Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3441: Darkness falls

Zhang Fan was surprised that Senior Ye Chen actually gave himself a strand of hair, but he did not doubt that he was there, and he immediately dripped his essence and refined it.

The hair fell on his hand, as light as a feather, and felt ordinary.

In this way, causality is determined.

"Let's go."

Ye Chen said wildly.

"Yes, please come with me, senior."

Manhu took the initiative to take the lead, taking a thousand steps, and Ye Chen followed behind and easily caught up, and the two of them drifted away.

Seeing the two disappeared into the sky, everyone gathered around and looked at the hair in surprise.

Actually sent a strand of hair.

But the slightest fluctuation is not felt at all.

Silently, the hair fell from Zhang Fan's hand.


The entire land was trembling, and a terrible huge pit appeared, reaching a radius of ten thousand meters, and there were many terrible cracks around it.

The lake with a radius of thousands of miles exploded, and I don't know how many mountains collapsed, and the turbulent radius did not know how many miles.

This loud noise can be heard in almost the entire Guzhou.

Everyone almost fell, looking at the hair that caused such a movement in shock.

How heavy is a strand of hair?

Li Gu stepped forward and was horrified to discover that even with the power of half-sacred, he would never be able to pick up this hair, or even move it at all.

He thought of a rumor.

When the king of the world, a hair is broken.

But this hair is much scarier than the hair of the king.

He didn't know if this hair was still banned from power, otherwise a single hair might be enough to smooth the entire Luoshui Mountains.

With Ye Chen's strength, a single strand of hair can do this.

Zhang Fan picked up the hair, but still couldn't feel much weight.

It's like an ordinary hair.

But while dancing lightly, he was shocked to find that the void of heaven and earth seemed to be unbearable, and cracks appeared.

How terrible is the word enough to describe.

Everyone looked at Zhang Fan with envy and jealousy. He was given the gift of such a super-powerful hair. It was feared that this hair was equivalent to the supreme treasure. Once the hair was thrown out, how many people are in the world? Can a person resist a trace of force?

I'm afraid that the saint will be crushed by the shot.

This kid got lucky.

But who would know that many years later, it was precisely with this hair that Zhang Fan changed his fate, and thus stood out and became the overlord of the Primordial Sky Realm generation, covering nine heavens and ten earth...

All this has nothing to do with Ye Chen. At this moment, he steps into the void, even if Dao Fa bans him, he is still close to the horizon.

Later, I felt that Manhu was too slow, so he pointed him a position and distance, grabbed the corner of his clothes, and took a thousand miles, as fast as thunder and rushed to the Man clan.


Dongsheng 13 states, Cangxue state.

The super power Cangxue Palace is located in the land of Cangxue State. It is the super power that covers the East and defeats the thirteen states, and ranks alongside the Man clan as the two major overlords.

On this day, Cangxue Palace was furious because it was found that the primordial life card of the descendant of the proud sky was shattered.

Ao Changkong is the strongest arrogant of the Cangxue Palace of this generation, with outstanding talent, and he is already a generation and a half-sage of less than forty, and is regarded as the future heir of Cangxue Palace.

It also represents Cangxue Palace's participation in the eight-level young hegemony battle in this life, and has high hopes.

Now that he was killed, how could he accept it.

And according to the information received, Ao Changkong's death was related to the wild tiger of the Man clan.

Many high-level officials in Cangxue Palace were extremely angry, and immediately asked to go to the Man clan to ask for an explanation.

At the very least, Manhu must explain his life, not just let it go.

Soon, news came from high-level officials, suppressing all actions.

Because it is not the right time yet, the palace lord is in retreat, impacting the power realm, at a critical moment.

Under the circumstances of no accident, in the past few months, Dangke succeeded.

At that time, Palace Master Cangxue, who was promoted to power, went personally, not only to ask for an explanation, but also to take the opportunity to attack the Man clan and let Cangxue Palace completely dominate the 13 states in the east.

At the same time, the news that the descendant of the Cangxue Palace had died of Ao Changkong spread all over the place, alarming the land of the 13 states in Dongsheng.

The rumors are related to Manhu, the king of Man clan.

With the attention of Dongsheng 13 states, everyone feels that these two superpowers must collide.

Dongsheng Thirteen Prefectures, even in the entire Qianwu Ancient Kingdom, are one of the best in the vast area, but looking at the entire Primordial Realm, it is just a place where the sea shivered.

The death of a half-holy sky in the proud sky only caused waves in the eastern part of the ancient kingdom of Qianwu, and it had no effect outside the ancient kingdom.

In the current world, with the interconnection of the eight realms, the rules, and the heavens, the younger generation's struggle for hegemony has reached its peak.

From time to time, there is a peerless Tianjiao who stands out from the crowd, gains great fame, and makes the world famous, competing for the ultimate first place.

