Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3476: Protection of the road map

? It can be said that Kunxu dominates this peerless emperor and can't help him.

One to one, Ye Chen is invincible in the world.

It is precisely because of his extreme fear that from the very beginning, the five forbidden zone masters united.

At this time, the other three forbidden zone masters also desperately attacked Ye Chen, trying to kill Ye Chen.

There is another person, but also a peerless king like the ruler of Kunxu.

Of course, just like the Kunxu ruler, he suffered the most terrible battle for dominance thirty years ago, leaving the most terrifying heavy damage. It has not healed yet, and his strength is not as good as 67 out of ten at its peak.


After all, it is impossible to be completely invincible as strong as Ye Chen. After all, Dao Fa is completely banned, and all that can be used is the power of the Chaos Eucharist, and it is impossible to be invincible in the true sense.

There were multiple wounds on his body, and the chaotic holy blood was dripping, containing incredible power.

However, Ye Chen remained unchanged, and this kind of injury was nothing compared to thirty years ago.

He sighed slightly and said, "Do you only have this strength?"

Ye Chen’s exposure was to use their power to break open the Dao Tiantu in his body, but now he can’t do it. Even if he wants to inflict heavy damage on himself, it’s hard to break the Dao Tiantu, and it takes thousands of Dao Tiantu. The power of the nine heavenly kings above the power of the rule of the king.

The power to attack him now is far from enough.

Being questioned by the enemy, the masters of the five restricted areas are all completely angry. This is clearly not to put him in the eye.

One by one, they showed terrible offensive again, constantly attacking Ye Chen aggressively, and even trying to cause fatal injuries on him.

However, they soon discovered an amazing fact.

It was that Ye Chen was not only physically immortal, but the speed of recovery from his injuries was beyond the horrible he had imagined, and he quickly healed one injury after another, leading to this step. They had spent an unknown amount of energy and were unable to cause effective trauma to him.

Like a cat playing with a mouse, from beginning to end, they are all in the game of the ruler of heaven.


The ruler of the restricted area finally couldn't bear it anymore, and he roared, risking the possibility of the injury, and sublimating it to the extreme, letting himself suppress the injury and temporarily return to the peak state.

An earth-shattering aura was gushing, and the Million Dao Sovereign Rule emerged. It was an attack by the forbidden zone dominator in the peak state, and the thunder hit Ye Chen.

At the same time, the other rulers of the restricted area are also the same, even the Kunxu ruler and another peerless king-level ruler, their power is rising steadily, and they are above everything. The number of king rules superimposed on each other is actually reached. A full eight million times, they attacked together and hit Ye Chen heavily.


Ye Chen's figure flew horizontally, falling to the border wasteland of the land of mythical relics, but he had never been to pieces.

Although there is also the reason that the Chaos Eucharist is better than the past, but more importantly, the Great Dao Tiantu emerged at the critical moment, dissolving most of the attack power.

It can be said that when the external force reaches a certain level, the Dao Tiantu will also emerge when the Dao Fa is forbidden, turning it into a Tiantu armor to protect it.

In a sense, it can be said that if this is a battle armor of the Nine Heavens Kings, it takes the power of the Nine Heavens Kings to break this heavy armor.


Ye Chen leaned up to the sky and laughed, rising to the sky, rushing to the past again, and constantly bombarding the Chaos Holy Fist, laughing wildly: "Thank you for the rule of kings that gave me continuous penetration in the past and the Great Ancient Heavenly Dao Tianri , Although it blocked my cultivation, it also became my immortal suit. As long as the suit is immortal, it will be countless times more difficult for you to kill me."

The five forbidden areas dominate the same, and they have regrets. The attack of the day has now become the enemy's greatest protective suit. It is simply ironic, and even more naked, making them very helpless.

Now that he wants to really kill the Lord of Heaven, he must first break the ban on Dadao Tiantu.

The rulers of the five restricted areas looked at each other, very helpless, while coping with the offensive of the ruler of heaven, they had to find a way.

To kill the opponent, the first thing to do is to break the ban on Dadao Tiantu and return the opponent to the peak.

But at the same time, there was also a chance to kill the other party.

But the risk of doing so is also extremely huge. Thirty years ago, the power of the ruler of the kingdom of heaven was so powerful that they could see in their eyes, facing the attack of a dozen powerful masters, they still managed to kill several people and hit the rest. People and so on, and even resurrected after thirty years.

All this proves the serious threat of the other party.

Now it has finally been banned, and the ban on Dadao Tiantu must not be unlocked.

Of course, if you don't unlock it, Dadao Tiantu will become the opponent's best suit protection. It is undoubtedly extremely difficult to kill the opponent.

It is for this reason that they have to think carefully.

While responding to Ye Chen's offense, they struggled to consider whether to unlock the ban on Dao Tiantu or not.

Silently, Ye Chen slayed in front of a forbidden area ruler. His mighty power could be called the thunderbolt, and the world was boundless. How could he be able to block and sweep everything.

In an instant, a forbidden ancient soldier was shattered by the raw ground, and countless fragments were knocked down into the body of the dominators of several restricted areas, splashing a lot of blood.

"Since you are thinking about it, then I will help you first and kill you first."

With one leg swept out, with a thud, another forbidden zone master was swept toward the sky.

Then the left hand shakes the sky hand, the right hand cuts the sky finger, and the left and right collide with the two masters of the peerless king-level restricted area.

Boom boom boom

His figure retreated tens of millions of miles, but the masters of the two restricted areas also retreated tens of millions of miles.

"Shank the sky!"

With a violent It was Ye Chen who was chasing after victory, actively killing and returning, appeared in the sky, left and right second hand superimposed together, turned into a vast sky-shaking giant seal, earthshaking, immeasurable, crashing down, as if to The entire land of mythological relics is throbbing.

The rulers of several restricted areas are terrifying, and it seems that even at this point, under the premise that Dao Fa is banned, the ruler of the kingdom of heaven will have such a powerful force, which is unimaginable.

The five forbidden zone masters contended together, resisting the earthshaking seal for a lifetime, and then the five people made a unanimous decision.


Even if the ban on the Great Dao Tiantu, ruled by the kingdom of heaven, is unlocked, he will be killed.

Otherwise, the opponent is protected by the Great Dao Tiantu, and if they are inherently invincible, they will be killed for a long time.

What's more, in the vast Primordial Realm, it is not just that they are aimed at the sovereign of the kingdom of heaven, but there are other people who are much more targeted than them, and they are insoluble.

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