Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3536: The final battle begins

The alien emperor was killed by surprise, and the divine body exploded, the emperor's soul was also torn apart, and he suffered a real heavy blow.

Being able to survive is also because the emperor himself is strong enough and his vitality is also unimaginable, otherwise the tenth heaven king who is replaced by the Buddha clan will undoubtedly die.

"Holy King Lord?"

The powers of the foreign races changed their colors, but they didn't find that the famous Saint King was hiding in the body of the fighting saint king.

However, what made them very puzzled was how the Holy Monarch ruled hidden, even if it was hidden in the body of the fighting holy king, it was impossible. The emperor was too powerful, and that aura would be noticed for the first time.

Soon, they thought of an almost impossible idea: "Impossible!"

The thought was so shocking, they couldn't believe it.

"You guessed it right, I am the Holy Sovereign!"

At this point, Ye Chen no longer hides it, revealing the identity of the reincarnation of the emperor, and holding two supreme emperor soldiers, like an ancient emperor, sweeping all the flesh-and-blood supernatural powers of the exploded alien emperor. So, the suppression was in the Emperor Star, and he turned and left.

The whole world is shocked, but the fighting holy kings are actually the holy kings?

The emperor who controls the two supreme imperial soldiers exists?

"Battle Saint King, stay for this emperor!"

In the depths of the foreign land, one after another emperor rushed out, the magical power was overwhelming, and the emperor was on the front line, and was born, intercepted, in order not to escape the fighting king.


Ye Chen let out a roar, the deity merged into the emperor's reincarnation body. At this point, he was able to flexibly use the supreme mighty power in the emperor's reincarnation body. Hundreds of millions of miles of superstars hit the alien emperor.

Facing the resurrected Emperor Star, the alien emperor did not dare to intercept and retreat.

At the same time, the reincarnation of the great emperor was shocking, and the Buddha Emperor Ge traversed the world and cut all the alien kings in this territory in half, including the two most powerful kings of the Nine Heavens and the Ten Heavens. The same is true.

Facing the power of the emperor, using the supreme emperor soldiers, there is no resistance at all.

"Launch the final battle!"

At this moment, the alien emperor in the deepest part of the alien land couldn't bear it anymore and directly launched the final battle.

Boom boom boom boom boom

The entire foreign land was shaking violently, and the boundless magic light was overwhelming and turbulent.

At the deepest point, four emperor shadows emerged, which was countless times more terrifying than the emperor's figure. In the blink of an eye, they crossed the endless sky and arrived quickly.

It was the first time that the entire foreign land was blocked to prevent Ye Chen from leaving.

"Battle Saint King, you have given me too many surprises, but the more so, the more you will die!"

An alien great emperor snorted coldly. With the words of the great emperor, the heavens and all paths collapsed, and the incomparable supreme emperor's prestige also fell on Ye Chen at an infinite distance, and the great emperor's reincarnation was also under great pressure.

During the period, four foreign emperors came out together, all of them straddling the sky, killing them with great prestige.

Today, no matter **** the fighting king, he must not let him live.

Moreover, the Pangu universe must be exterminated!

Boom boom boom boom boom

In the depths of the foreign land, many foreign powers appeared one after another, following the foreign emperor's march, rushing to the immortal pass in mighty force.

"Is the alien race finally going to have the final battle? That's fine, it's all solved today!"

When the immortal heaven is closed, the unphased king appears, the supreme and the world, the boundless golden light blooms, and rushes to the foreign land.

By his side, the Emperor of the Beginning of the Beginning showed the eternal emperor's power, which can be called the emperor of the ancients, powerful and unparalleled.

Other emperors and primordial kings appeared one after another. This time, instead of letting the alien army kill them, they took the initiative to kill them.

Since the alien race was going to fight the final battle, Pangu Palace took the initiative to sweep the alien race.

This day is the day of end!

At this time, the ancient emperors of the two camps all appeared.

Alien, four ancient emperors, one is the Great Perfection, and the three are the emperors who came out of the prison of heaven. Their vitality has been severely injured and has not been fully recovered yet, but in terms of combat power, they can be called the supreme emperor. level.

On the side of the Pangu Palace, the unphased emperor stood shoulder to shoulder with the great emperor, assisted by the emperor in the early days.

"Humans, two supreme singularities, how can we be the army of the ancient universe in our world!"

The four ancient great emperors of the foreign race are overwhelmingly powerful, vast and numerous, across the starry sky, they are full of immeasurable emperors who surpass the emperor in their gestures, turning into an extremely terrible storm, and rushing into the Pangu Palace. Two supreme.

"Oh, isn't it, what if I add this emperor?"

At the critical moment, the Great Emperor Profound God also appeared, raising his hand and directly tore apart the opponent's storm, his body's great emperor-level aura swept across the vast sky, the mighty heavens and tens of thousands of domains, making the foreign side directly change color.

"Dzogchen Supreme? The Profound God Dao's injuries have disappeared, and have you returned to the peak state?"

This had to change the color of the alien side, and an ancient emperor of the peak realm could definitely deal with two eternal emperor level powerhouses at the same time.

In this way, the alien side does not have much advantage.

"How could it be possible that the great emperor Profound God’s injury in the past was imposed by the emperor of the ancient universe of our world himself, even the emperor of humanity would not help him to recover, unless the strongest emperor and other eternal giants personally took action. Where did the eternal giants come from, otherwise I would have been extinct long ago."

The emperor of the foreign race frowned, not knowing why the Emperor Profound God was suddenly injured, and looking at his energy and spirit, he was perfect and flawless. It was not forcibly promoted, otherwise there would be flaws. It was not difficult for the emperor to see.

Obviously, Emperor Profound God has truly returned to the peak state.

The Emperor Profound God descended to a foreign land, the great emperor's aura is powerful, and it is the origin of the Pangu universe, expelling the dark monsters and evil spirits of the foreign land, and stepped forward to collide with the two foreign emperors in Chang Xiao laughed : "Hahaha, foreign race, today this emperor will see how you dare to be arrogant again."

The emperor-level methods were exhaustive, and the two alien emperors were circled, and they were unable to deal with other Pangu Palace powerhouses.

The other two alien great emperors were also targeted by my Wuxiang Emperor and Taichu Emperor.

The supreme-level war broke out, but it formed a domain on its own, and it faintly entered the legendary supreme domain.

Under the supreme, countless powerhouses on both sides violently collided together, and many emperors and primordial kings were the first to fight together.

"Foreign race, today is also the day to exterminate you!"

Ye Chen laughed, but he was full of infinite coldness.

Silently, the deity separated from the reincarnation body of the emperor, and walked out of the chaos supreme body and the chaos king's spirit.

After many years, the deity and the strongest Dao body once again joined forces.

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