Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3453: Huangdizu

"Damn, these **** dared to take advantage of the **** king's absence, and they really wanted to die."

The Man God King looked gloomy, and his body was filled with the absolutely terrifying power of the God King, making this piece of inner heaven and earth shake and almost collapsed.

But soon, he was puzzled and said: "Since you said that the'Man God King's skill' is incomplete, why are you waiting for the cultivation technique to be perfect, pure and perfect, flawless and flawless? ."

Mantai smiled slightly: "The ancient ancestor of the **** king did not know that, although my Man clan suffered misfortune and the treasure was incomplete, but luckily met a senior expert who completed all the contents of the body refining treasure, so I was able to cultivate successfully. Resolve defects."

"Who is it?" The Barbarian God King exclaimed, and it can complement the body refining book he created, which is by no means a general.

"Ye Chen, Senior Ye!"

Mantai and several tribe elders gratefully and awedly looked to Ye Chen to one side.

The Barbarian King immediately looked at Ye Chen, clasped his fists in a serious face, with a deep gratitude: "Thank you for your help and save my Man clan tribe from the disaster. Great kindness and no thanks, if there is a request in the future, Man clan tribe I must go all out."

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "I have already received the remuneration. No thanks for this."

At this time, Mantai informed about the bronze fragments by sound transmission, and the Man God King said with a serious face: "The Taoist friends are serious. Although the bronze fragments involve the secrets of the ancient heavenly court, to me, the more precious thing is my clan. For your safety, you can take action to complete the body refining treasure and resolve all hidden dangers. It is the great kindness and virtue of my Man clan. Please be respected by me."

After all, he paid a great salute, which was very formal, making Ye Chen look up at the Barbarian King and the Man Clan more and more.

Mantai and the elders of the tribe paid great salutes.

Although the Huangdi clan has fallen like this, it is still worthy of the respect of the world, and this integrity is enough.

Ye Chen generously accepted the ceremony.

At this moment, the Man God King looked at Man Tai, because he sensed that the blood seal in his body was unlocked, he glanced at Ye Chen, but did not avoid it, and said, "Man Tai, when did you unlock the blood seal? "

In general, the bloodline seal can only be broken when it reaches the Divine King Realm. That was how the Barbarian King became the Divine King for thousands of years. Breaking the shackles of the bloodline seal allowed us to make rapid progress in the Divine King Realm, reaching that level in just tens of thousands of years. On the ground.

Several tribal elders were surprised: "What bloodline seal?"

Mantai smiled and said, "God King Guzu, this is also what Senior Ye did."

Hearing this, the God King was in awe: "It turns out that the Taoist fellow has been so advanced, I am afraid that he will surpass the God King."

Ye Chen didn't admit or deny it.

Seeing the suspicious gazes of several tribe elders, the Man God King no longer concealed it, nor did he avoid Ye Chen, and said: "The next thing, you must not spread it, it is related to the true origin of our Man clan. "

Immediately looking at Ye Chen, he said with a serious face: "Also please don't spread the word."

Ye Chen said: "I will keep it secret."

Although he had known the origins of the Man clan for a long time, the Man God King had never avoided it, and he obviously did not regard him as an outsider, which made him feel good.

What the Man God King said next is the same as what Man Tai said before.

The more the tribal elders heard, the more shocked they were. The Man's tribe was actually a remnant of the deserted ancient palace, one of the 13 thousand ancient heritages of the past. The true origin can be traced back to the mythical era. It was the emperor of the Great Desolate Ancient Emperor of the last era The descendants of the ethnic group have surprisingly great origins.

But when I heard the primitive times, the Kunxu ruler shot thunder against the ancient palace, wiped the Huangdi clan from the world, and even involved other eternal inheritance behind it, making them angry, but it was deeply frightened.

Back then, why did the ruler of Kunxu attack the deserted ancient palace for no reason?

Behind it, which eternal heritage and which emperor participated in it?

"Back then, in order to prevent the Huangdi clan from completely disappearing in history, the ancient kings of my Huangdi clan did not hesitate to pay a huge price and used the supreme secret technique to impose blood seals on some of the clan members and send them to places far away from the central region. , Which is here. It also seals the relevant memories."

"If you want to unlock the bloodline seal, you need to reach the Divine King Realm. At that time, the bloodline seal will not only be automatically released, and the power of the imperial bloodline in the body will be accumulated due to the generation of seals, and it will evolve toward the first few generations of the imperial family. It also causes that when the bloodline seal is unlocked, the power of the supreme bloodline accumulated over many generations will greatly enhance the strength, and the aptitude will also undergo amazing changes."

The bloodline seal of the Wild Emperor is very special. It is not only a simple bloodline seal, but also with the inheritance and accumulation of generations. As long as the bloodline is not unsealed, the bloodline power will accumulate. After the death of the tribe, The power of the bloodline was transmitted to the bodies of other races silently.

This kind of bloodline seal, even the Primordial King, had to pay a huge price to impose it.

Therefore, the moment Man Tai unlocked the bloodline seal, the power of the supreme bloodline accumulated in his body for multiple generations directly promoted him to improve.

