Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3507: The truth

   I saw the infinite power of faith explode one after another, revealing the true face of the Lord of Tianxu.

   It seemed that he was a fairly ordinary man, not tall, but of medium build, with a few strands of white hair between his dark hair, just like a very ordinary middle-aged man, he caught a lot in the crowd.

   But there are wisps of brilliance flowing from the pores, and the clear air formed by the condensed rules of ten thousand ways contains all kinds of incredible magical effects.

   Such a middle-aged man is actually the legendary Lord of Tianxu.

   If it hadn't been seen by the reincarnation of the emperor with his own eyes, I'm afraid I would not believe this fact.

   Ran discovered that the depths of his eyes were as black as ink, not absolute depth, but also represented the infinite darkness emerging.

   The lord of the Tianxu ruins staggered, and the wisps of avenues on his body escaped, containing the terrifying power to destroy the heavens and all the ways, penetrate the heavens, and shocked the Primordial Heaven Realm.

   If it weren't for the heavens and the sun to block the powers in time, it would cause the Primordial Heaven Realm to be penetrated into many large caves, causing infinite creatures to be charred.

   Obviously, the battle in the Palace of Emperor Ji Lingxiao is as strong as the Lord of the Tianxu and is at a disadvantage, otherwise it would be so embarrassing.

   Quietly, the reincarnation of the emperor breathed a sigh of relief.

   Fortunately, otherwise he didn't know how to stop it.

   "The Emperor of Heaven!"

The Lord of the Tianxu roared, shaking the entire Primordial Heaven Realm, and the supreme power was rippling, constantly impacting the Emperor Lingxiao Palace, and it also made the Primordial Heaven Realm tremble with hundreds of millions of creatures, and almost exploded. Like.

  Who could have imagined that the master of the Tianxu, who dominates the contemporary heavenly realm, has such a terrifying strength. If he is supreme, it is simply unimaginable and unpredictable.

   The Emperor's Highest Peak Palace is always standing still as a mountain in the heavenly sun, even if the Supreme Force impacts.

   can only sigh, the emperor is powerful, and the supreme can't help it.

   "After all, it's just an afterimage from the past, this emperor doesn't believe how long it will last."

   The Lord of the Tianxu recovered his calm, the power of faith flooded his body again, and at this moment the land of the Tianxu exploded, and even more terrifying power of faith continued to soar into the sky and submerged into the main body of the Tianxu.

   The power of faith is almost endless, as if it contains an incredible amount of heaven and world.

   The power of faith collected in the ancient country of a hundred years is nothing more than that.

   "What a strong power of faith!"

   The reincarnation of the great emperor changed his color, so the power of belief is far beyond imagination, and even compared to the power of belief collected by the Emperor God I saw that year, it is not bad, and even more abundant and vast.

   He looked at the Lord of the Tianxu coldly, and said: "Sure enough, for countless years, the power of belief of the masters of the heavens has become yours. I am right, the Lord of the Tianxu!"

   Hearing this, the world is shaking!

   In all ages, generations of heavenly rulers, the ultimate power of faith is unknown, and even the battle of life and death, and there is no evidence of the power of faith by the heavenly rulers of the past. Is it really as the existence of this emperor said?

   However, many people believed it, and their faces were extremely ugly.

   The horror of the Lord of Tianxu is far more astonishing than imagined.

   The six eternal heritages also sank.

The Lord of Tianxu looked at the reincarnation of the great emperor, and said indifferently: "Fighting Saint King, you are indeed very smart. Yes, at this point, this emperor does not need to cover up, indeed, the power of faith for countless years is fully grasped. In the hands of the emperor, as for those people, it is only the meaning of the emperor to act as the master of the sky. The master of the ancient sky on the surface is nothing more than the puppet of the emperor, and the emperor continuously collects the ancient sky. The power of faith."

  The desolate land, the faces of the surviving five forbidden zone masters are ugly. After all, they are just like them, but they are just the puppets of the Lord of the Heavenly Ruins. The face is the master of the Heavenly Realm, but secretly they are controlled by others and used to gather the power of faith.

   It's just that looking at the Lord of the Tianxu, it is full of incomparable fear, and even the terror hidden in the deepest part of the eye.

   In this world, I am afraid that few people will understand the terrible of the Lord of the Ruins better than them.

   "No wonder they have never used the power of faith. They are just puppets."

   The great emperor reincarnated and said: "Yes, the price paid to cultivate these puppets is a lot, is it worth it?"

   He spoke deeply.

   Forbidden zone ruler, that is, the heavenly realm ruler of the past dynasties, everyone's ultimate achievement must also be the level of the seventh heaven king, that is, the super king.

