Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3523: who are you?

   "Hey, it's not using supernatural power, but just swinging the sword at will, but it contains the power of Tao and twists the void. It seems that this woman has a deep understanding of Tao, and this talent is also extraordinary."

   Ye Chen was slightly surprised.

   Twisting the void with the power of Tao, the world is so big that there are countless people who can do it, but the important thing is the age of this woman.

Although monasticism can make people stay youthful, it can be seen that this woman is definitely very young. She may not have more than a hundred years of monasticism, but she can wield the sword to contain the power of Tao, and it is also the distortion of the super-world such as the ancient world. Void is definitely not simple, and talent is not weak in the world.

At this moment, the purple-clothed woman is immersed in her mind, waving the Qiu Shui divine sword, one sword after another, as if she is performing the sword in her heart, and every sword is swiped, driving the trembling of the void. Qi machine is flying around.

   Later, the swordsmanship was swung faster and faster, gradually turning into a storm, within a radius of a thousand meters, there were all the sword lights shrouded, and the space was completely distorted.

  The rest of the people have retreated far away to avoid being hurt by the sword.

   It is foreseeable that this is just a deduction of swordsmanship, without the slightest blessing of supernatural power, otherwise the power will increase countless times.

   "Senior Sister Ziqiong is so powerful, she used her sword to control the power of the Tao and reached such a realm."

   "Indeed, this is still the power of simple Tao. If it is combined with one's own power, it will be many times stronger."

   "Such swordsmanship can be described as transcendent and holy, I am afraid it will be close to the level of the heavenly king."

   "Senior Sister Ziqiong deserves to be one of the strongest in my Kuzhou College. With such a strength, she can not only ask about the top ten, but she is even qualified to hit the top five."

   "Nonsense, it is inevitable that Senior Sister Ziqiong will be in the top ten. It was the peak of the holy Tibet five years ago. As long as you take that step, you can enter the cycle of reincarnation and hit the king of heaven."

   "It's a pity, Senior Sister Zi Qiong was born beautifully and she has a superb cultivation base. I wonder how many people are qualified to be her Taoist companions?"

   "Only those in the top five in the academy, especially Brother Zhang, must be the most qualified, and I heard that Senior Sister Zi Qiong seems to like Brother Zhang the most."

"Brother Zhang? He does have this qualification, but Senior Brother Zhang is no longer a figure we can reach. He has gone too far, surpassing all the talents in the history of Kuzhou College, but he can match the peerless emperor of the Huang Emperor. Tianjiao is listed as the figure of the twin stars in the ancient country of desert."


   On the martial arts venue, many students from Kuzhou College were talking about it, and they were all amazed at Senior Sister Zi Qiong on the high platform.

   However, when it comes to Brother Zhang who said to another person, some are not surprised, but look up deeply.

   He was the first young generation of Kuzhou College and the strongest student in ancient and modern times. His achievements were extraordinary. He also led the entire Kuzhou College to go one step further and became one of the top talents in the training academy in the ancient country.

As everyone in the audience was talking about it, the woman named Zi Qiong on the stage had already woke up, opened her beautiful eyes, gave a soft drink, waved her jade hand, and the Qiushui Divine Sword was placed in the scabbard, and the sky full of swords suddenly disappeared. , The noble and graceful figure reappeared.

   Seeing that the women's swordsmanship was finished, there was a burst of applause from the audience, and many of the voices were flattering. Obviously, I saw it to please this Senior Sister Zi Qiong.

   In response, Zi Qiong's face didn't change her color. Obviously, she had been used to this kind of sympathy a long time ago, but she didn't show any color.

   Her goal is not to get the flattery of these people, but to become stronger, and even hope that one day she can catch up with that person, stand shoulder to shoulder, surpass the world, and climb the peak of the avenue.


   At this moment, Ye Chen glanced at the Qiu Shui Divine Sword that Zi Qiong had recovered, and could not help but shook his head slightly, and said softly, revealing some regrets.

  In an instant, the whole martial arts venue went quiet, and the needle drop could be heard.

   Ye Chen felt everyone cast their gazes on him with a shuddering sound, and everyone was watching.

Harao felt the fall of many eyes, especially the cold gaze on the stage. Ye Chen didn't even feel embarrassed at all. He smiled and said, "Although your swordsmanship is quite exquisite, it is very good for Dao. I’m still not very proficient in the control. If you continue to perform this for a long time, your swordsmanship will be higher, more natural, and more powerful."

   Seeing that Ye Chen spoke unceremoniously to Senior Sister Zi Qiong in a teaching tone, everyone was stunned and angry.

You must know that Zi Qiong is a super power in the entire Kuzhou College ranked enough to rank in the top ten. With this ranking, with the current status of the Kuzhou College, even if you look at the young generation in the ancient country, it can be regarded as one of the best. .

   It can be said that Zi Qiong’s perception of Dao is that some powerful people in the reincarnation realm dare not say such guidance. Only the king is qualified to guide.

   This seemingly young and unfamiliar youth, but to speak in such a way, obviously makes people feel arrogant.

   Zi Qiong was slightly startled. Although Ye Chen's remark seemed to be quite reasonable and he had broken through his own shortcomings, it would be fine if some veteran super powers opened their mouths and could accept them with an open mind.

The young man in front of him who seemed to be so distinct from his own, spoke like this. He is also a famous super genius in Kuzhou College. Therefore, there is a special kind of grudge and rejection in the faint, so the look is slightly different under the beautiful face. Good-looking, said: "Who are you?"

   Feeling the deathly hostility of the other party, Ye Chen smiled calmly: "It's nothing more than the nameless. Of course, if you think I'm wrong ~ you can be the wind in your ears, don't worry about it.

   Hearing this, Zi Qiong was dazed, her pretty face looked a little unsightly.

  In all aspects, in Kuzhou College, countless students have a goddess-like existence in the minds of countless students. They admire it, so you can only look far away and not play it.

   For a long time, no matter who it is, she is kind to her, lest she makes her look unsightly.

   Even the elders who have important responsibilities in the academy are like baby bumps to her, and they have never been indifferent.

   But the handsome and mysterious young man in front of him seemed to completely ignore his beautiful face, temperament and extraordinary cultivation, as if he was looking at an ordinary person, and he couldn't help but feel an inexplicable depression in his heart.

Zi Qiong Yinfang bit her red lip, looked up with her bright eyes, and said: "This is the inner courtyard, and extraordinary students can step into this place. Besides, many students in the inner courtyard, I only need to meet one side of it. I will never forget, but I have no impression of you. Who are you?"

   At this time, other people on Yanwu Square also looked at Ye Chen, apparently also feeling that he was very face-to-face, and there was not much impression in his memory.

   But there is always a sense of deja vu.

   Ye Chen smiled, but was not ready to answer. This time he came, but he entered Kuzhou College by accident. He has other important things, so he is not afraid to ask further.


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