Don't think that this is a heaven, it must be known that this is a powerful state, and the accumulation of every heaven is far beyond the past.

If the bloodline seal is unlocked at birth, this accumulated bloodline power is enough to make a baby leap directly to the level of **** transformation.

"Back then, when I reached the Divine King Realm, the bloodline seal was automatically unblocked and turned into a powerful supreme bloodline power, driving me to make rapid progress in the Divine King Realm." The Barbarian King mentioned the events of the past and entered the gods. Wang, even with his qualifications, it would take many thousands of years of accumulation before he could go further.

However, the release of the bloodline seal, the accumulation of the power of the supreme bloodline from generation to generation, changed his talent, and further, reached an extremely astonishing level in just tens of thousands of years.

Therefore, there is also the prosperous glory of the ancient kingdom of the gods and the forefront of the hundred kingdoms he pioneered in the ancient times.

Ye Chen could see that the cultivation base of the Barbarian God King reached the Eight Tribulations God King, and he could be called a peerless and powerful, comparable to when he was first promoted to the Divine King realm.

Suddenly, he opened his mouth: "Friends of the King of Gods, I think you are a dual cultivation of form and spirit, especially in the practice of physical training, which can be described as deep cultivation. Why should we explore the ancient country and collect the beliefs of sentient beings?"

As long as the strong who refining the body stream together, they all believe in their invincibility, and they can break through the outside world.

However, the belief that the king of the gods actually explored the ancient country to collect hundreds of millions of living beings made him quite strange this year.

Throughout the many ancient books in the Man clan, there is no record of why the Man God King acted like this.

Hearing this, the Barbarian God King showed a touch of complexity and sighed: "Don’t hide from fellow Taoists, in fact, the road of faith is not what I want to go forward, but it is just to give me a little protection for the last members of the Wild Emperor. I want to. With the help of the power of the faith of all living beings, it transformed into a god-king Taoist body, sitting in the ancient country, guarding the last members of the deserted emperor.

"Because after being promoted to the Divine King Realm, the power of the bloodline will be released. I am worried that one day, the enemy of the past will find our only remaining tribe. And I also hope to stay strong in the future, go to Kunxu, and ask the master of the restricted area. , Why did you want to destroy my deserted ancient palace and destroy my line of deserted emperors?"

A horrible aura spread from the barbarian **** king, carrying an absolute flame of hatred.

For no reason, the master of Kunxu suddenly attacked the ancient palace, causing the destruction of the entire ancient palace. What is behind it?

He didn't believe that the master of Kunxu would attack the deserted ancient palace for no reason. After all, this was a mythical emperor.

And other imperial clans are also involved.

The Barbarian God King wanted to reach the peak in the future, and went to Kunxu to ask for an explanation for the Wild Emperor.

All the senior members of the Man clan tribe like Mantai were shocked, empathetic, and full of anger.

After a little bit of anger was resolved, the King of God suddenly said, "In fact, there is another reason."

"what reason?"

The barbarian **** king raised his head and looked at the sky, more like looking at a certain direction, a supreme peak overlooking the world: "Because I have a feeling that the heaven dominates the beliefs that have been established generation after generation. With some important secrets, especially after the Heavenly Realm dominates the Primordial Heaven Realm in this life, the feeling is even deeper."

"Important Secret?"

Everyone was surprised, and immediately Ye Chen thought about it, remembering an event about the Domination War thirty years ago.

In the past years, in the most terrifying battles of dominance, the rulers of the nine life forbidden zones were once the rulers of the Primordial Heaven Realm.

It stands to reason that, as the master of the heavens of an era, hundreds of millions of sentient beings believe in worship, the power of faith collected is so vast that it is definitely far more than the power of faith collected by Ye Chen over the years.

But what is puzzled is that in that battle, he never felt the power of faith used by the forbidden zone master.

If it is said that facing a low-level enemy, it would disdain to use it.

However, Ye Chen used to be a cross-border ruler of the kingdom of heaven, how mighty and invincible, many of them were cut and killed during the war.

This is a matter of life and death, you die and I die.

It is impossible for the master of the restricted zone not to use this power of faith. Even for the existence of that level, the effect of increase may not be obvious, but it is better than Otherwise, if you are careless, you will be killed by him. .

But why did he still never use it when he finally fell.

He didn't care about this in the first place, but now that he thought about it carefully, he found that it was a big doubt.

Maybe it was really like what the King of Barbarians said, behind the power of faith, there are some big secrets.

The king said: "It was precisely because of this feeling and the wish to leave a legacy for the desolate emperor clan, so I explored the ancient country and collected the beliefs of hundreds of millions of people. During the ten thousand years, I secretly studied, and even studied the power of belief in my ancient country and the power of belief in the dominion of the heavens for many years."

"In the dark, I really found some secrets."

Ye Chen listened: "Friends, please say."

Mantai and others are also very curious.

"I suspect that throughout the ages, the masters of the heavens in all ages are actually the same person!" The Man God King said in a solemn voice.

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