Cultivating a Primordial King already requires infinite resources. In normal times, even in places of the upper realm such as the heavens and domains, it takes tens of thousands of years to cultivate one, let alone a super king with more than seven heavens. , The resources consumed are many times that of ordinary kings.

   Throughout the ages, there have been ten generations of heavenly rulers. Apart from the lord of Shecho Tianxu, there are nine people, that is, nine super kings.

   Among them, the master of Kunxu and the other are the eighth-layered peerless king, and the resources are even more terrifying.

   The cost of nurturing nine super kings in order to plunder the power of faith is unimaginable.

  He is very suspicious that the cause and effect here is by no means so simple, otherwise the strength of the Lord of the Ruins would have been able to dominate the Primordial Realm for a long time, so why train so many super kings.

There must be a deeper reason behind   .

   And it changes almost every other era, the reason is still unknown.

It seems that there is no need to conceal it when it comes to such fields. The Lord of Tianxu sneered: "Nature is worth it. Do you really think that the purpose of cultivating them is to make this emperor secretly harvest the power of faith so simple? Hehe, naturally not ."

   It is not only the reincarnation of the great emperor, but also the people of the world are quite puzzled. Why does the master of the Tianxu cultivate generations of heavenly masters in this way? What is the reason behind it?

"Training them is nothing more than part of this emperor's plan." The master of Tianxu said, "In the past eras, I cultivated their growth. One of the important purposes is to use their hands to instruct They are destroying the eternal heritage one by one."

   "Eternal inheritance is transformed by the mythical emperor of the Pangu universe. It is also the guardian of the Primordial Realm, and the guardian of the legacy of the emperor."

"Even though this emperor was very strong back then, but he has not yet reached the level where he can stand alone against the other 120,000 ancient inheritances. He can only endure and gain momentum, wait silently, and become the first person in the world with absolute strength. dominate."

   "Unfortunately, the master of the heavens could not be held indefinitely in those days. There were checks and balances in the great legacy of the ages and needed to be changed. One person could not be the master for more than one era."

"For this reason, at the same time as the ruler of the heavenly realm, this emperor was secretly searching for the heavenly arrogance. Even in the past years when the ten thousand realms and the eight realms were still connected, the young generation of the eight realms used the name of the young generation to seek hegemony to find suitable geniuses and cultivate them. Secretly expend infinite resources to assist them, so that they can grow up smoothly, and secretly teach the corresponding methods, so that they will eventually become primordial kings, and sweep the powers of all parties, and assume the next heavenly master."

   "So far, in the endless years, the emperor has searched for a total of nine people, and used unimaginable resources to train them, making them the masters of the nine generations of heaven."

"Of course, the destruction of other eternal inheritance in the past was also the instruction of this emperor. The purpose was to plunder the resources of eternal inheritance. After all, if you want to cultivate a master of heaven, the resources needed to be used are too large, and it is almost necessary to integrate a mythical emperor. The eternal heritage of the clan can only be cultivated."

   "Therefore, there were also the destruction of the six eternal inheritances later. In the final analysis, it was to reduce the power of the guardians of the Primordial Heaven Realm and to cultivate the master of the Heaven Realm."

   The Lord of the Tianxu slowly spoke, telling many of the truths of the past, which shocked the world and couldn't believe it.

   The rulers of the heavens in various past eras were not only the puppets of the lord of the sky ruins, but even the destruction of the six eternal heritages was also the instruction of the lord of the sky ruins.

  The ancient country of the desert, in the ancient palace of the desert, everyone in the desert emperor clan was extremely angry.

   All the acts of the Kunxu ruler in the past years were secretly instructed by the Tianxu ruler.

   The six eternal heritages are extremely angry, and each of the Primordial Kings emerges, glaring at the Lord of the Tianxu.

Although many thousands of years ago, I suspected that it might be due to the participation of the Tianxu. Because of the destruction of the eternal inheritance, the master of the Tianxu, as the number one power in the ancient and modern world, has never made a move. This is doubtful. Up.

   But no one dared to question.

   This is the reason for fear of the Lord of Tianxu.

   Similarly, there is deep regret.

Back then, it was precisely because of mutual suspicion that the eternal inheritance of the six mythical emperors in the past, including the Huangdi clan, was successively destroyed by the celestial masters of the past, and indirectly created more celestial masters. Become the puppet of the Lord of Tianxu.

   It's a pity that the Lord of Tianxu didn't care about all of this. In other words, he was a bit jealous back then, but now he doesn't need to.

