Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3501: Rutianxu

   Ye Chen is incomparably strong, he doesn't put the ten kings in his eyes at all, and even regards them like ants.

   This undoubtedly made countless experts in Tianxu angry and clenched their fists. However, at the same time, there was nothing but helplessness and a deep sense of powerlessness in the heart.

   In fact, it is almost the same if not.

   The ruler of the kingdom of heaven is too strong, his strength is already terrifying to a level that can be called a mess.

   He is powerful, and the two battles for dominance a hundred years ago have already emerged.

   And a hundred years later, he seems to be stronger.

   All the powers of the Tianxu have a weird feeling, unless the Lord of the Tianxu personally makes a move, it will be difficult for anyone to fight.

   "Tianxu, let's break down today."

   Ye Chen snorted coldly, that big chaotic hand still covered the sky and sun, and slapped down the contiguous Tianxu area of ​​the Tiangong Temple below.

  Under the extremely terrifying stalwart power, the entire Tianxu ruins seemed to sink a few minutes.

   The world is awe-inspiring!

   Is it possible that today the Tianxu will be suppressed and smoothed by the ruler of heaven?

In the Tianxu, the five forbidden areas dominates and the three superpowers of alien races have a gloomy look and rise to the sky. Among them, the emperor of the world is even colder and said: "Battle Saint King, the reason why you were able to defeat me back then was entirely because of me Waiting to fight separately gives you a chance to take advantage of it, otherwise it would be so easy to deal with me if you want to."

   The five super kings and three peerless kings all shot together, directly exploding the terrifying king Tianwei, and slamming the Chaos Master.


  The sky and the earth are torn apart, and the world is falling apart, as if everything in time must fall into absolute annihilation.

   The land in the Primordial Realm is vast and boundless, comparable to the superposition of hundreds of large domains in the heavens and ten thousand domains, and it is incredible.

   The Primordial Realm, hundreds of nations and thousands of religions, more than half will gather in the middle area, not to mention there are seven eternal heritages entrenched here.

   However, at this moment, almost half of the midfield, the sky was plunged into absolute annihilation, and it was impossible to see it!

   The collision between them has reached such a realm, which is simply incredible.

   Boom boom boom boom boom--

Almost at the same time, the seven eternal heritages, all of them spread out from the vast sky, flashing with countless laws and Dao patterns, containing the supreme power of imperial rhyme, covering the earth below, The destructive force of the Dominant-level collision resisted, and it never really affected the ground below.

   Otherwise, such a terrible collision would be enough to directly sink a small part of the middle area.

   When everything disappeared, the world raised their heads, only to see the figure of the three peerless kings and the five super kings suddenly stopped, standing on the sky, and the big chaotic hand that had originally shrouded the sky, covering the boundless territory, disappeared at some point.

   Obviously, Chaos Master was successfully resisted.

   The innumerable powerhouses in the Tianxu sighed with relief.

   Otherwise, if they had just faced the great chaotic hand of the Lord of Heaven, it really gave them a sense of extreme crisis like facing life and death.

   Even though the great Chaos hand was blocked, the people of the world were still full of awe for Ye Chen, the ruler of the kingdom of heaven, even better than before.

The ruler of the kingdom of heaven is just a casual slap, but it contains such supreme power. It is easy to shoot the ten great ancient kings. It needs to gather the five forbidden zone dominators and the three superpowers of alien races to work together to truly resist. .

   It is conceivable that if it is really one-on-one, these eight invincible master-level powerhouses in the world, I am afraid that few people can go through more than ten rounds in the hands of the heavenly sovereign.

   Obviously, I also understand the reactions of the world. Among the eight people, the five restricted areas dominate the most reaction, and all of them look terrifying.

They are all rulers of the heavens in the past, especially the Kunxu and the forbidden area dominators from Yinyang Mountain. They are also the peerless king-level dominators, the best in the forbidden area dominators. In the era when they ruled the world, even the mythical emperor The eternal heritage of transformation was once destroyed.

   Although for some reason, they withdrew from the dominion of the heavens and turned into the restricted zone of life, it is still the supreme horror of the past and the present. The world is vast, and there are few people who dare to despise them like this.

   are once the supreme masters who have been embraced and admired by the world, how can they tolerate such a look down upon.

   The dominators of the five restricted areas roared endlessly, full of anger.

   "You don't need to be so angry, the fighting saint king's strength is indeed a bit terrifying, but it is not impossible to deal with."

   The Infinite Absolute Monarch spoke, he was unfathomable, and his strength was stronger than the masters of the two restricted areas of Kunxu and Yinyang Mountain, and he was extremely powerful compared to Ye Chen during the first dominance battle.

   He looked at Ye Chen with a gloomy expression, which was also a great shame, but it was more important to kill the fighting king than this shame.

  In the deserted ancient palace, Ye Chen looked over and smiled indifferently: "The lord of the Tianxu, the eight dogs you raise are indeed good. They are loyal to protect the lord and can stop my palm."

   The eight powerful masters were furious.



   There was an uproar in the world, I wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh.

   After all, they are not the ruler of the kingdom of heaven, and they have not yet reached the point where they dare to laugh at the ruler of the restricted area. That is purely seeking death.

   "However, just because they want to block me, you might underestimate me, the ruler of heaven."

   Ye Chen still but the smile became much colder.

   At this moment, as soon as the figure moved, it directly traversed hundreds of millions of miles without knowing it, and walked out of the deserted ancient country of the Eastern Land, one step forward, and it was stepping into the land of the Middle Territory.

   stepped out one more step, and he had already arrived at the location of the Tianxu.

   The world is so big that he can't stop him at all.

After sensing the appearance of Ye Chen, the outsider, Tianxu Land, as an eternal heritage, is also the first of the seven eternal heritages. Naturally, there are layers upon layers of magic arrays, restrictions, etc., which emerge immediately. , And showed a terrifying edge.

  There are defensive arrays, and naturally there are attacking arrays and killing arrays.

   The monstrous sky is the terrifying light of extinction, and the outsider, Ye Chen, was wrapped in an instant.

   It can be said that this terrible offensive, even if a peerless king of the seventh heaven or even the eighth heaven is careless, it is very likely that he will be trapped for a long time, and it may even be killed by life.

   Undoubtedly, this is the terrifying aspect of the Tianxu, which is the first of the ancient heritage, and it is truly the number one power in the world.

   Even Ye Chen, a hundred years ago, had worries and fears.

   It's a pity that Ye Chen is facing the current Ye Chen. A hundred years later, his strength is better than before, and he can be said to be as unfathomable as a deep sea.

   On the surface of the body, the chaotic light blooms, as if to interpret the heavens and the realms, and as if sweeping the ups and downs of all realms.

   Visible to the naked eye, but all the absolute destructive powers such as attacking and killing, when they are close to the front, they will be automatically resolved by the chaotic light, without hurting themselves in the slightest.

   The extremely powerful strength, you can see the leopard in the tube!

   A few flashes, it is to pass through the barriers of the heavy killing array, and even penetrate a bright and open passage for life.

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