side, we must use the power of endless years to gradually obliterate it."

Ye Chen suddenly, it is no wonder that the characters of the Supreme Emperor are imprinted on the chains of the avenues. It turned out to be the work of the emperor Xiupoulos who broke through the emperor realm in the battle of the myth.

At the same time, he was in awe!

This is a respectable emperor, no, it should be said that he is a great emperor, and he did not hesitate to risk his death to seal the Dao tenth.

Otherwise, when Dao tenth grows up, it is likely that he will become another supreme giant overlooking the eternal race.

At the same time, he was full of killing intent for this tenth life.

In order to suppress him, it is an inexcusable sin to let an ancient emperor of the Pangu universe die!

Emperor Hunyue also admired Supros.

I can feel that since the myth has been shattered, the seal has gone through endless years, and it is an emperor-level seal. Although the Taoist tenth is still monstrous, it is actually a lot weaker, and the body shows a kind of old and decay The texture.

Obviously, Dao Xing was much weaker, far from being comparable to the peak period.

If you don't become the supreme, you will not be able to resist the corrosion of the years, and will eventually age, even the eternal emperor is no exception.

But Emperor Hunyue still felt the extreme danger of Dao Xianshi. The so-called skinny camel was bigger than a horse, not to mention the eternal emperor, still not to be underestimated.

The conversation between Ye Chen and the Emperor Hunyue, the God King of the Angel Race, and others seemed slow, but in reality they communicated with divine thoughts, extremely fast, and within a blink of an eye they had already figured out the origin of the Supreme Demon.

However, the exchange of their spiritual thoughts awakened the supreme demon, Dao Xing Shi, who was sealed!

"Who is it? Who is here, I feel your arrival, huh? People of the same level are coming!"

Dao Xian awakened suddenly, and ten dazzling beams of light were shot out of the boundless devilish energy. They were extremely large, but they were all Dao Xian's eyes. He had ten eyes.

The entire middle of the realm was shaking, thousands of avenues and chains rang and rumbling, shaking the endless emptiness, about to be shattered by the infinite magic power of the Dao tenth.

But soon, on the chains of the avenues, the Supreme Emperor flashed, and the Great Emperor Weili belonged to the Supreme Grade appeared, and the Dao Xian was repressed by the birthplace.

"Damn, **** Hyopoulos, if you didn't break through the imperial realm temporarily, or else you will be torn and swallowed by me for five more, and I will kill you!"

The supreme demon roared, his ten eyes opened, and horrible pillars of magic light shot out from his dark golden pupils. If it weren't for the heavy suppression of the chain of the road, ordinary primordial kings would be torn into pieces.


The chains of the avenues were all pulled up with loud noises. The tenth king of the foreign race was full of eyes, and his eyes were cracking. Each eye was as deep as reincarnation, as if it represented the first life. It is very strange and uncomfortable. Dare to face it.

"Don't think about it, Dao Shi, you can't leave here, even if you are the eternal emperor."

There was a loud shout, and the sound was loud.

Under the shocked gazes of the strong angels, Ye Chen walked out a tall and burly figure silently beside him, condescendingly, staring coldly at the heavily sealed Emperor Dao X below.

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