Not far from Qianwu Ancient Country.

An ancient battlefield involving the remains of the mythical era was opened only recently.

Suspected of the inheritance of the quasi-king and the legacy of the treasure.

It also attracted the attention of the major forces, and naturally many talented arrogants came to compete to enhance their strength.

There are natives in the Primordial Heaven Realm, and there are super arrogances from other six realms, ranging from the weakest Transcendent Realm to the Great Power Realm. Taking advantage of the opening of this relic land, a terrible battle has been launched, which is extremely fierce.

One of them was exceptionally beautiful in appearance, much more beautiful than many so-called Allure Women, with a special demon temperament.

He is extremely powerful, and he is one of the few super talents in the entire ruins battlefield to step into the realm of power.

In his hand, he held a hideous huge sickle with a dark ghost head inlaid at the top of the sickle. The mouth was opened, the half-foot-long sickle stretched out, and strands of dark and strange fire were entwined.


A sickle resembling a death **** flicked past, and a great power-level super arrogant was easily split in half. The flesh and blood and even the soul were swallowed by the death sickle, making the death sickle even more evil and strange.

Shake the entire ruin battlefield!

"The **** of death appeared, this profound realm's underworld strength was a little too strong, just one move would kill the mighty Tianjiao of Daxia Ancient Kingdom."

"The super heavenly arrogance of the Profound Realm of this world is far beyond imagination."

Holding a death sickle in his hand, like a **** of death, the emptiness has attracted the attention of the entire battlefield.

Moreover, it is said that Mingxu originated from the land of the Profound Realm. Although the land of the Profound Realm is considered to be the third realm, its overall strength is very different from that of the Primordial Heaven Realm. It is unexpected that such a powerful super celestial arrogant was born. .

Glancing at the many Tianjiao on the battlefield of the ruins, a dark magic light flashed in the depths of Mingxu's eyes, and he said coldly: "Is this the so-called Ten-Korean Eight-Boundary Tianjiao? It's really weak and vulnerable, compared to the others. Tian Wanyu is far worse, let alone compare with our ancient universe."

"Of course, if I can swallow the flesh and blood of these Pangu Universe Tianjiao for a long time, I can also rise to a higher level, and it is not impossible even to reach the quasi-king."

Licking his lips, the demon youth Mingxu showed a hint of greed, looking at the many young Tianjiao present, they all regarded them as prey.

His strength surpassed all the arrogances on the ancient battlefield of the ruins.

What's more, he has a more terrifying origin-foreign race!

Back then, Ming Xu followed the super powers of the ancient alien universe and descended into the Profound Realm.

Thirty years have passed, and the Profound Realm has long been secretly controlled by the foreign race, but all the forces with the ancient gods and kings are strongly occupied by the foreign race, but they are secretly enslaved and never killed.

All this is to prevent the other seven realms from knowing the arrival of their alien race.

With the passage of the eight realms of the ten thousand realms, they naturally followed into the Primordial Heaven Realm, the purpose is to go to the desolate realm and rescue the eternal emperor Jundao tenth that was sealed.

According to reports, saving Dao X was an order personally issued by the eternal giants in the ancestral temple of the origin of the universe, and they must be rescued by all means.

It is a pity that the eight realms of the ten thousand realms and the other seven realms run through each other, but I did not expect that 30 years ago, because a celestial realm ruler came out of the wasteland 30 years ago, it has been maintained by the powers of all parties in the celestial realm for many years. If they disappeared, they couldn't go to the wasteland blatantly, they could only stay in the Taikootian territory and wait.

Numerous super powers of different races are hibernating in the Taikootian territory, and the young generation Tianjiao is participating in the battle for hegemony of the young generation in the eight realms.

Because you know the final winner, you can go to the ancient heaven left by the emperor.

The word "Tiandi" suppresses the ancient and modern universe, and even the ancient universe of foreign races cannot be ignored.

They naturally valued the ancient heavenly court left by the emperor, hoping to enter it and obtain the heavenly destiny left by the emperor.

Mingxu vaguely heard that in this Primordial Realm, there are also the remains of the strongest of the ancient universe of different races, and they seem to be extremely powerful. They participated in the encirclement and suppression of the desolate land 30 years ago.

But the secrets are that he didn't know much in his capacity.

Immediately, he abruptly raised his head to look at the distant horizon, with strong fear and awe.

In a daze, he seemed to see the terrifying figure of the five domineering worlds.

"With the existence of the five of them, I can't win the young first person!"

Ming Xu looks complicated.

Although there are only a few hundred foreign races who have actually descended into the eight realms of the ten thousand realms, don't forget that they are at least at the power level, and there are even the ancient emperor, and even a high emperor, but there is the original world heaven and earth in the body.

In the first battle, they were carrying them around and didn't stay away.

