Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3467: 2 Great King

? "Prince King!"

Zhu Qiang changed color, and he never thought that the Primordial King would also appear, and there would be two as soon as he appeared.

One looks silvery-white, with a childlike appearance, and slightly wrinkles. They are not young, but they are extremely imposing, like an ancient emperor in the dust.

The splendid and unparalleled emperor dragon robe is added on the body, and the dragon crown is worn on the head, as if the most noble emperor in the world is better than the emperor by many times.

"Shen Yuan, Emperor Shen Yuan, the Emperor of the Emperor God Kingdom overwhelmed the Primordial Realm. It is reported that he has disappeared from the world since the Chaos Era, and the rumors have all sat down, and now the human world reappears, it turned out to be the foundation of the Emperor God Kingdom. Sleep."

Emperor God Kingdom, the only immortal dynasty among the seven eternal heritages of the world.

Emperor Shen Yuan is the Primordial King of the Emperor God Kingdom. In the Primordial Realm of the Primordial Realm, the first era of Chaos, he once manifested in the human world, then disappeared, and was once suspected of sitting in the human world.

Now it reappears, confirming that it has been alive, in a kind of dormant seal all year round.

However, the world is only a little surprised. After all, the Primordial Sovereign exists at the overlord level of the universe, even if there are only a handful of people born in the Primordial Realm throughout the ages, and the inheritance of the ages should also be extremely important. The true existence of the Optimus Pillar, under normal circumstances, naturally does not May sit still.

On the other hand, the dark energy is better than the countless demon gods in the distant wilderness, and the whole body is demons, as if the darkest existence between the world and the earth has descended, and the rolling magic light swept the heavens, allowing everything to step into the dark and degenerate land.

"High and terrifying dark power, this is far more powerful than the Demon God of the Far Desolate, how sacred is this Primordial King?"

"In the realm of Primordial Heaven, I have never heard of this person's name. It has something to do with the Demon God of the Far Desolate. Could it also come from the land of the Profound Realm?"

However, when facing this dark king, no one really recognized the person's true identity, as if he had never appeared before.

"Foreign race, are you finally willing to appear?"

On the edge of the mythical ruins, Ye Chen murmured softly, the holy blood in his body was boiling.

"It's a shame not to eat such good food, but it's not the time. A foreign king can't satisfy me."

He is still waiting, waiting for the appearance of other alien kings.

The two great ancient kings appeared in the sky, guarding them in front of the strongest Tianjiao of the two great emperors, holding up the light of the body formed by the rules of the king, and resisting 9,900 trees and vines.

No matter how fierce the 9,900 trees and vines were, they still couldn't break through the protective aperture formed by the rule of the king.

The whole world sighed, this is the supreme and invincible place of the Primordial King, but the universe dominates, known as the cosmic hegemon, and has the invincible capital of sweeping the wastes.

"You came."

The emperor saw that Emperor Shen Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, but he did not have the respect that the world imagined, which made people surprised.

Generally speaking, no matter how amazing the emperor is, he is still only in the realm of the gods, but the ones who came are the Primordial Kings, there is a huge gap between them, and they have to be honored.

Emperor Shen Yuan said respectfully: "Little ancestor."

As soon as this claim was exhaled, it immediately shook the entire mythical site.

The dignified generation of Emperor Shen Yuan, the emperor of ancient times, actually called the emperor's lord a little ancestor?

How can this be?

It is necessary to know that there are only a handful of the ancient kings of the seven great eternal inheritances of the world who were born in this era, and everyone else is the overlord of the universe that existed in the mythical era.

Emperor Shen Yuan is one of them.

But such a name does not mean that the true origin of the emperor is not from the people of this world known to the world, but from the mythical era.

But some people present thought of a deeper side, and looked at the emperor in horror. Is he the legendary emperor?

Although the eternal inheritance is a mythical emperor, this is a secret that is unknown to the world, but anyone who can become a **** king is an ordinary person who naturally understands many secrets in the world and secretly guesses some important mysteries, and now you can see Sovereign Shen Yuan, the primordial emperor, would call the emperor the lord a little ancestor, and he was even more sure of this possibility.

On the other side, the Demon God of Far Desolation did not respect too much, glanced at the Dark King, and said indifferently: "You are here too."

"Jiejie, young master, you are a personal disciple of the emperor, how can this monarch sit back and watch you be killed by this undead medicine?"

The Dark King Jie Jie Yin laughed.


Zhu Qiang changed color, could it be that Yuanhuang Demon God was a direct disciple of the ancient emperor?

At this time, Emperor Shen Yuan looked at the Dark King coldly. At this moment, his imperial spirit was overwhelming, and he burst out from his body one after another golden dragons, a total of ninety-nine, each of which is more than hundreds of thousands of miles in length and breadth. Wei Geshi said coldly: "Foreign race, I didn't expect you to be here in front of my lord."


The great powers in the land of mythological relics were terrified. They were the alien races who destroyed the most powerful mythical era in the legend. The king of darkness in front of them was actually a alien race. Doesn't it mean the Demon God of Far Desolation?

The King of Darkness is not afraid of it. Under the darkness, a palm covered with dense black scales stretches out, more like the claws of some terrible creature. The crimson nails are like blood stained, bright and dripping, revealing a The wisps can bury the magic power in the world, and Jie Jie smiled: "Jie Jie, even if the Lord appears, do you really think you can kill the Lord?"

Sovereign Shen Yuan appeared in the hands of a sword with the dragon head at the front, and snorted coldly: "If I can kill you, I will know if I can kill you."

The dragon sword flicked, cutting out a monstrous sword light, like a mighty boundless sword river, which can cut off the Nine Heavens on the top and the Nine Nether Hells on the bottom.

The sword light cut out, containing the terrible rule of the king, and cut to the dark king.

The Dark King never resisted, but moved away with a scream from the Demon God of the Far Wilderness. Instead, he rushed towards the Immortal Emperor Medicine. He smiled and said, "Shen Yuan, I don’t have so much energy to accompany you. Waste Teiyaku is the purpose of this monarch."

The magic light rushed out, and immediately turned into a long dark river after another, hitting the sky, splitting a lot of nine thousand and nine white trees and vines, and rushing into the body of the Emperor Undead Medicine.

"Don't want to go!"

Emperor Shen Yuan also rushed over with the Emperor Lord.

At this moment, ninety-nine special tree vines suddenly descended from the canopy of Immortal Emperor Medicine that covered the heavens, each of which was much thicker than the previous ones, and could easily reach millions of miles. , The power contained is much more terrifying.

Especially nine of them are horrifying hundreds of millions of miles.

Each of these nine hundreds of millions of miles of tree vines contains a strong king-level energy.

The other ninety items are also ten million miles long.

These ninety-nine tree and vines combined, showing far more power than just above the nine thousand nine hundred vines.

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