Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3505: Desolate crisis

   "Get out!"

   The Lord of Tianxu speaks indifferently, with a constitution in his mouth, as if the Lord of Heaven's Path opens.

   After a while, the entire Primordial Realm was violently shaken, and an endless power of great power emerged, gathering in front of it, invisible, but the birthplace suppressed the speed of the five-element emperor star's attack many times.

   Ye Chen's pupils shrank suddenly.

   At this moment, how did he not know that the strength of the Lord of the Sky Ruins was absolutely superior to ordinary emperors.

   Otherwise, how can you stop the Emperor Star from attacking with just one sentence!


   Ye Chen gave a soft drink.

Under the sky, the emperor’s reincarnation no longer cared about killing the eight dominion-level strongest in the town, the emperor-level power showed off, and directly swept away the eight dominion-level strongest, and forcibly fell into the wasteland of the Primordial Realm. Ascended to the sky for the first time, resisting the light of Emperor Yun.

   The reincarnation of the Great Emperor held the Buddha Emperor Ge and split all obstacles. It didn't take long for him to come to the front of the deity, directly control the Buddha Emperor Ge and kill him, and cooperate with the deity to attack the Lord of Tianxu.

   The two supreme imperial soldiers revived, attacked vigorously, and bombarded them.

   The emperor is invincible in the world, and it is difficult to find many enemies in the world, let alone the supreme emperor's soldier who is holding a recovery, and even the true Dzogchen Supreme.

   The power at this moment is so strong that it only needs to roll against the sky and shake the entire Primordial Realm, like a supreme attack.

   is also one hundred and eighty thousand ladders, that is, the palace of the Emperor Lingxiao, that is, the sun of heaven, otherwise under such power, everything will eventually cease to exist.


At this moment, the light of emperor rhyme emerging on the one hundred and eight thousand heavenly ladders is more powerful, faintly, it seems that the ancient emperor awakens, isolates this world, and prevents the imperial force from turbating the outside world, causing infinite lives to be charcoal and destroying the ancient sky territory.

   The two supreme emperors attacked, and bear the brunt of the attack. The dense and billions of faith power on the Lord of the Tianxu, who was not far away, exploded heavily, and the deity was looming.

   "The two supreme imperial soldiers, the emperor revived in the palm of his hand, really powerful!"

The turning of the eyes of the Lord of the Tianxu, like reincarnation, is more like a change in the world, both left and right, and second-hand, containing incredible and immeasurable power, and Ye Chen, the reincarnation of the great emperor, and two greatly recovered supreme The imperial soldiers collided.


   One hundred and eighty thousand heavenly ladders shook, almost collapsed directly down, the horror was unimaginable.

   In the end, I still bear it.

   But the light of Emperor Yun has dimmed many times, and even many ladders have cracked, and there have been many cracks, as if they were about to break at any time.

   This time, the Lord of Tianxu finally did not have the upper hand.

   It's just that, even if Ye Chen's deity and the reincarnation of the emperor held two Supreme Emperor soldiers, they never had the upper hand.

   Generally speaking, they are in a different position.

   "It's so strong. Although I have repeatedly overestimated the Lord of the Ruins, I found that in the end, I still underestimated it."

   Ye Chen frowned, it was enough to be able to resist himself and the reincarnation of the great emperor, but two Supreme Emperor soldiers that had recovered to such a degree were also resisted, which was enough to explain many problems.

   The strength of the Lord of the Heavenly Ruins, this time, he has already pushed it to the eternal emperor level that is close to the emperor of the beginning.

   shook the two supreme imperial soldiers with bare hands, enough to explain a lot.

  Of course, a large part of the reason is also because of the one hundred and eighty thousand ladders, suppressing the two supreme imperial soldiers can not fully bloom their due strength.


   The sound of dripping blood sounded one after another.

   I only saw the front, the figure of the Lord of the Sky Ruins shrouded in the power of faith, with blood constantly dripping, and that drop of blood was constantly showing various visions, which was amazing.

   This made Ye Chen a little happy.

   The Lord of the Heavenly Ruins is indeed very strong, but obviously he hasn't reached the point where he can shake the Supreme Emperor's soldiers with his bare hands.

   "If this is the case, I will pursue the victory, vowing to block, and even kill the Lord of the Tianxu!"

   Just when Ye Chen was planning to go further, suddenly, his heart was throbbing, with a very bad premonition.

   turned around abruptly and looked at the far eastern land of the Primordial Heaven Realm, and even beyond the Heaven Realm, that is the boundless territory of the wasteland.

   The terrifying aura is blooming, and it is accompanied by an unimaginable collision that shocks the earth.

"not good!"

   Ye Chen changed color.

   Here, two great terrorist auras are colliding.

   A Qi Ji is the Qi Ji of the familiar Emperor Hun Yue.

