Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3487: The 8 realms are connected, and the heavens are complemented

   Outside, the battle for hegemony among the younger generation of the eight realms continues.

   is still very fierce, but compared to the original situation that was the focus of attention, the strong return of Ye Chen, the ruler of the heavens, has deprived the world of many eyes, and the battle for hegemony of the eighth realm's younger generation will appear many times inferior.

   In this world, the ruler of the heavens disappeared, only his figure always manifested in the heavens, showing various miracles from time to time, changing the faith deities of the ancient kingdoms, and replaced by the deity of the original ruler of the deserted kingdom.

  The power of faith grows, and it is prosperous day by day. There are countless places in the Primordial Realm where there is another statue of a **** for the world to believe in.

   Tianxu never moved.

   "Lord of Tianxu, you are much more patient than I thought."

   During this time, Ye Chen didn't think about directly attacking the Tianxu, but the Tianxu always seemed unfathomable, giving him a sense of danger that lurked the ancient emperor.

   Although the strength is comparable to that of the Nine Heavens King, he is still unsure of facing the emperor.

   As far as the situation is concerned, he is unwilling to attack the Tianxu easily if it is not a last resort.

   It's a pity that the five forbidden zone masters and the three superpowers of alien races no longer appeared after being rescued by the lord of the Tianxu, leaving Ye Chen no chance to make a move.

   Of course, I also seem to understand that Ye Chen, the ruler of the heavenly kingdom, is always paying attention to the situation of the Tianxu. The Tianxu is directly hidden, and even no one has ever appeared.

   During this period of time, Ye Chen was in fanfare, manifesting a wisp of chaos incarnate outside the large domain, descending to the middle domain, and going to the eternal heritage one by one.

   I have to say that Ye Chen is incomparable, and his appearance, even if it is an eternal heritage, few dare to stop him, and he must be greeted with the highest standards.

   In just one month, he entered the other six eternal heritages besides Sheque Tianxu, causing the world to shake.

   What is the purpose of heaven dominating?

   There are also speculations that it is suspected that the ruler of the kingdom of heaven is asking the six eternal heritages to support him and overthrow the ruler of the heavenly ruins.

   But many people think that there may be deeper reasons behind it.

   It is a pity that no one dares to inquire about the ruler of heaven.

   The same is true for the six eternal inheritances, which has become a mystery for the people of the world.

   Time passed quietly, and in a blink of an eye, Ye Chen recovered for two years and returned strongly for one year.

   In just one year, more than half of the ancient kingdoms in the Primordial Realm changed their beliefs and believed in Ye Chen.

There are hundreds of millions of powers of faith that are being transmitted in mighty and mighty powers. I don’t know how much the kingdom of heaven, which is far better than the Little God Realm, is even one of the faiths collected by the various forces in the Chaos Holy Realm, the Gulan Great World, and the Supreme Emperor Realm. The power is far from it.

   Only half of the power of belief in the ancient kingdoms has reached such a level. If all the ancient kingdoms, even the ten thousand religions, and even the entire Primordial Realm are completely changed, to what extent should the power of belief be terrifying?

   Ye Chen also looked solemn.

  Because the heavenly realm ruler has gone through ages and tens of thousands of years, the power of faith accumulated is so vast that it is simply inestimable.

   After half a month, Ye Chen awakened from meditation. A beam of light rushed into the sky, rushed up nine days, and down ten grounds, shaking the entire Primordial Realm, as if the Great Emperor awakened.

   Everywhere in the heaven, everyone felt Ye Chen's immense power, shuddering, and countless people worshipped him.

   The Seven Eternal Inheritances were also shocked, and they were shocked by the actions of the ruler of heaven.

   "Today, in the name of ruler, I will open the rule of heaven and pass through the wasteland!"

   Ye Chenruo's mouth with Tianxian, shaking the eternal world.

   This is the name of the ruler, not the ruler of the heavenly kingdom, nor the ruler of the first generation of deserted kingdoms. It is simply the word ruler. If you want to change the position of the master of the heavenly ruins, it will change the color of the people of the world and make them feel frightened.

   The rule of the wasteland, which has been kept blocked, will finally be broken today.

   "Open it to me!"

   Ye Chen drank.


   was just a blow, and the unbreakable rule of heaven was penetrated, penetrating the two realms of the Primordial Heaven and Wasteland.

  Because Ye Chen's strength is much better than 30 years ago, not to mention the wasteland is the hometown of Ye Chen. Without corresponding blockades and obstructions, it exploded with one blow.

   On this day, the eight realms of the ten thousand realms have completely penetrated each other.

   has been blocked since then!

   At the same time, the moment when the eight realms of the ten thousand realms are completely connected, the rules of the ten thousand realms are boiling incomparably, the great road descends, the ten thousand ways descend, the spiritual energy of the heavens and the ten thousand realms is soaring.

   Above the celestial sky of the Primordial Realm, the tenth-round avenue that had been faintly condensed took shape in an instant.

   Boom boom boom boom boom--

   The ten-wheel avenue runs across the sky every day, shining out from the Primordial Realm, reflecting the Eight Realms of Ten Thousand Realms.

  The avenue gradually descended, and the environment of the world, which was in the golden age, once again surprisingly changed. The spiritual energy was surging, and the heavens and blessings appeared one after another.

  Even places with mythological relics have appeared one after another.

   The most glorious golden age has completely come.

   Ye Chen didn't expect all of this.

   Soon, he understood.

The Eight Realms of the Ten Thousand Realms were originally one in the endless years. With the division of the eight realms later, the rule of the Tianguan was blocked, resulting in the rules of the Thousand Realms being divided into eight When the Eight Realms of the Thousand Realms only penetrated the seven realms. The land has not been completely completed.

Now, when the wasteland is also connected, the rules of the eight realms of heaven, earth, mystery, yellow, cosmos, universe, flood, and wasteland have been completely transformed into complete rules of the universe. If the avenue is complete, qualitative changes will occur, leading to the heavens. An amazing transformation occurred.

   Therefore, all heavens, caves, heavens and blessings were born.

It’s just that Ye Chen raised his head to look at the tenth-round avenue of the Primordial Heaven Realm. Once it appeared, with his perception, he could feel that not only the entire Primordial Heaven Realm, but even the Eight Realms of Ten Thousand Realms, and even the Ten Thousand Realms of Heaven. ... The heavenly path of the entire Pangu universe was completed at this moment.

   The old days, the tenth day of incompleteness reappeared.

   Heavenly Dao complements, Pangu universe is no longer the chaotic ancient universe that heavenly path lacked in the past.

   From then on, it is possible to cultivate the Tenth Heaven with a greater probability, and the birth of the Supreme Tianjiao no longer needs to be as difficult as it used to be.

   Ye Chen's eyes seemed unfathomable in an instant, and he had already learned a lot in an instant.

   All this is probably due to the mythical emperors.

   He knew that in all likelihood, it was the backhands left by the mythical emperors, who stayed in this Primordial Realm, and with the help of the eight realms of the Ten Thousand Realms, led to the re-birth on the tenth day.

   Although he still doesn't know how the mythical emperors did it, he doesn't doubt that they have such abilities.

   But this is also a great good thing. The golden age will come, and the complement of the heavens is the greatest benefit. The true supreme Tianjiao can be born, and then the supreme will be born in a true sense.

   Ten thousand realms and eight realms, hundreds of millions of living beings also have feelings in their hearts, faintly feeling that the way of heaven is complemented, it is easier to practice than before, and the perception of heaven and earth is more complete and natural.

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