  Emperor Shen Yuan shouted and asked: "Lord of the Tianxu, as a person in the heavens, why do you do this?"

   He didn't understand very much, and others didn't.

   The Lord of the Tianxu, as the guardian of the Primordial Heaven Realm, and even the ancient Tianting line, has a great origin. Why should he do this, or even why he should collude with foreign races, all of this is not in line with common sense.

   This is different from the concept of the myth of heaven, and it can even be said to be completely opposite.

   "Do you really think that the emperor is really a person of the ancient heavenly court?"

   At this moment, the Lord of the Tianxu and the reincarnation looked at each other, and in the deepest part of their eyes, a thrilling magic light emerged, almost seizing everything in the world, causing the latter to tremble: "You are a foreign race!"

   How can he not know that he has been fighting with foreign races for so long.

  The world also changes color.

   The contemporary master of heaven is actually an alien?

   Doesn't it mean that for endless years, the Primordial Heaven Realm, and even the entire Ten Thousand Realms Eight Realms, have been in the hands of foreign races.

   "No, strictly speaking, this emperor is not a foreigner."

   The Lord of Tianxu denied it, but he also said, "But he is not a person of Pangu universe."


With a soft sound, I saw the endless power of faith in the Lord of the Tianxu spread out, revealing the deity, like an ordinary middle-aged man, but the body is full of clouds, and it seems that there are one **** after another. It is like the ancient emperors of the heavens are sleeping, the emperors of the various parties are dormant, and the Supreme Immortal is sinking, which is very special.

   During a short gaze, the emperor's reincarnation sensed the supreme imprints in the main body of Tianxu, which were no less than the number of hands.

   is also good and evil, as if the emperors of the two ancient universes are gathered on the Lord of the Tianxu.

   This is a very special and mixed collection.

  Rao is Ye Chen's reincarnation with the help of the emperor, and for a while it is difficult to truly penetrate the body of the Lord of the Tianxu.

   But I guess the origin must be amazing.

The Lord of the Tianxu revealed his body, his ordinary face was facing each other, a pair of eyes looked so deep, and a smile was immediately raised: "Battle Saint King, since you can compete with this emperor to this point, you are a person worthy of appreciation. Today, the emperor is not afraid to tell you what the true origin of the emperor really is, it is actually a collection of the will of the emperors in the mythical era."

   The reincarnation of the great emperor was shocked. The Lord of the Tianxu was not a real creature, but a collection of the will of the emperors of the mythical era.

   No wonder it is so powerful, after all, it inherited the will of the mythical emperors.

   But he is also puzzled. The mythical emperors are all guarding the Pangu universe, how can they coexist with different races and secretly collude? Most of them have big problems.

   "Of course the doubt in your heart is also very clear to the emperor, because this is only a part, and the other part is formed by the will of the emperors of different races, occupying the other half of the emperor, or even more."

  He came slowly, without hiding anything, telling the truth.

   Soon, the emperor's reincarnation understood his return.

Many years ago, he had entered other eternal inheritance successively. With his identity as the ruler of another heaven at that time, and the peerless cultivation base that overwhelming everything, the several eternal inheritances were naturally responsive, and Ye Chen had understood. Many major events in prehistoric times have also known many secrets.

   Regarding the origin of the Lord of the Tianxu, other eternal heritages obviously don't know, but there are related records.

   The myth is shattered. The mythical emperors have paid a huge price and have also killed many foreign emperors and ancient emperors.

   In order to avoid the devilish energy of the emperor skeleton from polluting the ancient universe, the mythical emperors suppressed all the alien emperor skeletons, leaving behind the corresponding follow-up.

   Now that I think about it, the Lord of the Tianxu is mostly the descendants left by the mythical emperors, formed by the will of the emperors, so innately possesses supreme power.

   I'm afraid that when he had existed in the Primordial Heaven Realm long ago, he had possessed a cultivation base that was comparable to that of an emperor.

   However, the emperor is not absolutely invincible, the other 120,000 ancient heritages of the year were all transformed by the mythical emperor, and they controlled the supreme emperor.

   The twelve mythical emperors master the supreme imperial soldiers, which are as strong as the emperor, and they cannot compete with so many supreme imperial soldiers.

   What's more, in the past, the Emperor of Heaven did not seem to leave any Supreme Emperor soldiers to the Tianxu.

   Otherwise, the Lord of the Heavenly Ruins must have control of the Heavenly Emperor's soldiers, so there must be no such fear.

   The lord of the Tianxu in the past years lent the masters of the heavens to deal with the supreme emperor's soldiers, which seemed to be something else.

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