Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3527: Rudi Linchen (2 in 1)

Expelled! "

With a soft drink, Ye Chen's eyes narrowed slightly.


An unspeakable and unimaginable force has emerged, which is more vast and intangible than the power of the Primordial King.

Say what you say!

Ye Chen's Heavenly Realm dominance power was even much stronger than the utterance method of the Lord of the Tianxu at the time. It was equivalent to the supreme opening and utterance method.

Chi Chi Chi Chi——

In Yaya's eyebrows, the strands of the emperor's curse power wrapped around the emperor's heavenly soul are being deprived.

Originally, the power of the emperor’s curse was closely integrated with Ya Ya’s emperor’s heavenly soul, but in the face of Ye Chen’s power of the heavenly realm master’s words and powers, there was no resistance, but such deprivation also involved Ya Ya's soul body made her face pale, her silver teeth biting tightly, resisting the pain of being stripped off.

Finally, in a short period of time, all the power of the Emperor's curse was completely deprived of it.

On Ye Chen's palm, a crystal ball appeared, and the power of the emperor's curse sealed it.

A ray of sun light submerged into King Ya Ya’s heavenly soul, resolving the pain of peeling off, Ya Ya’s face finally eased a lot, and looked at her father with surprise and joy, and said: "Dad, are you already--"

How could Ye Chen shook his head to know the thoughts in this little guy's heart, but there was still a considerable distance from the Supreme, how could it be said that a hundred years of retreat could be easily entered.

"It's getting late, let's go, now I have to rush to the battlefield, this time I also want to know what the guts of the alien race dare to come to the lower realm again, and dare to hurt my daughter in this way."

Hold Yaya and cut the void.

Silently, the two left the side hall.



The Sixth Realm of the Eight Realms of Ten Thousand Realms, like the Wasteland, is the territory of countless worlds, but is completely occupied by alien races.

Hundreds of millions of magic lights flooded the land of the universe.

In the distance, in the uncultivated land of the Eternal Realm, there is a majestic and unclimbable rule heaven standing upright, completely isolating the entire Eternal Realm, making it impossible for foreign races to travel to the other seven realms.

When the rule is closed, the goddess, Yiwu, Qianxun, Hunyue Emperor and other heavenly powers stand on it with solemn expressions.

Because not far away, the foreign army gathered completely, and this time it was never evacuated.

Especially in the front, there are three emperors standing, like the immortal Primordial Moyue standing on the ground, the magical power is overwhelming, capable of breaking the universe, each holding the supreme emperor's soldiers, one holding the most terrifying emperor level Taboo ancient soldiers.

Behind him, an endless army of alien races was densely packed, just like the frontier gate outside the Tenth Imperial Pass.

The armies of the two sides gathered, and the real battle had already begun.

Below, the endless fighting sound soared.

The endless alien army rushed into the rule sky madly, and the infinite destruction of supernatural powers fell on the rule sky like raindrops.

There are many more ancient kings, showing the cosmic hegemon's ability to reach the sky, with one thought to reach the sky, with the supreme king's heavenly power, forcibly summoning a azimuth world, turning into a meteor shower, constantly hitting the regular sky.

These plane worlds have long been contaminated by foreign races in the past fifty years. Hundreds of millions of creatures have fallen into monsters. Now the plane world hits the regular sky pass, causing the entire regular sky pass to tremble violently.

The magic of darkness was exploding, corroding the rule of heaven, making the rule of heaven gradually weak.

In the sky, there are many powers in the kingdom of heaven, at least it is a powerful state, and there are many strong ones. Faced with the alien race below, they constantly block and destroy the world on one side, making it impossible to hit the regular sky with the greatest power.

Although he hated the brutal methods of foreign races and used the plane world to smash billions of creatures into the rules of heaven, but now, he also understands that he cannot be merciful.

What's more, the creatures in these planes have long been polluted and degenerated, and they can no longer be simply regarded as beings in the Pangu universe.

The horrible explosion is endless.

Obviously, the defense of the regular Tianguan is far better than the foreign race's expectation, and even to a certain extent, it is more solid and immortal than when Ye Chen knocked the pass.

"The rule of the sky is the evolution of the power of the heavens and the sun, combined with the power of belief, it is extremely stable, even the emperor can hardly break it, unless the emperor holds the supreme emperor's soldier to personally shoot.

When the rule sky was closed, the goddess lightly opened her red lips, and the beautiful eyes of the autumn-cutting water showed rippling colors, telling the truth.

Containing the power of heaven and sun, as well as the power of infinite belief, it is smelted, so strong and immortal, powerful such as emperors, and such a worldly figure, it can't be broken in a short time.

This is why the aliens can be sealed off in the territory of the universe for half a century.

