Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3474: The Return of the Lord

? Soon, all the powerhouses in the land of the mythical relics retreated cleanly, leaving only a mess of relics.

Ye Chen was not idle. This place was a place where the mythical relics of undead emperor medicine were planted. It was very extraordinary. It might leave some traces of the emperor's way of the supreme giant who planted the emperor medicine.

He communicated with Undead Teiyaku.

Although the Emperor Undead Medicine is very powerful and possesses terrifying combat power that surpasses ordinary primordial kings, it has only a weak will like the will of the little gods in the past, and no real wisdom is born.

This immortal emperor medicine is too bad for the sky. Once the corresponding autonomous will is born, the spiritual wisdom will be enlightened, and the heaven will be condemned, and the forbidden thunder will come, which is extremely terrible.

Therefore, there was only a weak will, conveying vague thoughts, telling Ye Chen some simple content.

"Guardian against the sky!"

The Emperor Medicine of Immortality is left by the warlord against the sky, and is also the first life of the ancestor of fighting.

Knowing the truth, Ye Chen couldn't help but feel a little surprised, it was actually left by the master.

It’s a pity that this land of mythological relics has gone through too long and too long, and in the endless years, the fighting ancestors existed before they became famous. Even if there are emperor Dao Tianhens, they are still in the myth. In the battle of destruction, he was found out by the great alien of the race for a while, and it was wiped out seven or eight.

It's just that if Immortal Emperor Medicine had its origin, a drop of blood the size of a thumb was looming in it, bright and vivid.

It was just a drop, but the spreading power made Ye Chen's heart beat with horror, and there was a terrible feeling that he couldn't bear it, and the chaotic body would explode.

The chaotic holy blood in the body is also boiling, resonating inexplicably.

He understands, and his eyes shine!

The blood of a giant is still a drop of blood of a warlord against the sky!

This is such a precious thing, even if the supreme is going crazy, the supreme giant does not have much blood!

He understands that this is a drop of giant blood left by the warlord against the sky in order to avoid the undead medicine being seized by the foreign race. At a critical moment, it can manifest his blood incarnation, which is enough to protect the safety of the undead medicine.

It can be seen that the Heaven-defying warlord attaches great importance to Emperor Immortal Medicine, otherwise he would not leave a drop of giant blood.

However, Emperor Immortal Medicine did have such important value.

And he very much doubted that the warlord who was against the sky could not die when he returned from the ancient alien universe back then, probably because of this undead emperor medicine.

Ye Chen didn't want to take this drop of blood from the Heaven-defying Warlord, leaving the Emperor Medicine Undead to stay.

The appearance of the enemy came faster than imagined.

Only a short half hour passed, and suddenly, the land of mythological relics that had calmed down suddenly shook, and there was a mighty divine power coming from the outside world.

The Primordial Realm was shaken.

Hundreds of millions of beings are discolored.

It is unclear why the supreme being that had been silent for decades suddenly revived, and at the same time, it revived, even more personally, rushed to the land of mythological relics opened in the land of the east.

In the end what happened?

It's a pity that the time is too short, and the people of the world can't even know the place where Ye Chen, the ruler of the heavenly kingdom, reproduces the mythology, but they also vaguely know that it is not easy.

In the distance, on the edge of the land of mythological relics, there is a desert land with tens of millions of miles of light diverging. The desert is continuous, and it is an absolute dead place.

However, as far as the heavens came, the endless desert land set off a wave of sand that was hundreds of thousands of feet high, which seemed to be coming in mighty waves.

Ye Chen looked at the passage to the land of mythological relics, and saw several extremely terrifying figures appearing, such as gods, ancient emperors, and great demons, covering the ancient and modern, terrifying and unparalleled.

Dominate the restricted area!

And it's still five!

When the world's only five major restricted areas dominate, they all appeared.

Everyone holds the taboo ancient soldier, and some of the taboo ancient soldier is incomplete, the divinity dissipates, and a gap appears.

Obviously, it was left over from the previous war of dominance.

Naturally, thirty years is not enough to repair.

As long as the material used to cast the taboo ancient soldiers is not a common product, if you want to repair it, you need to find the same or the same material again, and you need to cast it again and again for many years, otherwise it will not be successful.

What's more, the rulers of the five restricted areas have suffered the most terrible injuries in the past. They have slept for 30 years and have never recovered.

But they also knew that Ye Chen's injuries were also extremely terrifying, and even better than them.

The rulers of the five restricted areas, like the five great gods that opened up the world, descended to the land of mythological relics, looked at Ye Chen next to the Emperor Immortal Medicine indifferently, and said: "The ruler of heaven, I didn't expect you to dare to appear in front of us."

For thirty years, they have been looking for Ye Chen's figure, and they have never believed that he just fell away like this.

Sure enough, just a year ago, he suddenly recovered from a land of star ruins.

Unfortunately, when they wanted to chase down the past, the other party had already disappeared and it was difficult to find.

I originally thought that Ye Chen, the ruler of the kingdom of heaven, would at least lie dormant for many years before daring to reappear, but he didn't expect that it was only in the past year that he would appear in front of them abruptly. It was bold!

Then he watched fiercely at the Emperor Undead Medicine, as long as he got the Emperor Undead Medicine, not only could he resolve the wounds in his body, it would even be hopeful to prove the Dao Supreme in the future.

Facing the ridicule and threat of Ruoruowu, the ruler of the five restricted areas, Ye Chen also smiled, full of mockery: "Hehe, even your five bereaved dogs dare to appear, let alone me."

Hearing this, the look of the dominators of the five restricted areas suddenly cooled down.

Lost dog?

Who is the bereaved dog in the end!

A year ago, he fled and left for the first time after his resurrection.

"Don't forget. In the past, when I dealt with more than a dozen of you by myself, I still had time to kill several people. Now only five of you are left. Isn't it just for death?"

Ye Chen contemptuously said, and did not put the five people in his to make the five forbidden areas dominate again is angry, but also soaring to the sky, wishing to kill this guy immediately.

But it cannot be denied that what he said is true.

In the past, a single person killed them severely and wounded many people. The people standing in front of them are less than half of the time. If the power of the kingdom of heaven is still at its peak, it is really not enough to kill, and they will be swept away at every turn.

Naturally, they would not think that Ye Chen really returned to the peak period. Thirty years was too short. Moreover, there were still several people who died at the expense of their lives in the past, the most terrible curse of the family, no matter how powerful the ruler of heaven is, It is impossible to be safe.

Moreover, he has only recovered for a year, how can he fully recover.

One of them was the ruler of Kunxu, and said coldly: "Heavenly ruler, we have to admit that you are truly incomparable. With the situation at the time, only a handful of people can escape from the eight realms, and you are one of them. One of them, but also severely wounded and killed us. I have to admit that you are really strong."

"But can you still compare to you now?"

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