Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3419: Want to push the penalty area

Rao was Ye Chen, and could not help but breathe a bit of cold air to relieve all this.

One-tenth of the heavens and ten thousand domains, he still saw it in his life.

The Primordial Heaven Realm is a remnant realm of the Primordial God Realm, and the possibility is extremely huge.

However, he was also a little curious about how the Heavenly Ancient Heaven Realm developed to this point.

Stepping into the Primordial Realm, Ye Chen could feel that this vast world could be comparable to the heavens and ten thousand realms in all aspects. It is no wonder that he is indeed qualified to be the first of the eight realms of ten thousand realms.

At the same time, his eyes swept out, looking at the nine life restricted areas.

The eyes are so cold, as bright as a heavenly sword, pointing directly to the restricted area of ​​life.

The world is shaking, a Gedai figure who can withstand all parties blocking cross-border arrivals, no matter how you look at it, he is definitely not a good bully.

Especially not long ago, the nine life restricted areas have been shot, and the ancient forbidden soldiers attacked and blocked them. Most of the Gedai figures in the wasteland will get revenge.

At that time, there must be a battle between dragons and tigers!

But the nine life restricted areas are also fearless, and there are also indifferent eyes.

The taboo character in one of the life forbidden areas even snorted: "Even if you cross the border smoothly, I have dominated the ups and downs of the Primordial Realm in the past, and called to respect an era, but I was sleeping in the life forbidden area. You are very strong, but if you commit a crime, you will undoubtedly die."

It can be said that at this point, the people in the Nine Life Forbidden Zones are still extremely strong and fearless.

But it also has strong capital.

It was the supreme master of an era.

It was a period of time.

There has never been an enemy in the world.

What's more, there are more than just such characters. There are nine life restricted areas in the Primordial Realm.

If you dare to challenge them, you just wait if you go to war with all life restricted areas.

Particularly, the characters from the Desolate Lands, who have only crossed the border not long ago, have lost their energy. If they are not at their peak, they will definitely suffer.

"is it?"

Ye Chen's voice was cold, his eyes were calm, and he scanned the nine life restricted areas.

Who is he?

Fighting Saint King!

Looking ahead, Chaos Sea can definitely be called a prestigious Gedai character, how can he be afraid of a taboo character in the so-called life forbidden zone in the Primordial Realm.

He smiled, but his smile appeared cold and ruthless: "Although I don't know how powerful the taboo characters in the life forbidden zone of the Primordial Sky Realm are, you may have dominated the ups and downs of an era, but what about it? Fearless, I still dare to kill the strong from all sides, let alone an ancient heaven."

Boom boom boom boom boom--

A heavy chaotic light rushed from his body, overwhelming the sky and suppressing the ages.

At this moment, Ye Chen was extremely powerful, facing the taboo characters in the nine life restricted areas, and said indifferently: "Since I dare to cross the border against me, I really thought I would be afraid of you. Today I will push all life restricted areas."

He issued a terrible declaration, shaking the entire Primordial Realm!

The Gedai characters in the wasteland have to flatten all life restricted areas! ?

That is definitely a big event!

It is important to know that every taboo person in the restricted area of ​​life is the ruler of a prestigious era back then!

Even though the endless years of dormant sleep, no one has ever dared to look down upon them.

On the contrary, the higher the cultivation base, the more you will be able to understand their horror.

Now, a Gedai figure who has crossed the border from the wasteland is so powerful that he wants to flatten all life restricted areas.

There is no doubt that it is definitely a major event that shakes the past.

At the same time, I look forward to it!

After all, either party is supreme.

"Huh, arrogant person, even if you are strong, you are too young."

A taboo character in the life restricted zone snorted coldly, summoning the forbidden ancient soldier to return and fully recover, with the power to suppress the Primordial Realm.

The sky full of stars didn't know how much it fell, one after another, and then was swept, rushing towards Ye Chen.

"This immortal soldier is of good material, I want it."

Ye Chen grinned.


The world was shattered, it was Ye Chen moving around, with infinite power, directly shaking that heaven-killing mace with his flesh.

Tian Mietian mace, a terrifying ancient soldier of a forbidden figure, resonates with ten thousand rules under recovery, and a layer of radiant flames circulates around the body, which can burn the sky and hit Ye Chen.

Even patches of star field were shattered.

This is the peerless warrior of the taboo character, which is stronger than the ancient kings of the world.


That was Ye Chen's sword rushing forward, which seemed to be the collision of two immortal soldiers.

But Ye Chen's palm was intact, and the chaotic light flowed. On the contrary, the sky-killing mace in the life forbidden zone was smashed, and the light on it dimmed a lot.

Shocked the world!

That is the prestigious heaven-killing mace, which has suppressed the taboo ancient soldiers of an era.

With the battle of that forbidden character, I don't know how many strong people have been killed, blood staining the vast territory of the Primordial Realm.

Throughout the ages, among the Ten Great Ancient Soldiers in the Primordial Realm, Heaven Extinguisher is definitely qualified to be among them.

Today, it is difficult to split the body of the Gedai figure in the wasteland, but was shaken apart.

This shows what?

Is the physical strength of the characters in the desolate land no less powerful than that of the sky?

Ye Chen showed a hint of surprise and said: "You can withstand my sword, your weapon is good, and the material is extraordinary."

After listening to Ye Chen's evaluation, the taboo character of the master of Heaven Exterminating Mace sank on the spot. What does this mean?

But never stopped and continued to attack.

And a beam of light shot up into the sky from the restricted area of ​​life, submerged in the extinction mace.

After the loud bang, the sky-extinguishing mace was once again flourishing, and its power was much better than ever!

At the same time, the other eight life restricted areas also flew out of beams of Yaosheng light, submerged in their respective taboo ancient soldiers, almost twice as powerful.

What does this mean? That is to say, the former taboo soldiers have not recovered to the extreme, and are still in the half-recovery stage.

But now, the most comprehensive recovery!

Boom boom boom boom boom--

The taboo characters in the major life forbidden areas also manipulated their own taboo ancient soldiers to attack Ye Chen, vowing to kill this gedai figure in the wasteland.

Piece by piece of taboo ancient soldiers, after injecting Yaosheng's beam of light into a more comprehensive, each is like the same day, shining with the power of oppressing the world.

It's just that the fluctuations of each other's avenues are different, but the same can destroy the world.

Even if it is the seven eternal inheritances that cross the Primordial Realm, they will definitely change their face when facing them.

Even the nine ancient forbidden soldiers fell together, enough to destroy the eternal heritage of one party!

This is not a lie!

The nine taboo ancient soldiers attacked, like the sun, with billions of beams, and countless avenue runes appeared, involving high levels.

Vaguely, forbidden ancient soldiers loomed, each gradually transformed into a world-famous figure in the middle of the day.

There are burly and tall people, some are medium and tall, some are graceful and enchanting...

Just like the nine current masters jointly attacking Ye Chen.

The endless and vast void directly collapsed and died, and nothing ceased to exist.

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