   As for the other one, it is always exuding a monstrous demon energy machine, that is an impressive alien energy machine.

   "The tenth world of Dao was born?"

   His expression changed in amazement, and he couldn't imagine it.

   That is the eternal emperor, no less than the invincible emperor of the primordial emperor, and is expected to be a stalwart existence in the realm of the eternal giants. Once broken, it will be an unimaginable disaster for the entire Pangu universe.

   But soon, his expression changed again.

   However, it is not easing, but more ugly.

  Because the alien emperor's aura is not the imaginary Dao X, it proves that Dao X is still in a sealed state.

   However, it also means that there is another alien emperor who is in a wasteland, having a shocking battle with Hunyue emperor.

  The purpose is obvious——

  Save Dao X!

   "Foreign race, it is really hidden very deeply, there is still an emperor descending into the lower realm, but he has been dormant until this moment. The purpose is to make me powerless and unable to help Emperor Hun Yue?"

   Ye Chen's eyes opened and closed, revealing wisps of sharp sharpness, like a great sword, terrifying, and wantonly destroying the void.

   At this moment, he wanted to set off for the reincarnation of the great emperor and go to support the emperor Hunyue.

  Because he knew that since the alien race was going to rescue the Dao 10th, it must not only be an emperor, but must also be followed by other alien strongest people behind him, and Hunyue Emperor alone might not be able to completely guard the wasteland.

   Sure enough, I vaguely felt the aura of a foreign king.

And what makes him most ugly is that the Eight Dominant-level Strongest who was severely hit by the reincarnation body of the Great Emperor reorganized his body and spirit at this moment, and laughed wildly at him. It turned out that the figure was suddenly broken. Void, into the wasteland.

"damn it!"

   Ye Chen's expression is very gloomy, the emperor's reincarnation body cannot be used, because the heaven-defying nature left behind by the emperor is also very important, and even to some extent, it is more important than the tenth emperor.

   But I can’t just sit back and ignore the birth of the tenth generation.

   "This is what you forced me."

   The light of the eyes turned, like a thousand chaotic lights pouring down.


   Silently, the Supreme Chaos Body appeared, carrying the Great Chaos Cauldron, and leaving the one hundred and eighty thousand ladders in an instant, the figure jumped and appeared in the wasteland.

   The deity, as always, cooperated with the reincarnation of the great emperor to attack the Lord of the Tianxu, and also prevented him from capturing the god-defying nature that should belong to Ye Junlin.

   "Jun's Landing, hurry up and get good luck from the emperor."

   Ye Chen drank.

   "Yes, father."

   Ye Junlin didn't dare to neglect, he had to accept the light of Emperor Yun, his speed is very fast, almost every step is tens of hundreds of ladders.

   Until now, it has already been halfway up the stairs, and only half of the journey is left.

  Naturally, the more you come, the greater the pressure.

   The Lord of the Tianxu remained silent, the power of belief was stronger, and he quickly climbed the steps, ignoring all kinds of pressure, and always following Ye Jun's presence, the distance is less than the thousand-tier ladder.

   If it wasn't the particularity of one hundred and eighty thousand ladders, otherwise, with his ability, he would have killed Ye Junlin many times in a few thousand levels.

   The reincarnation body of the great emperor and the deity of Ye Chen followed closely behind them, constantly attacking and interfering with the Lord of Tianxu.

   Although the Lord of Tianxu was annoyed, he was helpless.

   After all, on the one hundred and eighty thousand ladders, he couldn't fully display his peak strength, and he was suppressed too much.

   On the other side, in the wasteland, without the restriction of the power of the emperor, the power to fully release is far more terrifying.

   Ye Chen Chaos Supreme Body, carrying the Great Chaos Cauldron.

Originally, the farther away from the deity, the weaker the strength of the Dao Body will be, but at this point in the cultivation base, the power will be reduced. What's more, the great Chaos Cauldron was born and conceived by Ye Chen himself. It also contains the origin of the chaos, creating the strength of the Chaos Supreme Body. Be consistent with the deity.

   He saw the two emperors fighting in the Great World.

   Hunyue Emperor manifested hundreds of millions of miles of deity, is an unattainable sacred mountain of chaos, immortal and immortal.

   At the time, only the eternal emperor like Taichu emperor, who can be called the supreme, was able to shake a heavy wound, and change to another emperor, such as this alien emperor, who could not really hurt Hunyue emperor at all, and all offensives were resisted.

   The advantages of the Holy Spirit of Chaos are fully demonstrated.

   Hunyue Monarch fights the alien emperor while blocking other alien powerhouses from taking action to save Dao X.

   It is a pity that even if Emperor Hunyue is very strong, even relying on innate advantages, he is stronger than that of foreign emperors. However, the tenth emperor is not willing to be lonely.

