Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3443: Perfect book

"Hello little friend, I am Mantai, the patriarch of the Man clan generation."

The patriarch was very gentle, introduced himself first, and also introduced several other elders.

Not surprisingly, because of the incomplete Barbarian God King skill, hidden dangers appeared, and the great heavenly kings of the Man clan were generally old and exhausted, and their vitality and blood was severely depleted.

According to understanding, the patriarch and several elders have been practicing the Taoism for only six or seven thousand years, far less than the ten thousand years of life of the king, but still aging early, almost at the end of life, one can imagine that half of the incomplete barbarian king How serious is the hidden danger brought by Gong.

Soon the patriarch Mantai and several elders looked at Ye Chen expectantly, and said, "Little friend, can you really solve the hidden danger for us?"

Although he saw that Ye Chen was very young, he knew that the opponent's body could be broken into the void.

Even a few of them belonged to the best among the heavenly kings, so close to Ye Chen, they couldn't feel the blood fluctuations in the latter's body at all, as if they were ordinary.

However, this is precisely the proof that Ye Chen's attainments on the path of body refining are far superior to them.

But before Ye Chen could speak, Man Tai opened his body and took out a fragment of the Heart of the World. A bronze fragment was looming in it. He said, "My friend, Manhu also told us your purpose. This is about heaven. Treasure."

Ye Chen was startled. He knew that this bronze fragment was also on his body, and it was indeed suspected to be related to the Emperor of Heaven.

But he never expected it to be so refreshing, and thought he needed to help the Man clan solve the hidden dangers before giving it out.

As if to understand his doubts, the patriarch Man Taizi smiled: "Little friend, whether you can solve our hidden dangers or not, this is what you have won. If it weren't for you, Manhu would have died under Ao Changkong. He is an important member of my Man clan."

Ye Chen could feel that the other party's feelings were sincere, and the so-called treasures were far less important to the tribe.

The other elders did not stop the patriarch, which shows that this Man clan is a tribe that values ​​love and justice.

This made Ye Chen feel good about it.

Some did not refuse. They took the Fragment of the Heart of the World, took out the bronze fragment, then touched it, and then put it back to the Fragment of the Heart of the World, and gave it to the Hui patriarch Mantai.

This scene stunned everyone in the Man clan, and it was unknown why.

Ye Chen smiled and appeared sincere: "Don’t hide from the patriarch and several elders, but for some reason, I’m currently temporarily banned by Dao Fa and unable to receive the internal space, so I temporarily leave it to the Man clan to keep it for me. It will still relieve you of hidden dangers."

Tao law banned?

Everyone in the Man clan took a deep breath, understanding what it was, but they were also grateful.

The other party dared to speak out about this, and temporarily handed over the bronze shards to them, without exception, this was proof of trust in them.

It is both gratitude and trust!

The patriarch Mantai trembled and excitedly said: "Fifth, take out the treasure quickly and hand it to the little friend for him to see."


A tribal elder was about to leave, but was stopped by Ye Chen, and said, "Patriarchs and elders, there is no need to fetch the treasure. I know how to fix the flaws in your body-refining treasure "Barbarian God King Gong"."

Several people were dumbfounded.

Know how to fix defects without watching the book?

But that was left by an ancient **** king of the Man clan, unpredictable, even if the ancient power did not look at the collection, he would never want to infer the defect, let alone repair it.

Facing the slightly skeptical gazes of several people, Ye Chen smiled faintly, and understood what they were thinking, calmly speaking, he actually uttered the relevant practice scriptures in the body refining book "Man God King Gong". Out.

The more they listened, the more shocked everyone was, because the scriptures Ye Chen dictated were not only exactly the same as the Body Refining Book, but even the missing parts could be recited smoothly to fill in the missing parts.

It is necessary to know that the missing part of the "Barbarian God King Gong" body-refining book is the missing part of the corresponding scriptures in each realm.

When the people of the Ruoman clan cultivate the "Man God King Gong", they can only practice the corresponding part of the realm, and the other parts cannot be practiced at all, resulting in defects.

And even the Man clan does not know the content of the scriptures in the other part of the Body Refining Book.

Now, in Ye Chen's dictation, Wan is completing it.

Faintly, they felt that the content of the completed scriptures was correct.

They hurriedly wrote it down and proceeded to operate the exercises secretly, discovering that the body refining book, which used to be relatively obscure in operation, is now extremely smooth.

Even the qi and blood began to derive, no longer heading toward exhaustion, but continuously derive, regain strength, and also restore the real strength of the "barbarian king's power".

In just a moment, they felt a ray of their exhausted vitality.

Although it seems weak, it is more than a few times better than the previous exercise.

Moreover, this is the mystery of the real "barbarian king's power", which continuously strengthens the body, strengthens the limbs, the immortal internal organs, and the bones and bones are as strong as gold and stone.

Cultivation to the extreme, should be like the ancient ancestor of the **** king, proclaimed sacred in the flesh, and honored a generation of **** kings!

The patriarch and several elders were surprised and delighted. When Ye Chen heard about it for half an hour, they completed the entire "Man God King Gong" completely without missing a word. They were so excited that they knelt down on their knees. Seriously pay a great salute: "Thank you seniors for completing the'Man God King Gong', who is the handed down benefactor of my Man clan!"

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a benefactor.

If it weren't for Ye Chen's supplementary technique, otherwise the Man clan would only have been able to cultivate the incomplete body refining book. It would be great to be able to cultivate to the heavenly king throughout his life, and it would also leave huge hidden dangers, and the consequences would be disastrous.

However, the completion of the body refining book means that the Man clan has the hope of regaining the throne of the king.

Ye Chen Luoluo generously received their gifts ~ ~ is also eligible to receive gifts.

Although the "Barbarian God King Gong" body-refining book was created by a generation of god-kings, don’t forget who Ye Chen is, who is comparable to peerless kings, not to mention the fact that the body-refining is more important. It is the culmination of the deepening of gong. The physical refining book created by the mere king of the gods requires only a glance at the trajectory, and it can be seen, and even restored another part of it.

If it weren't for the sincerity of the Man clan, Ye Chen would definitely not take it lightly.

Moreover, Ye Chen is currently suffering from severe injuries, and the injuries in his body are far from being as simple as imagined. If the eternal king's origin is not constantly repaired, the tree of life's source of life will be restored, and most of them will die for a lifetime.

To fully recover, he needs some time to take his time.

Of course, don't forget, he thought that the alchemist could naturally recover faster with the aid of the pill.

But the premise requires a quiet environment. The Man Clan is undoubtedly such an environment that can make him invisible well.

Ye Chen plans to stay in the Man clan for a period of time to recuperate from his injuries.

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