Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3450: Man clan, descendants of the imperial clan

Ye Chen's eyes burst with flaming light.

An invisible power spread, directly banning this place, isolating the savage atmosphere here, and not spreading, otherwise it will alarm the entire Dongsheng 13 states.

"What a strong force."

Mantai was surprised and delighted, only feeling that his whole body was full of the surging power of the strongest and the most powerful, much stronger than when he was promoted to the power, and he can have the power of heaven and star picking.

Originally, he was just a powerful one, but after the blood seal was disintegrated, he directly pushed into the second heaven. I have to say that this blood power is indeed a mess.

"Senior, this, this is—"

Man Tai looked at Ye Chen, the power of this bloodline was so strong that he couldn't believe it.

Ye Chen's eyes regained depth, patted his shoulder, and suppressed the blood pressure of Xeon Zhisheng, and said: "I know the origins of your Man clan are mostly not simple, but I didn't expect that you are descendants of the emperor."

This kind of result surprised Ye Chen slightly.

Who would have thought that a small tribe that accidentally entered was actually descended from the imperial family.

And what made him a little puzzled was that, for some reason, he always felt that this bloodline fluctuation seemed familiar, as if he had felt it in the past years.

"The descendants of the emperor?" Man Tai was shocked. "What the predecessor said is the descendant of the mythical emperor?"

"Yes." Ye Chen nodded, "Your bloodline is the descendant of the ancient emperor, inheriting the power of the supreme bloodline of the ancient emperor, and I think your bloodline power is particularly strong, mostly from the direct line of the emperor. It's not easy."

After a brief shock, he was the patriarch of a large tribe after all, and Man Tai smiled bitterly: "I don't know. If the senior told me, I didn't even know that there was a blood seal in the body."


At this time, Man Tai's eyebrows suddenly rushed out of the engulfing brilliance, and a large amount of bloodline information emerged, submerged in his sea of ​​knowledge.

It took a full half an hour before Mantai slowly regained consciousness, and sighed with a complex expression: "So, our Man clan is not only the descendant of the emperor, but also the descendant of the ancient emperor of the Great Desolation. Still a survivor of the deserted ancient palace, one of the past 130,000 heritages."

"Senior, what you said is correct. The blood seal of our line is indeed left by an ancient king, and it was personally imposed by the ancient king who belongs to our emperor."

In the bloodline seal, there are also various information sealed, which are related to the history of the bloodline of this emperor.

"It turns out to be the descendant of the ancient emperor of the Great Wilderness."

Ye Chen is also a little interested, because the ancient emperor of the Great Wilderness is also the ancient emperor of the body-refining stream, and the attainments of the body-refining stream have reached the highest level. Looking at the heavens, there are few people who are comparable. How could he never hear the name of the ancient emperor of the Great Wildness? : "Tell me about your emperor clan."

Although this is the secret of the Man clan, it even involves the imperial clan, and even one of the past 130,000 ancient heritages, but in the face of the benefactor of the Man clan, Mantai did not hide it.

If Ye Chen hadn't practiced alchemy for him and unlocked the blood seal, he would probably not know the truth until the day he died.

Man Tai slowly explained.

The predecessor of the Man clan was the ancient kingdom of the gods, but its more predecessor was the deserted ancient palace, one of the thirteen thousand ancient heritages, the descendants of the ancient emperor of the mythical era, and one of the immortal heritages that crushed the ancient world.

As the ancient emperor of the Great Wilderness in the mythical era, it is known as the Huangdi family.

In this era, in the Primordial Realm, together with the other twelve emperors, they opened up the 130,000 ancient heritage that suppressed the universe.

This is the true origin of the inheritance of the past 130,000. They are all the emperors of the mythical era, carrying the will of the mythical emperors.

"The 13-thousand-thousand ancient heritage is not only the immortal overlord force that overwhelms the Primordial Heaven Realm, but also the guardian of the Primordial Heaven Realm. It inherits the will of the mythical emperor. In this era, waiting for the arrival of a person." Man Tai sighed. Tao.

Ye Chen didn't know that the eternal inheritance was at the level of the mythical emperor. He couldn't find it even from the three gods and souls of the Cangqiang Palace.

Obviously, a special restriction has been imposed, and outsiders cannot sense it. It is an absolute secret between the eternal heritage and cannot be passed on.

"Waiting for someone?"

Ye Chen was slightly surprised.

The thirteen emperor clans arranged by the mythological emperors guard the Primordial Realm and pass on, but the fundamental purpose is to wait for one person.

What kind of person is this, the emperors need to leave the descendants of the emperors to wait together.

Suddenly, Ye Chen remembered the key person, could it be him?

Immediately shook his head, thinking that the possibility is unlikely, it should be someone else.

"Not bad." Mantai nodded, "Of course, I don't know who that person is. Although this information is recorded deep in the blood, it needs to be promoted to a higher level to understand, but there is no doubt that ten The existence of the 30,000 ancient heritage is to wait for the arrival of that person and inherit the will of the mythical emperors."

"Go on."

Man Tai Tao: "The 13-thousand-thousand ancient inheritance is another form of existence of the mythical emperor. Each has the background of the emperor, and even the ancient kings of the mythical era are sleeping in it, and each other is the same. It stands to reason. , There is no foreign enemy at all, no one in the world dares to attack the eternal inheritance."

"But in the primitive age, the deserted ancient palace of our Huangdi clan has been fatally threatened."

"At that time, as the master of the heavenly realm in the primitive era, and now one of the five restricted areas of life in Kunxu, the forbidden area, for some reason, suddenly shot at the deserted ancient palace."

"Although the ruler of Kunxu is the ruler of the, the ancient palace of the desert is ultimately a deserted emperor. It has the real heritage of the emperor. Even the ancestor of the ancient emperor of the ancient emperor was suppressed by the emperor, and there are also the kings of the ancients. In other words, even an attack by the ruler of the heavens can withstand it."

Ye Chen nodded, the emperor clan's background is unfathomable, with the emperor's way, even if the forbidden area ruler strikes, it won't bring much benefit.

But at this time, Mantai’s expression was mixed with a strong sense of anger: "But the master of Kunxu at that time also brought a supreme imperial soldier, which resisted the imperial soldier of my deserted ancient palace and broke Opened the ancient palace, and wiped the ancient palace from the Primordial Realm overnight."

The 13-thousand-thousand ancient heritage is the thirteen emperor clan, and the most powerful can be regarded as the supreme emperor soldier who suppresses the foundation.

This makes the immortal soldiers of the imperial Dao that all the rulers of the restricted area have thrown a rat-avoidance weapon for, who in the world dares to touch its edge.

But if the master of the restricted area also controls a supreme imperial soldier, it is another matter.

The strongest supreme imperial soldier is constrained by the opponent's supreme imperial soldier, even if there is the sleeping of the Primordial King in the deserted ancient palace, because the Kunxu ruler is the former ruler of the ancient heavenly realm.

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