Therefore, many foreign tianjiao who entered the Primordial Heavenly Realm this time, including Mingxu, basically walked out of each other's original world of kings and ancestors, participated in the battle for hegemony of the young generation of the eight realms, hunted and honed the tianjiao.

But even if it is as powerful as the emptiness, it has long been a great power realm, and the extraordinary power is just the idle generation among the many foreign talents.

Only those five people are the true overlords who have entered the realm of Primordial Heaven this time among all the alien talents.

They, even the peerless Tianjiao who is enough to walk on the Supreme Ancient Road, are among the best and invincible Tianjiao in the ancient alien universe.

It is said that two of them are emperor sons and daughters, and the other three are the strongest young supreme comparable to the heirs of the supreme.

The strength of the five of them far surpassed all the other race tianjiaos.

In the past, Mingxu could have seen with his own eyes, on the battlefield in the heavens and tens of thousands of domains, one of them shot and raised his hand to kill the **** king town on the side of the Pangu universe. The appearance and spirit were destroyed, calm and natural.

That level of cultivation, that level of posture, is above everything else.

According to reports, the five people are peerless figures who can compete with the Primordial King in the universe, and many people even think that they can compete with the warlord of Pangu universe.

Five people, known as the five young overlords of the contemporary era, each went to a place in the southeast, northwest of the Primordial Realm.

Mingxu knew that since they descended from the heavens and ten thousand realms to these eight realms, the so-called eight realms young generation's battle for hegemony would ultimately only become a game for the five great alien young overlords.

In the end, even the entire eight realms of the ten thousand realms will inevitably fall into the hands of their alien race.

He sighed slightly: "I hope it won't end so soon. I still want to devour some more flesh and blood and enhance my cultivation."

"It's just that I don't know who is the young overlord of the ancient universe of our world who came to the East? It is reported that soon afterwards, the ancient kingdom of Qian Witch is suspected to have mythological relics. He should go there."


Above the firmament, in the broken star market, there is boundless darkness spreading through, sensing the various dominance battles that year.


In the star ruins, a pair of eyes larger than the stars suddenly opened, revealing the power of monstrous darkness, and the terrible scene of hundreds of millions of stars falling.

It was a huge figure comparable to a galaxy, hidden in the boundless dark star market, invisible.

"I sensed that in the aura remaining here, there is not only the aura of a strong man belonging to the ancient universe of my realm, but also the aura of a fighting saint king."

"He also came to the Primordial Heaven Realm, and he was also the ruler of the Heavenly Kingdom who came from the desolate land of the Battle for Domination 30 years ago."

"Facing the siege of those terrifying heavenly super kings and peerless kings, I was able to reach this point and killed seven of them."

"It deserves to be the eternal quasi-king promoted like the Lord Shidai and the Emperor of Heaven."

"His potential is far beyond my imagination."

"After the War of Domination that year, he suffered the most terrible damage. He wandered between life and death for 30 years. He recovered not long ago and disappeared here. He should still be in the territory of Primordial Heaven."

"This is a great opportunity. In any case, we must find the Saint King of Fighting. He has suffered the most terrible injuries. Be sure to kill him at this time!"

"If you really let him grow up completely, I am afraid that he will be the next emperor!"


The terrifying existence dormant in the Broken Star Ruins awakened, rippling with immeasurable magic power, like a chaotic demon **** who opened the world.

Undercurrents are raging!


In the domain.


Supreme land.

As far as you can see, the boundless rays of light converge, which is as vast as the abyss and boundless than the sea of ​​stars.

This is the power of faith, unimaginable.

Silent, boundless darkness suddenly descended here.

The weird thing is that outside of this place, Tianxu Zhuqiang couldn't sense all this at all.

A cold voice came from the darkness: "The Lord of Heaven has not fallen yet."

After a long time, the voice came out without sorrow or joy: "It's just ants, not enough."

If it spreads out, it will inevitably shock the world the dignified ruler of the kingdom of heaven, killing many Gedai figures who ruled the fall in the forbidden area, in the eyes of this person, is like an ant, not worth mentioning.

There was a sneer in the darkness: "An ant? Maybe it is true to you, but his horror is that the eternal giants must be jealous, but the eternal emperor, the potential is too terrible, enough to be comparable to the original generation and the emperor."

"A number of eternal giants personally issued orders to kill the ruler of the heavens anyway. Well, it is also called the Fighting Saint King."

"If that's the case, you can do it." Responded in the power of endless faith.

"He is a cultivator of chaos, and even an eternal king, and cannot be deduced. We need you to use your power to find his whereabouts." Darkness exists.

After a long period of silence, a voice came from the endless faith: "I can't get out of it at the moment. The plan for billions of years is about to be completed, and it will be three years later."

"it is good!"

The darkness fades away...

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