Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3490: Protect short

   After all, they see the power of the Fighting Saint King, they have grown to this point in just a thousand years, and they can almost look at the Supreme Realm.

   Several other heirs, such as Chihiro is also a generation of fighting kings, Ya Ya is a time and space king, Chenxi has also reached the level of quasi-king.

   It can be said that Ye Junlin has endless potential and it is inevitable to grow to the level of the Primordial King.

  Especially, it is said that he inherited a part of the chaotic physique, which made them even more taboo. In any case, he must kill Ye Junlin, and he must not be allowed to grow up, worrying about the emergence of a second fighting king.

   Ye Chen naturally saw all this, but did not interfere.

Ye Junlin inherited the talents of him and Abel, and is more comparable to the physique of the true chaos dragon in the legend of the ancestor dragon, and it is not much worse than the chaos sacrament. It can be described as the supreme taboo physique, even if the emperor, the daughter, the heir of the fairy dao The physique of the supreme heirs is also slightly inferior.

   It's a pity that the growing environment is too greenhouse, and there is a lot of sleep time. The time to really wake up is only a dozen years, and the mind is just compared to sixteen or seventeen years old, and there is a shortage of combat experience.

   During the peace time, Ye Chen was willing to protect him forever and keep his heart pure.

It’s a pity that during the war years, especially when the blood-stained future is approaching, Ye Chen had to let Ye Junlin go out for a good experience, so that he can fully grow up in blood and fire. Only through true life and death can he truly grow up. .

   Otherwise, facing the terrible era of blood-stained future, even Ye Chen would not dare to say that he would definitely survive, let alone shelter Ye Junlin.

   Only when he grows up can he survive in the cruel age.

  The challenges of the young generation from all sides, the secret assassination of aliens, are destined to be full of blood and fire.

   Ye Junlin was unwilling to face this at the beginning, after all, he was a pure heart, even if he did it, he still had reservations.

   But with the passage of time, and after going through the life and death experience between blood and fire, and even after many times of life and death, he finally understood, and he grew up quickly.

   He has to inherit the two kinds of inheritance of the chaos line and the true dragon line. After his debut, he has no fear of anyone and begins to show the terrifying and terrifying aspects of the chaos true dragon.

  In just half a year, he changed from an innocent young man to a warrior with many battles, swept invincible, and defeated all the semi-sages, and even if there were more than five heavenly powerful saints, he could not hurt him personally.

   As for the heavenly kings and powers beyond the holy realm...

   is resolved by Chihiro who secretly guards his younger brother.

   Ye Chen's failure to make a move does not mean that Chihiro, the older brother, cannot make a move.

   Chihiro has always been spoiled for his younger siblings, and as a elder brother, he protects his siblings.

   One day, even a foreign quasi-monarch secretly tried to assassinate Ye Junlin.

After secretly sheltering his younger brother, Chihiro was very furious when he heard the news. He personally shot a foreign quasi-king over hundreds of millions of miles, and even chased him to death, and found the one hidden in the deepest place. The Primordial King of the alien race used the most terrifying means to kill with thunder and directly beheaded.

   The world is shaking!

On this day, the world knew that although the ruler of the kingdom of heaven ignored Ye Junlin’s life and death and allowed him to experience and experience all kinds of hardships, it does not mean that other people would ignore it. Like the brother Chihiro, he would directly kill him. An alien primordial king warned the world.

   If there is nothing, it is sending a signal to the world.

   As long as they are not too much, they will not make a move, but once someone far beyond the holy realm secretly makes a move, Thunder Town will inevitably be warned, and will not give the slightest chance to justify.

  I would rather kill ten thousand mistakes than let one go!

   No one argued, because with the passage of time, everyone knows that the heavenly ruler is in the same line of strength and domineering.

  The fighting king who grew up, the alien race who had been slept in the dark did not dare to act rashly.

What's more, the aliens finally understand that the fighting king has noticed them from the beginning, but has been deaf, not ignorant at all, but deliberately letting them grind Ye Junlin, but as long as they are beyond the scope, they will undoubtedly be killed. .

   "The hateful fighting sage king, from the beginning, he regarded us as a whetstone. We thought he didn't even know."

   There was an alien primordial king roaring, but there was nothing to do.

   They only dared to hide in the dark. Once they appeared, they would be found out by Ye Chen and killed by thunder.

   Dealing with the alien race, Ye Chen never found any excuses, and directly killed them!

   "It's a pity, Lord Emperor didn't take action, otherwise I would give the fighting saint king ten courage and dare not dominate this Primordial Realm!"

   There are aliens who are not irritated, but they are extremely puzzled. The godless kings of alien races will never manifest in the world, otherwise they will not be so suffocated, and even the four alien kings will not die so suffocated.

   An emperor is alive, and believes that no matter how strong the fighting sage king, even if he also masters the supreme emperor's soldiers, he has no fear at all and can directly push him.

"What do you know?"

   An alien king scolded, and the alien **** king was broken to through a difficult reorganization, and almost died directly.

   "The emperor is supreme, and he has his own purpose. How can you and other trivial gods be able to guess his mind."

  All the aliens present here are panicked.

   Only a few people know that the godless king of the alien race is not indifferent, but is plotting a plan for the world.

   and didn't dare to act in the face.

   Because the emperor of the human race is also in the realm of the ancient sky, in the dark.

   It may be difficult for ordinary kings to detect it, but the godless kings of foreign races must be aware of it, so they never manifest themselves.

   "Could it be that the line of the fighting sage king just killed the Primordial King of the ancient universe in our world without doing anything?"

  The other aliens are all angry and helpless.

"It's okay. After all, the fighting sage king is self-sufficient. Although he uses the hand of the ancient universe of our world to sharpen his son, he cannot always shelter him. Once he has the opportunity, he will definitely be able to kill him as if he had dealt with the Wuxiang King. child."

   A young overlord opened his mouth and ranked among the emperors. The true identity is the son of the emperor, the identity is noble, and he is extremely powerful.

  Although he could not attack Ye Junlin because of his limited realm, the people of the eight realms of ten thousand realms have been unable to see his true identity as a foreign race, so he has also recruited many powerful men as his subordinates, and there are many super arrogances.

  He is going to use these people to deal with Ye Junlin.

   Ye Junlin who hasn't grown up yet, he has a way to deal with it.

   But soon, this alien young overlord made a mistake.

   During this period of time, although he kept ordering his subordinates to continue to chase and kill Ye Junlin and attack and kill him in various ways, it was a pity that he didn't find anything in the end, and Ye Junlin evaded them all.

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