Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3496: Avenue Day and Day 1

"The first person of the young generation in the eight realms stands out, and the legacy of Gu Tianting is about to be born after all."

At the same time, the world is expecting it.

Including everyone, light or dark.


At this moment, above the firmament of the Primordial Heaven Realm, and even the unattainable ten heavens, this moment actually moved.

It can be seen to the naked eye that it was originally a straight line of ten heavens. At this moment, they are in a circle with each other.

And with the passage of time, the ten days of the sky slowly approached the center further, and in that case, it was actually necessary to slowly melt the one.

In the Primordial Realm, the world of five directions was greatly shaken, and the land of hundreds of countries and thousands of religions was all shaken.

Everyone feels that when the ten heavens and the sun are smelted into one, the existing heaven and earth are beginning to vibrate violently.

It can be seen to the naked eye that there are mysterious brilliance in the world, or the grassland, or the ocean, or the village, or the ancient capital, or the forest, or the star market...

Even the places of the eight realms of the ten thousand realms are all gathered with mysterious brilliance, cutting through the sky at an astonishing speed, and immediately sinking into the ten heavens and suns that are being melted into one.

"That is the light of Tao, and ten thousand ways are appearing!"

Someone exclaimed that the brilliance is the light of the Tao, including the heavens and the Tao.

The heavens and the avenues are just a general term for the avenues. In fact, the number of avenues far exceeds 10,000.

Today, all the heavens and all the ways are deriving from the brilliance of their debut, submerged in the ten heavens of melting and unity.

When the light of Dao Ze became submerged, it seemed to become a catalyst, helping the Ten Dao Tianri to further accelerate the melting and unity.

Everyone feels that when the ten heavens and suns are fully unified, there will be a special and amazing change.

There is a kind of awe for the unknown, but there is also a yearning and expectation. I want to know, I want to know, what amazing changes will happen if the ten days are completely melted and unified.

At this moment, Ye Chen, who was entrenched in the deserted ancient palace, suddenly raised his head, his eyes narrowed.

He actually felt the ten heavens in his body trembling, as if resonating with the ten heavens above his head.

Between each other, it seems to have established a special and strange connection inexplicably.

"This feeling……"

Ye Chen's eyes narrowed a lot again, and there were sharp edges looming.

At the same time, the seven eternal inheritances, and all the Primordial Kings are awakening one after another, at this moment, all are slowly smelting ten days in the distance.

In the land of the heavenly ruins, in the endless ocean of beliefs, an ancient overlord who suppressed the world is awakening.

The moment the eyes opened, it seemed like the first light appeared in the world, illuminating everything.

Although he did not look up, he saw everything above the sky, and his voice was deep and deep: "After waiting for so many years, is it finally starting today?"

The smelting and unification of the ten heavens and suns cannot be completed in one hour or three quarters. It takes at least a few months to observe the situation.

But the people of the world didn't feel the slightest impatient, because at the time of melting and uniting, they all felt that the sense of heaven and earth became much clearer, far better than usual, and they practiced faster.

This was an extremely rare opportunity. In the Taikootian territory, hundreds of millions of people all sat cross-legged and began to practice. This rare opportunity might not be the case after melting and uniting.

During this period of time, the Primordial Kings in various places gradually awakened and recovered.

Not only confined to the seven eternal heritages, over the long years, the peculiarities of the Primordial Realm have created many Primordial Kings.

What's more, it is not this era, but the old antiques who survived the myth era, survived the most terrible mythological destruction, and survived this life.

And the other Seven Realms of Ten Thousand Realms, such as the most powerful realm, the Yellow Realm, etc., also had the existence of the Primordial Kings, and they were shocked one by one and revived.

As Primordial Kings, their perception of heaven and earth far exceeds that of others, and they have a special feeling that once they have a great opportunity in this life, they may be able to reach the summit, and even reach the supreme realm.

What's more, during this period of time, they felt that the ten thousand ways were so close, which was also extremely beneficial to their cultivation of cosmic overlords, and they could even take this opportunity to practice more rules of the king.

In the wasteland, Emperor Hun Yue watched this scene in shock, and sensed that the heavens were approaching, and he had to sigh: "The Pangu universe is more special than I thought!"

"The ten heavens and the sun are united. If the ten heavens are united, you should make good use of this opportunity to cultivate. It is also extremely helpful to you."

Ye Chen is respectful to the people around him.

Everyone knows that they take the opportunity to practice, especially that they are all the people of the Tenth Heavenly Consummation, and the effects they can obtain are far better than others.

What's more, with Ye Chen, the ruler of the heavens, directly ascended to the sky, and practiced at the distance as close to the ten heavens as possible, and that effect was even more effective.

Ye Chen sat cross-legged here, both the deity and the reincarnation body were practicing.

He felt the resonance of the tenth heaven in his body more clearly than anyone.

Perhaps he was the first person in the Pangu universe to reach the tenth heaven after the Mythical Era, or perhaps he was also cultivated in the Eight Territories of Ten Thousand Realms, with a clearer natural sense.

At this moment, Ye Chen felt the resonance of the tenth heaven, and the divine power in his body was growing.

Although at his level, it is undoubtedly difficult to grow, but during this period, he felt that the divine power in his body was constantly increasing. It was not very obvious, but it could be felt.

From a long time ago, he felt a special feeling the moment he stepped into the Primordial Heaven Realm, but now that he thinks about it, it is very likely that it is.

"Could it be that you have been calling me?"

Ye Chen muttered to herself almost quickly, from the Primordial Heaven Realm, from the Ten Thousand Realms and Eight Realms, from the land in all directions, there are countless streams of light rising up into the sky, and coming near Avenue of Heaven and Earth.

Of course, the closer you get to the sky, the more terrifying the pressure you need to face.

The ten heavens are almost transformed by the origin of the Primordial Heaven Realm. They contain incomparable terrifying origins of heavenly power, especially now that they are melted and unified step by step. The pressures are even more terrifying, almost comparable to one. The coercion of a pinnacle king.

Even Ye Chen felt a terrible sense of oppression, let alone other people.

Even if it was a million miles away, the ordinary King of the Ancients couldn't get close.

Thousands of miles away, is the place where the quasi-king can approach.

As for the King of Gods, he can only approach him from hundreds of millions of miles away.

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