  In the middle of the realm, even though there are many imperial Dao magic formations left by the great angel clan and the suppression of the origin, it still cannot completely suppress him.

You know, although Hyopoulos became the emperor back then, he was only the first to come to the emperor. He was not a great emperor-level powerhouse with a complete peak of Dzogchen, and was no more powerful than the tenth emperor. In the end, it was only with the burning of the origin of the emperor. Severely inflicted and suppressed Dao X.

   Since the endless years, although the original power of the Dao X has also been seriously consumed, it has also seriously consumed the power of ban.

   Dao tenth rises up and struggles, a wave of eternal emperor-level supreme power blooms wantonly, spreading in all directions, causing the chains of the Dao Dao to scream, being pulled straight, almost to be broken.

   The entire realm in the middle of the world is violently turbulent, as if it will be broken at any time.

   This changed the color of Emperor Hunyue. Even if Emperor Dao X was suppressed for more than half of the epoch, the continuous suppression over the endless years has wiped out how much power, but there is still a stalwart power that is better than ordinary emperors.

   Once he breaks through the barrier, it can be said that the consequences are absolutely unimaginable.

At this time, several powerful angels also cooperated with Emperor Hunyue, and as an angel, the blood was dripping in his body, and he was recognized by the Great World of Origin of Supros, and used the power of the infinite world to motivate Supu. The heavy forbidden forces left by Lowe are fully suppressing Dao X.

  In the wilderness, the Little God Realm had long since disappeared, and it was apparently collected by the Emperor Hun Yue in the original world of the emperor in the body.

   Although the Little God Realm's Providence Youth is strong, at present, at best, he can only compare with the more powerful quasi-prince, but he is far from participating in it.

   The collision between emperors and princes would easily cause the Little God Realm to fall into a big collapse.

   As for the other overlords in the wasteland, but the mere king of gods, they have already entered the realm of Primordial Heaven.


   In just a few moments, the Supreme Chaos Body had crossed the endless sky and came to the vicinity of the Emperor's Great World, and also met the eight powerful masters.

   "Battle Saint King!"

   "Heaven is over!"

   The eight people changed color. Obviously, he didn't expect Ye Chen to have the same means to transform into another Taoist body, and the strength is very close. That breath can't be wrong.

   "The eight of you, this time will undoubtedly die."

   Chaos Supreme is light drink, possesses the strongest power comparable to the deity, and has the blessing of Chaos Dading, so powerful.

   The Chaos Eyes glanced at the Eight Dominant-level Xeons. During their peak period, they were able to fight alone without falling into the wind, not to mention that they were hit hard by the reincarnation of the great emperor.

   There was a disagreement, the Great Chaos Cauldron was sacrificed, and hundreds of millions of chaotic lights appeared, as if opening the heavens and the earth, and like breaking the universe, deriving the heavens and the world, the world and the world, and colliding with it.

   In an instant, all the methods were undoubtedly obvious, and the eight people were delayed and unable to help the alien to save Dao X.

   "It's the fighting king!"

   "Shoot right Kill the King of Fighting!"

   "Vow to save Dao Shishi!"

   There are still many strong people in the alien race. The main force is naturally the Primordial King. There can be a dozen people, not as good as the Primordial Heaven Realm, but without exception, they are above the fifth heaven, and even a few people reach the seventh heaven and above, comparable to the ruler of the restricted area.

   Obviously, these are the main forces to save Dao X. The more than 20 foreign kings in the Primordial Heaven are all confused.

   It can be imagined how important Dao X is to foreign races. There are only a hundred foreign kings who invaded the Pangu universe, but nearly half of them came to the Eight Realms of Ten Thousand Realms.

   Chaos Supreme has a solemn look on his body. At this moment, the Great Chaos Cauldron awakens autonomously, and a figure like Ye Chen appears, which is the **** of the Great Cauldron.

At the same time, the Chaos Tianfu powerhouses and many servants who were transferred from the Great World of Silence in the body of the Great Emperor's reincarnation and carried to the eight realms of the Ten Thousand Realms and many servants appeared one after another. Now, kill it out.

   A shocking battle broke out in the wasteland.

   Almost at the same time, I learned that the six eternal inheritances outside the Tianxu of the Desolate Realm suppressed the mythical era of the supreme demon, all set off, each with the Primordial Kings entering the Desolate Realm, cooperating with Ye Chen's Chaos Supreme Body to take action.

  Because of the great ancient kings who have survived from the mythical era, all of them have survived from the mythical era, and they clearly understand the terrible Dao Xian Shi.

   The power of the eternal emperor, but the invincible existence that can challenge the supreme, is more hopeful to prove the eternal giant, the danger is very great, and it is much greater than a real supreme.

   Never let go.

   Primordial heaven, wasteland, and emperor-level wars broke out one after another, but they were all extremely terrifying.

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