Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3435: Aftermath

Immediately, in the sky, thousands of heavy thunderlights descended from the thundercloud, fiercely bombarding the blood-colored figure in the huge pit.

This caused all the people in the nearby area to numb their scalp and bow their heads to worship God, believing that the heavens are going to punish them with endless punishment.

Soon, they discovered that tens of thousands of thunder rays were concentrated in the depths of the mountain range, suspecting that a cultivator was crossing the calamity, and it was an extraordinary calamity of great realm.

After a long time, after a night, when the thunder light disappeared and the dark clouds dispersed, the people in the nearby area slowly approached the past.

It was found that the Baili Mountains were completely destroyed, and the towering peaks collapsed into nothing.

They marveled at the power of the robbers, they must be the generation with extremely strong cultivation base, and they may even be the super-powerful generation who aspires to the holy Tibetan realm, otherwise it is impossible to face such a powerful celestial tribulation bombardment.

Groups of people came and went, and no one found the **** figure in the huge pit.

Finally, after a day and a night, as the sun rises, a group of students who were brought by the elders of the training academy to visit the scene of the catastrophe appeared.

Most of them are fairly young rising stars, basically around the age of 20, young people are even less than fifteen or six years old, but at least they have reached the level of a demigod.

There are even a few people with slightly outstanding talents, which can reach the realm of God.

"Look at it carefully. According to the scale of the tribulation in front of you, it is unsurprisingly that the tribulation of the holy Tibetan realm is promoted, covering a hundred miles, and it is very strong. And it is not an ordinary tribulation of the holy Tibetan realm. The great calamity of the Tibetan realm." The leading elder opened his mouth and explained to many students in the cultivation academy.

At the same time, let them know that every step of the road of cultivation must be solid, otherwise such a terrible calamity would be unbearable for ordinary saints and will undoubtedly die.

Of course, if you can survive this terrible holy Tibetan realm catastrophe, once you are promoted, your strength will be stronger than the average newly promoted saint.

The elders encourage, as long as they practice diligently, everyone will be qualified to be among them in the future.

This has made many students enthusiastic, and they can't wait for themselves to reach this step, become a saint, and then be eligible to participate in the battle for hegemony of the young generation of eight realms and win glory for the academy.

The elders were very pleased.

Although the Holy Tibetan Realm is still far away from these current students, even if some of them set foot in the God Realm early, it still requires a lot of time to accumulate in order to smoothly transcend and set foot in the Holy Tibetan Realm.

It may not be possible to step in, but chance and so on are needed, otherwise, perhaps his whole life will only be wandering on the threshold of the Holy Realm.

He thought of himself and sighed helplessly, isn't he just such a person...

"Elder, everyone, look, there is a figure under the giant pit, is it the one who crossed the robbery?"

Suddenly, a young man exclaimed, pointing to a huge pit that was ten miles wide open, and a scorched figure was looming.

Everyone was shocked.

The headed elder is a powerful cultivator of the semi-holy level. At this moment, he followed the boy's direction and saw a figure standing there quietly, without movement, as if dead still.

The semi-holy elder immediately scolded: "Xia Ye, don't point to others casually, this is a taboo."

Indeed, the monastic world eats the weak and the flesh eats the strong. Although there are many rules that regulate monasticism not to kill people wantonly, but so random pointing at others, especially a cultivator who is suspected of having survived a powerful holy calamity, waits if it is an invasion.

The opponent can take this shot.

Immediately, the half-holy elder clasped his fists toward the scorched black figure deep in the giant pit and said solemnly: "Senior, this junior has no intention of offending, please don't blame Senior."

The masters of the monastic world are teachers, even if the elders are already more than 800 years old, and they are not far away from the transformation of the gods, they still have to be respected as seniors.

In the huge pit, the charred figure remained motionless, as if he hadn't heard it.

He lowered his head, looked at his hands, and seemed to mutter to himself, "Not dead?"

He is indeed Ye Chen!

In the battle for dominance, he experienced the biggest crisis in history. One person alone controlled the taboos of the nine life restricted areas. In the end, a few super kings of foreign races came, no less than the forbidden areas, and carried out the most terrible encirclement. kill.

In that battle, he finally did not use the two supreme imperial soldiers of the Buddha Emperor Ge and Emperor Star, in order to verify what level of strength he could reach.

He has always underestimated himself.

After the full-scale eruption, by virtue of his eternal emperor's combat power, it is even better than the general eight-fold heaven peerless king's combat power.

He even believed that even in the face of other peerless kings, he would have the strength to kill under the battle of life and death.

Moreover, he put himself in the real danger of life and death, hoping to break the current shackles, to be able to transcend the present and go further.

That battle was known as the battle of masters that shocked the ancient and the modern.

The Primordial Heaven Realm is one of the few most terrifying duels in history.

The master of the nine life restricted zones is here!

Several super existences of alien races have also come, all of which are dominating the restricted area.

The top existence beyond the number of hands.

Can be called the most terrible killing game!

Without using the Supreme Emperor's soldiers, it is better than Ye Chen to fall into the terrible situation of nine deaths and almost survived.

The Eucharist of Chaos will also be broken.

Because the opponents facing him are terrible.

But in the battle for dominance, Ye Chen also showed unprecedented terrifying combat power, beheading three forbidden zone masters and an alien super demon one after another.

Later, in the follow-up war, a forbidden zone master and an alien master-level king were killed one after another.

In that battle, the existence of six super kings was killed by him. It was a brilliant record of the heavens and can be remembered in the history of the eight realms.

Of course In the battle of dominance, he was as powerful as him, even if he showed the strongest methods, he was still crushed time and time again, and he was killed forever.

Under the final collision, the remaining five rulers of the restricted life zone were almost completely destroyed, as did the two great alien rulers, suffering the most terrible damage.

Ye Chen did the same. Without using the Supreme Emperor's soldiers, all the means were used, and he still ended up in a near death.

Because that battle was too tragic, unprecedented, and it was among the most terrifying battles Ye Chen has faced in his life, one of a few, and he was on the verge of life and death many times.

That is, he, one of the few eternal kings in ancient and modern times, and an advanced eternal quasi-king, is perfect in all aspects, and he is a chaos practitioner, sitting on the original universe, otherwise it is impossible for one person to compete with so many dominant level powers and survive. .

After the war of dominance, his body and spirit almost collapsed, his origins were all depleted, and he was on the verge of death several times, with no energy. This led to the forbidden zone master and the terrifying alien kings searching for multiple times and still unable to find his existence.

In the end, it took a full thirty years to make it through.

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