? I saw that Ye Chen rushed out of chaotic light, and in an instant it was hundreds of millions of weights, and it immediately condensed on top of his head into a ten-story pagoda, simple and unpretentious, chaotic light hanging down. Present, as if the sea of ​​Chaos is the innate treasure of the world.

There are many chaos king rules around.

The moment the Chaos Dao Pagoda appeared, the town of Nine Heavens, the Nine Nether Hells, and the power that covered the past and the present swayed away slowly, who could stop it.

The chaotic Taoist pagoda, which is hundreds of millions of miles tall, rotates, and the ancient chaos is permeated, and one faintly visible one after another ancient stars are rising and falling, as if the stars of the sky are all in it, and many star fields surround it.

Ye Chen stood on the tower with one hand, condescending, looking at the dominance of the five restricted areas from a bird's-eye view, and said: "This is the fifth chaotic style that I created!"

As the name suggests, suppress the world!

"Chaos Wushuang, the world is here!"

With a shout, the ten-story Chaos Zhenshi Pagoda descended from the sky, with incomparable power to seal and destroy the world.

The rulers of the five restricted areas, even the ruler of Kunxu and another peerless king-level ruler, felt a strong fatal crisis.

With a long roar of the five people, the whole body's divine power suddenly exploded, and then violently hit the sky, rushed up, and slammed into the Chaos Zhenshi Tower.

The five people work together, almost comparable to the real Nine Heavens King, and they collided fiercely with the Chaos Zhenshi Tower.

The starry sky collapses, and it affects the vast starry sky that does not know how many, at every turn, counts for hundreds of millions of miles.

Fortunately, it was in the Star Market. Otherwise, it would fall in the territory of the Primordial Sky, and I was afraid that any place in the southeast, northwest and northwest would also be crushed to dust.

However, the world tower of Chaos Town is terrifying, and all attacks are suppressed. In the ancient chaos, there are more ancient stars that are condensed by the chaotic power, burning, turning into a monstrous meteor shower, and hitting hard. The five restricted areas dominate.

Although it didn't cause them much damage, it also slightly blocked their offensive.

At the same time, the attack on the World Tower of Chaos Town really fell, as if the entire Primordial Realm was under pressure, and the power of the five forbidden zone masters also gave birth to a sense of powerlessness and felt an unparalleled sense of oppression.


I just feel that my muscles and bones are creaking, almost broken.

At this point, they have to admit that the ruler of heaven is even more powerful than 30 years ago. With the five of them, they can be regarded as the rulers of the heavens in the past, but together, they are not his opponents alone. The unthinkable.

But now I have to admit it.

The ruler of heaven is indeed powerful to a rather outrageous level.


As time went by, an inch by inch of the World Tower of Chaos Town fell, and the oppression of the five major forbidden areas became more and more terrifying, and they couldn't cough up blood.

However, what makes people feel strange is that the ruler of heaven did not take any further action, as if he was in a lot of time, even watching a show, watching the rulers of the five forbidden areas get killed little by little.

Ye Chen smiled faintly, but his eyes swept towards the boundless starry sky, and said softly, "Do you really want to watch them being killed by me a little bit and not appear?"

He was waiting, because there must still be a foreign race hidden in the dark. The four great foreign kings and super kings of the past were like this. He killed two of them, and both.

What's more, there are people who descended from the heavens and domains. He didn't believe that all the alien races in the Primordial King were destroyed by him.

Finally, when the masters of the five restricted areas were all crushed by an inch of blood, and the bones of their bodies were not known how much they were broken, there was no sound. Behind Ye Chen, three terrifying figures comparable to the masters of the restricted areas appeared. Up.

Two of them were the two participants in the battle for dominance, and the other was never seen before. However, their aura was much stronger than both, and they were also the strongest of the peerless kings who stepped into the eighth heaven. exist.

The three super alien superpowers came silently behind Ye Chen, appeared in an instant, and displayed the most terrifying means.

A peerless king, two super kings, such a sudden lore, surpassing all assassinations in the world.

And at such a short distance, even if the King of the Nine Heavens is a little careless, he is very likely to be successfully assassinated.

Ye Chen was stabbed, his head was pierced, and even the chaos holy soul in his body was also provoked, and the whole person was blasted to pieces.

The world's eyes are tight.

Was the invincible ruler of heaven killed in this way?

However, the three superpowers of the alien race did not have the slightest surprise, because they had a bad feeling.

Sure enough, silently, right behind them, Ye Chen's figure did not know when it started, but already appeared.

"Finally wait for you mice."

The indifferent laughter echoed, making the three of them suddenly discolored.

The Fighting Saint King was actually waiting for them, waiting for their appearance.

"The heavens of Dingzhen!"

With a soft drink, the Great Chaos Cauldron appeared, and with Ye Chen's extreme sublimation, it also transformed and improved, descending from the sky, carrying the power of hundreds of millions of chaos, descending mightily, suppressing the world.


An alien super king was suppressed, covered in blood.

"Ten days banned!"

At the same time, the door of ten seals appeared, sealing the land of ten directions, and also banning the second super king of alien race.

In the blink of an eye, the two alien super kings were sealed, unable to break free in a short time.

And Ye Chen, the deity directly faced the peerless king of the alien race.

Among the alien kings on the field, only he could bring a certain threat to Ye Chen.

This person was very powerful, giving Ye Chen the feeling that he was even more powerful than the master of Kunxu and another peerless king who entered the master.

If you don't take the lead in eradicating this person~www.wuxiaspot.com~, it will not be easy to deal with other aliens or dominators in the restricted zone.

He stepped forward and showed the four-pole sacred style, and he showed it in his hands. It can be said that he wants to summon the true four chaotic holy spirits, representing the four source powers of earth, water, fire and wind, And to.

"Buried in the world!"

The peerless king of the foreign race yelled, the power of millions of kings' rules was boiling, and a supreme burial ground evolved. In the end, it was Ye Chen's four-pole-pass saint attack power that was finally resolved. , Invisible without a trace.

I have to say that this person is really strong, much stronger than the Kunxu ruler.

Switching to the master of Kunxu and another master of the king-level restricted area can't be resolved so easily.

"Fighting Saint King, do you only have this method? I think you are very strong."

The peerless king of the foreign race gave a grinning grin, with a bit of contempt and disdain, he became famous on his own!

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