Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3485: Seize faith

   Of course, this can be regarded as a cause and effect of repaying the Huangdi clan.

   Ye Chen also has a large number of gods in the other eight life restricted areas, including the inheritance of the other five mythical emperors.

   Of course, if the other five mythical emperors still exist, Ye Chen doesn't mind returning the inheritance of these emperors, and even hopes that they can regain strength and restore their former glory.

   These are all very important forces. Since the future is going to fight the alien race to the death, these forces are indispensable.

   Just like the battle of the former masters, when the body of the first ruler of the restricted area fell, there was a battle for the Primordial King. Although Ye Chen took it back, he still never killed it, just thinking of this.

   It is a pity that the masters of the nine life restricted areas have long been in collusion with the aliens, otherwise, with Ye Chen's character, they would not be brutally assassinated in the current situation of Pangu Universe.

   In any case, as long as he is not on the side of the alien race, Ye Chen is willing to let go of the restricted area to dominate the horse. After all, he is also a powerhouse above the super king level.

   Unfortunately, he had to do this.

   Anyone who dares to collude with aliens will undoubtedly die.

   At this time, the Desolate Ancient Kingdom no longer annexed other ancient countries, but it sent troops to frighten the world, requiring all beliefs in the borders of the ancient country to be changed to believe in Ye Chen.

  Naturally, it caused a huge influence in the world.

   Even the Tianxu, which is dominated by the contemporary sky realm, is even more furious.

   They have tolerated Ye Chen's belief in the ancient country of desolation, and now they want to use force to threaten other ancient countries to change their beliefs one by one. Believe in Ye Chen is the biggest challenge to them.

   Many strong people in the Tianxu Ruins hope to send troops to conquer the ancient country, and even hope that the Lord of the Tianxu will take action personally to punish the ruler of the heavens.

   Although the Lord of Heaven is very powerful, they also believe that the Lord of Heaven Ruins is invincible, and no one in the vast world is his opponent.

  The land of Tianxu is a series of majestic and majestic Tiangong temples. It is extremely majestic and extraordinary. It is like the legendary heavenly court of the emperor. It is also not as good as the other six eternal heritages.

   What is even more shocking is that inside the Tianxu, there stands a Tianmen that is as high as the sky, and the three characters "South Tianmen" are engraved on the archway.

   is in the deepest part of Tianxu, where stands the most majestic temple in the world.

   "The master, and today the master of the country provokes you like this, it is really disrespectful. Please also ask the master to take action and punish you."

   Inside the palace, there was a voice, echoed by many other voices.

   The temple of heaven is as huge as the world, and the highest point is the supreme **** seat, the lord of the heavenly ruins, the lord of the heavenly realm. It is covered by billions of brilliance, and no one can understand the inner things.

   Here, there are a number of Primordial Kings who were born, which are the background of the Tianxu, and they are all shocked and born.

   They are sluggish and old, all of them are filled with rotten auras, and they are obviously very old, almost dead old kings.

   This is the background of the Tianxu. Anyone who is in the prime of life or who has a long time to live can not be sealed as a background, but continues to understand the Supreme Dao, in the hope that one day can ascend the Supreme Supreme position.

   Today, all the high-level people in the Tianxu appear in this heavenly hall, from the **** king to the ancient king as the foundation, all gathered in the hall.

   The only thing that makes people surprised is that the Lord of the Tianxu still has nothing to do.

   From the supreme seat of God, there was no sound, as if the master was not there.


   In the Temple of Heaven, Tianxu Zhongqiang called out a few times without responding.

   At this time, all the Primordial Kings of Tianxu looked at each other, showing solemn meaning.

   If you say, in the world, even the vast majority of people in Tianxu do not know the fundamental origin of the Lord of Tianxu, but a few of them do.

  Since this era, they have basically been asleep during the long years. They only awakened when a few terrible disasters came to the Tianxu occasionally. It is not clear what the Lord of the Tianxu has done in the endless years.

   But now in the golden age, I learned some inside stories and vaguely guessed the fundamental purpose of the Lord of the Ruins.

   An old antique-level emperor who is old and aging, glanced at him seemingly, and said: "Don't forget the fundamental purpose of your existence."

   On the seat of the Supreme God, there is always silence.

   On this day, the news spread to the world, and the Lord of Tianxu did not respond to the ruling belief of the Lord of Heaven.

  Even the five forbidden zone masters and the three superpowers of alien races that he rescued back were unmoved, dormant in the deepest part of the power of endless faith, without a sound.

   This makes people wonder.

   dignified contemporary masters of heaven have to tolerate the beliefs of the masters of the heavens and the changing world?

   Is it really afraid of the power of the ruler of heaven?

   The Lord of the Tianxu is silent, although the powers of the Tianxu are extremely angry, they are helpless.

   The Lord of the Heavenly Ruins, even if the overall strength of the entire Heavenly Ruins leaves, he is afraid that it will be difficult for the Heaven to rule the slightest.

  Heaven’s ruler, the climate has long ago, dominates the eight realms of the ten thousand realms, overwhelming the past and the present, who can fight?

I am afraid that if the Primordial King is holding the Supreme Emperor’s soldiers, there is only a dead Perhaps it is because of the tolerance of the Lord of the Tianxu, that the ancient desolate country has almost destroyed and occupied the territory of the ancient country. , Robbed the power of faith from the Lord of the Ruins, and instead believed in Ye Chen, the Lord of Heaven.

   Ye Chen personally promoted the change of belief, and performed miracles in various places.

   In just half a year, most of the people in more than 30 ancient countries have turned to him.

   Almost every moment, I can feel the power of the monstrous faith transmitted, far better than the old barbaric gods of the ancient kingdom, I don't know how much, and even faster than the power of faith in the small gods.

   But Ye Chen never used it, just collected it.

   This is collected in the name of the ancient country of desert. When he abandons this position one day, the power of faith will return to the hands of the ancient country of desert.

   Although if the power of belief is collected in the Primordial Heavens, it is much more vigorous than the other seven realms of the Eight Realms, but it is of little use to Ye Chen.

   Once it came, even if the entire Primordial Realm was unified and the world had a common belief, without the accumulation of an era, the power of belief would not be of much use to Ye Chen.

  Secondly, his fundamental purpose was to dominate the heavens. He wanted to explore the truth and doubt whether he was the same person in the heavens. He researched from the root of faith.

   Therefore, Ye Chen is not very interested in the power of faith.

   And this power of faith gathered is extremely helpful for the Huangdi clan to return to its former glory days.

   In this way, Ye Chen suppressed the Primordial Realm, gradually occupying the ancient kingdoms of the Heaven Realm, spreading their beliefs, and changing their original beliefs.

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