But it also took a long time. It just so happened that the alien race had the emperor and the supreme emperor.

as expected--

At this time, the three major alien emperors also began to attack, and they held the most terrifying attack by the Supreme Emperor.

The boundless rule Tianguan trembles violently, almost exploding in the first place.


Emperor Hun Yue stomped his feet to stabilize the rule of heaven.

At the same time, he stood up, holding the Supreme Emperor's Soldier, greeted one of them, and said: "Huang Lan, I will be your opponent!"

In addition, the masters of the five restricted areas jointly manipulated a supreme imperial soldier and barely delayed the residence of an alien emperor.

Subsequently, the goddess and others, as the masters of the kingdom of heaven, and with Ye Chen's permission, were able to control the power of faith for endless years, but they could not use all of them like Ye Chen did, but they were enough to control a supreme imperial soldier. Delayed the last alien emperor.

However, in this way, a lot of power was also diminished, making it difficult to guard the rule of heaven.

But for them, the situation is always bad.

The emperor is too strong, surpassing the primordial emperor, and above another level, with the word "di", which is enough to explain a lot, but is an invincible existence under the supreme.

Even if the kingdom of heaven gathers the powers of the ten thousand realms and eight realms, with the help of the certain power of the heavens and the sun to evolve the rules of the heavens, it is only barely confining the universe and guarding it, but for a long time, they know that they will be unable to guard it.

The emperor is scary enough, let alone three emperors who hold the Supreme Imperial Soldier or the Great Emperor-level Taboo Ancient Soldier.

The goddess and others also felt that within a short period of time, the rules of heaven will inevitably be shattered, and the eight realms of the ten thousand realms will be extremely troublesome.

The only fortunate thing is that the Primordial Heaven Realm can be retreated, can sense the aura of the alien race, and resist all alien races.

They firmly believed that even if the three foreign monarchs held the Supreme Imperial Soldier or the Taboo Ancient Soldier, they could not invade the Primordial Heaven Realm, and the Heavenly Dao Sun would inevitably expel them.

The eruption of the war, the power of collisions, unimaginable, made the rules of the sky tremble violently.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

At this time, the five restricted areas dominated the figure flying upside down, exploding a little bit of body one by one, suffering severe injuries.

The moments between each other are too huge, even if they hold the supreme emperor soldiers and join hands, they are still not true emperor opponents.

"not good!"

The heavenly powers changed color.

The Emperor Hunyue, the goddess, etc. all wanted to stop them, but they were all restrained by their respective emperors, unable to take care of them.

"I really thought that the rules of the sky would shut me down? It's really ridiculous."

An alien emperor was cold, holding the Supreme Emperor Soldier, and recovered to a very high degree. It could almost wait for the Emperor Ruogu’s hand to hold the Emperor Soldier to recover perfectly, blooming billions of Supreme Emperor Soldiers, and hitting the rules fiercely. The sky is closed.


With a loud noise, the rules of the sky were unbearable, and a huge cave was pierced by the ground.

The terrifying force of the Supreme Emperor's impact overlapped, and even turned into an incomparable storm of destruction, sweeping Liuhe and Bahuang.

In the sky, countless strong guards were wiped out with ashes, with heavy casualties.

Even Chihiro was affected by the aftermath, as strong as the fighting king, coughed up blood, almost exploded.

"Hahaha-, the rules of the sky have been broken down, we will see who can stop today? All of you are going to die!"

The alien emperor roared up to the sky, roaring the 33rd heaven.

In the Great Cavern of Rule Tianguan, he forcibly entered, even if it was blocked by the rules of the Primordial Heaven Realm, he was still half of them in the blink of an eye.

The infinite power of the emperor, the tremors ruled the sky, and it was unstoppable, impacting the Primordial Realm, and hundreds of millions of creatures were frightened.

The people of the world hurriedly bowed their heads to the direction of the heaven and the sun, chanting the name of the ruler of the heaven in their hearts, hoping that the ruler of the heaven could be born to save the common people at this last moment.

"Fighting Saint King? Do you dare to recite his name? He dared to appear today, this emperor just destroyed him!"

The alien emperor is arrogant, sweeping the outside world with power, shaking the sky full of stars, as if the devil's emperor is overwhelming.

The Supreme Imperial Soldier in his hand has evolved more than hundreds of millions of miles, covering the borderless territory, and crashing down to destroy the hundreds of millions of living creatures in the Taikootian territory.

Just as the last days come, darkness will come forever!


Everyone must be desperate, and an unused emperor, even holding a supreme emperor soldier, is so terrifying that it is simply unimaginable.

Although the Heavenly Dao Sun is strong now, without Ye Chen's control, he can only defend passively, unable to compete against foreign emperors. If this continues, the Primordial Heaven Realm will inevitably suffer heavy casualties.

"Oh, can you really kill me?"

Suddenly, a majestic voice sounded out of thin air.

At the same time, there was a huge and supreme mighty force pouring out like an ocean, hitting the alien emperor severely.


Even if an alien emperor holds the supreme emperor soldier in his hand, he is still bombarded with his figure flying horizontally, pours into the land of the universe, shattering how many planes of the world along the way, and even half of the emperor’s body exploded, blood staining the universe.

The world is silent!

Looking up, a stalwart and perfect figure appeared, standing in the 33rd heaven.

The endless brilliance poured down, flooding the heavens, strengthening the regular heaven, and repairing the caves before them in an instant.

The power of the stalwart completely suppressed the devilish energy of the endless army of alien races, as if the ancient emperor was in the dust, sweeping the six and eight wastes, unmatched.

It was Ye Chen!

He was condescending, looking down, and said majesticly: "Foreign race, really courageous. After the last time he came and was extinct, he dared to come again. Do you really think that you can't kill you alien races after the emperor is gone?"


The goddess and others were extremely surprised, not who Ye Chen was.


"Battle Saint King!"

When the rules are closed, the world is pleasantly surprised.

The Primordial Heaven Realm, and even other places in the Eight Realms of Ten Thousand Realms, are all pleasant surprises.

The Lord of Heaven is coming, and the alien crisis will be completely resolved.

"Sorry, I made you work hard."

Ye Chen's soft voice, no longer so majestic, a soft light swept toward everyone, instantly letting everyone recover from their injuries, at least the superficial injuries were eliminated.

Such a method can be called a miracle.

"Battle Saint King!"

In the cosmic realm, the various powers of the foreign races tightened their pupils one by one. Obviously, they did not expect that this damned fighting king would appear again at the critical moment.

Moreover, looking at the vast power that is constantly released from him, it is obviously superior to the emperor, no less than the real supreme emperor.

"He became an emperor?"

Even the three great emperors couldn't believe it, only two or three hundred years had passed. This fighting saint king seemed to have obtained infinite opportunities, and suddenly reached such a realm.

Supreme, that is the supreme realm that they all need to look up to, and even pursue their life.

Regardless of whether they are emperors, but in their entire lives, in the end, only two or thirty percent hopes to become supreme.

Don't think that there is a lot of hope for 20-30%. It is just a normal period and when it is necessary to achieve sufficient accumulation, there is only 20-30% hope to prove Dao becoming emperor.

But in many cases, the emperor may not be able to achieve sufficient accumulation. Once the Shouyuan starts to end, the body and spirit are exhausted, their strength plummets, and it is much more difficult to overcome the catastrophe.

At that time, they often had no alternative but to promote without accumulating enough.

So, really speaking, if the emperor wants to truly prove Dao and become an emperor, he will finally have a 10% chance.

Now, a descendant who only became a king hundreds of years ago, the cultivation of Taoism has been full of thousands of years, and only two or three hundred years have passed. They have reached such a supremacy. How can they not be allowed to do it? Envy and jealousy.

"Emperor, the supreme realm is not the supreme, but the ants in the end."

The strong on both sides have to sigh, especially the aliens, which are full of incomparable jealousy.

It’s hard to get to this point, and it’s about to enter the realm of the Primordial Sky. I didn’t expect that the Fighting Saint King appeared at this time, and he appeared as a supreme. But so, swept away.

"No, he is not a true supreme, he is not a great emperor. Although he is very powerful and equal to the emperor realm, he is essentially different."

An emperor quickly denied it. After all, he was an emperor with keen perception and insight into the truth.

Knowing that Ye Chenfei is the real supreme, but he has mastered the power of a great emperor no less than the supreme.

"It turns out that this kind of power is no less than the ancient emperor, and there is no corresponding supreme emperor's rule, similar to the power of the world, it should be the original power of that ancient heaven."

Another emperor frowned, also aware of the essence of this stock.

"The Primordial Realm, rumored to have fallen from a huge remnant of the Primordial God Realm in the past, comparable to one-tenth the size of the heavens and ten thousand realms, and much larger than the Primordial Chaos World. Supreme."

The third supreme also agrees with At the same time, he also has a strong eye.

Once you have mastered the origin of such a Primordial Heaven Realm, if you are not a supreme, you can wait for an alternative supreme, possessing the world-famous combat power of the peak duel supreme.

They are all emperors, and there is not much attraction to them in the world, but they hope to go further and become the supreme immortal for years.

Similarly, supreme power is what they desire.

Obviously, this Primordial Heaven Realm is the supreme treasure that makes them feel hot.

Feeling the scorching eyes of the three, Ye Chen smiled slightly, and muttered to himself softly: "Foreign race, are you thinking about the power of the Primordial Heaven Realm I have mastered?"

"Alright, since you like it so much, I will give it to you."

With a loud laugh, Ye Chen took the initiative to step forward.

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